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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • My post got triggered. Grr. I didn't even say anything. And Hungry, yay prom!!

    I went to prom, I loved it. I had so much funn. Dancing is like, bawmb when you have all your friends and people with you. Cowboy theme... ehh. Our seniors had 'Tonight's dream, tomorrow's memory' as their theme. It was a bit lame, and the place was a bit tiny for it. I walked, I was like ahhh ahhh haa!. But it is funny because here, in AmSam, the parents and aunties and uncles all go to the prom, too. They like to watch their kids. It's a bit odd. My mom was off island for the prom, so she didnt get to see me for my first prom.

    Man, our year books haven't even come out yet. Our school is like 110% lame. :/ Seriousssso.

    Well, yeah, I'll be back to bed and hope my post gets cleared. Cannot think of what I said to trigger it. Piiiish.

    Love and be loved


    • Hiya! Thanks to anyone who did what I asked in my last post. It worked because she came to school and then the concert at night and we totally rocked! We were all crying at the end though, because it is the end of our middle school concerts. SO SAD!! and our PARTS teacher is retiring at the end of this year, and we all love her, even if we don't have her as a teacher. Ms. B, the AMAZING BAND TEACHER and Ms. Cole have shared a room for over twenty years, and now she's leaving. That just made us all cry harder.

      On a semi happier note, te band room got new carpets!! We were supposed to get them two weeks ago, and the all of us band kids had to move ALL the equipment out. You have no idea how hard it is to disassemble two drum sets, and put them and about a hundred chairs on top of our band lockers, which are about ten feet tall anyway. And then they didn't come! The carpet hadn't come to the store yet, and they didn't bother to tell us until after the day they were supposed to come. Wow, we made a lot of frantic phone calls. But, anyway, they are a nice shade of dark purple/blue, as opposed to the ratty gray one of previous.

      So, does anyone else have major anxiety over the end of the school year? Homework, teachers, eh, I won't bore you.

      There is really nothing much going on in my life now, its pretty boring. I mean, there are tons of things I have to do everyday, but they're routine and well, just boring.

      tori: my school is just as lame. We don't usually get our yearbooks till the last week of school, which this year has only two days. How are we supposed to get signatures!?!?

      Garrett: I'm gonna go check out that website. Sounds cool. Thanx for your concern about Enu. We appreciate it.

      Heads Up: If any of you guys live in Philadelphia, watch out. My school (well, the eighth graders) are taking two trips next week. Philadelphia on Wed. and Great Wolf Lodge on Thurs. I'd stay off the streets for those two days, we can be pretty obnoxious.

      So, I gotta go now and try to figure ot my ZUNE. My computer is not synching iit. UGH! I can figure out any technology but my own. is really cool.Just a bunch of random facts, but still funny. Check it out.
      TOOTLES!! DAI'!
      ~We're the kinda friends that kill each other for a handful of Doritos and in the end we don't say sorry we say Haha! Too bad!!~. Errors have been made. Others will be blamed.


      • I think that this is the one topic with the most posts. I originally was going to read all of the posts, but it is impossible, seeing as i have less than ten minutes to stay on the computer. So, umm, i guess i should say something random.

        CHEESE WITH ICE CREAM RASPBERRY TARTS IN A TREE FULL OF GREEN AND PINK SHEETS OF PAPER! Oops, I guess I am going insane. I should go get my book before it catches fire. Just kidding! But i do think I'm insane.....after all that watermelon and straightjackets. Yes, I know that the random sentence was bad grammar. Oh, well.


          Gwendi, can I quote you at that sentence? That's just the type of randomness me and my other friends live off of!

          I got Eclipse!! I'm happy. *is obsessed with the Twilight Saga*

          It was weird. Me and my other friend (Liz) were talking about Twilight books at church today, when the youth group's intern heard our conversation, and became our instant best friend.

          I said "I haven't read the third book yet!" and it only took her less than a second to yell, "One moment, I have it on my desk!!" before grabbing her copy, shoving it into my hands eagerly, and saying I could have it until I finish it (which I'll probably have it finished by late tomorrow).

          Then Liz glared fiercly at a guy in our bible class, and frowned disgustedly as he smiled at her. She looked away.

          "What was that? And who is that?" I asked her.

          "Stupid werewolf..." she muttered.


          "Umm...that's Jacob. Remember? I believe he follows in the path of his namesake..." She glared at him again.

          I completely cracked up laughing. I only then remembered that she's been going on about this for weeks.

 just gets weirder.

          And then when another guy in the bible class said what he meant to be random, but was actually something Jacob in the book had said, Liz squeaked, and said, "WEREWOLF!"

          So all this morning was her yelling, "THEY'RE WEREWOLVES! AND MY BOYFRIEND IS A VAMPIRE! AHH!"

          But perhaps that goes in the Twilight topic...I'll move it, if anyone suggests.

          Gotta go read Eclipse!

          Dai Stihó
          Dif-tor heh smusma.


          • Hungry: Does your school actually hold and after prom party??? I can't believe you guys had a chocolate fountain!! I'm so jealous.

            Tori: Happy Birthday!! Hope your summer is going to be really fun!!

            kk: Don't worry I'm obsessed with Twilight. I had to watch the MTV Movie Awards Preshow to watch that movie clip. That little conversation you had at your Church group is hilarious!!! I wish I was there.

            So my prom was last night. It was really nice. I felt like a princess all day when I was getting ready. It was so much fun!! I loved everyone's dresses there. They were all so pretty. I had so much fun. The dance floor was a little small but it was still pretty neat. I had a fun time trying to do the Cotton Eye Joe in heels and my gown. That was interesting. I ended up kicking off my heels at my date and continued to dance. Haha. It was really neat. I had Shirley Temples there too!! My friends and my date all went outside and danced, we could still hear the music. It was really sweet cuz there was no one around. Until the chaperone found us and said we wouldn't be able to get back in... but he escorted us in anyway!! Haha.

            It's so hard to type with acryllic nails. Haha.

            I've gotten so many pictures in my photo album from prom. It's so funny. I posted tons on to my Facebook this morning after I got home from my bf's house. Yes, my friend and her bf and me all slept over at my bf's house last night after prom. But we slept in different rooms. Me and my friend were in one room and they were in another. It was pretty interesting. Haha.

            I'm going to be like a squeaky girl, I got my first kiss last night at prom!! It was really sweet. That's all I'm going to say about that.

            Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
            Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
            It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
            Check out my video: LET GO


            • So, nobody had a guess as to why May 24th was a cause of mild excitement for me. Any final guesses? I'll say it at the end of this post.

              Emi, I love the Cotton Eye Joe! I learned it a little over a year ago, in seventh grade, and my Social Studies class did it in front of the whole school. Now that I think about it, I'm surprised that I wasn't afraid of being embarrassed, because nowadays I would be.... Of course, now I'm like, the most antisocial person in my grade....

              The other day, I went looking for a good sound track of the Cotton Eye Joe on Rhapsody, and I listened to one that sounds very close to the one we danced to last year.

              Let's see, more randomness.... My computer appears to be stable, after being sent to and back HP twice for the same problem. I just have to put in Windows Vista Service Pack 1 and hope that all heck doesn't break loose so soon after I got the computer back....

              So anyway, May 24th was the one year anniversary of my registering here, on May 24, 2007. Pretty interesting.... It sure does feel like it's been that long to me. Naturally, one year and a few days is quite short compared to the times of other members here.... What's interesting is that at another forum I'm at, it's not even a year old, and I registered when it was only five months old, and it's cool watching it grow.... What must have been REALLY neat was watching this site grow... between all of the changes it's undergone and the different members coming and going....

              Well, dai everyone. Have a good week.
              "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


              • Today was crahyzee-go-nuts!

                That's a good thing.

                We had a class trip to this amusement park. It was tres excellante! Lots of chlorine and very, very steep rollercoasters, and all sorts of amusing things like that. And it was green, everywhere (it's sort of in a random place, where there's a lot of farmland), and it played country music on the loud speakers!! I was very excited I also got sunburnt, which I guess sounds bad, but it's sort of a good thing. It means summer to me, and will at least eventually fade into a tan. Then I won't look like Casper, as my brother says, haha

                Emi & Hungry: sounds like mega-fun! Chocolate fountain?!! *drools* and I like that ice sculpture haha now that isn't something you see every day!

                ...acryllic nails. *shakes head* Emi, Emi, Emi. :P just kidding

                Gwendi: I like you already

                kk: yummmm Eclipse!! Hahaha, that's just so bizarre, that must have been pretty crazy!!

                Emi: Congrats that made my day a lot happier (which is sort of hard, considering it was a pretty great day!) I won't "aww" 'cause that gets on my nerves a bit, but.... gah I'm rambling. You know what I mean. : )))))

                Eric: I like the classic, though I think it's Sugarland who does a pretty good cover

                ...and I still don't know the dance to "It's Raining Men." How sad is that?

                Well, I'm off to de-chlorine-ify myself now. I hope everyone's good day extends into the week!!!

                Dai stiho!
                just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                • Mel: There's nothing wrong with acryllics! Haha. Just Kidding. I hate them right now, I really want them off... but I'm waiting until I need a fill before I go in. Your trip sounds like it was wicked fun!!! I love going to amusement parks!

                  Wait- There's a dance to "It's Raining Men"? I guess you aren't the only one.

                  I lovee Cotton Eye Joe. Learned it back in 5th grade... it's so much fun. I also like the Cha-Cha slide but I was outside when they played that and didn't feel like running in there.

                  Yesterday at work was crazy nuts man. I worked from 3-6 and at 5 there were piles of people trying to check out! All the registers were open and there were crazy lines. I was so mad because I got off 15 minutes late. Grrr... Stupid people who come in to my line when my light is OFF.

                  Alrighty, I have to get ready to go to that same place I was just ranting about. Hopefully it's not going to be busy.
                  Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                  Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                  It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                  Check out my video: LET GO


                  • Mel: I hate to burst your bubble, but the proper way of saying it is "Ce jour était très excellent". You could also say "Ce jour était magnifique", or "Ce jour était le meilleur", because they sound better than "Today was very excellent".

                    Anyways, two big things happened during the weekend. One was the Shabbaton,which I didn't go to. It was a school event (notice the 'shabbat', which means 'sabbath') that involved going to a certain camp (Camp Benei Brith or YCC, I believe), celebrating shabbat, playing sports, getting bitten by tons of mosquitoes, and not having computers. Obviously, it wasn't for me.

                    Then, right after, it was the March to Jerusalem, another jewish event. It's a thing just for Montréal where we go around the city (or island) pretending we're going around Jerusalem, but it was shortened a lot, compared to the previous years. I ended up not going, because I couldn't find anyone to go with, since either they didn't want to, or they were at the shabbaton, so I wouldn't be able to talk to them unless I actually went to the starting point and saw them there (most of them didn't go wanyways).

                    Besides that, and learning how to use mIRC and SmartFTP, not much happened (that was unrelated to the taboo).
                    "If his grin was any wider the top of his head would have fallen off"
                    -Terry Pratchett
                    Candyman Jr, Master Procrastinator, Joe Green, Vashmata, Master of Technology


                    • They're publishing some of my poetry for the magazine at my school! Only, i don't know what they're publishing. And i have to present whatever they're publishing, and explain it, to a bunch of people at a barnes in nobles, with some news people there...I don't know what i'm going to say. At all...I don't even know what i AM explaining yet! And i won't know until i actually present it on monday.
                      I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                      For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                      • YR That's so exciting! Congratulations!! I hope everything goes well with presenting it and all. I know, it's really tough explaining why you wrote what you wrote. But seriously, congrats man. That's so cool.

                        Oh I forgot... I got my SAT scores the other day... and I'm really upset about it. It's like below average? <span class="ev_code_WHITE">1440</span> (my score) Ugh, I have to take it all over again next Fall. SO not looking forward to that.

                        Alright, I might add more later.
                        Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                        Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                        It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                        Check out my video: LET GO


                        • Emi: Thank you :] I think this year for me is going to be the best yet. W0o. [Sorry about your SAT score. You'll do better next time. You'll have a general idea of what to expect.]

                          KK: That's a really odd conversation.. Was the guy, she was glaring at, in on the whole, werewolf thing? I'd be like, woah what thee ?!&*, if someone did that to me. Hahaa!

                          YR: Wow, it's been a long time since I've thought about you... Sweet on the publishing and minor publicity

                          Mel: Amusement park! Ohohoh. I wanna go to Disney now! Heehee.

                          Speaking of publishing.. I really need to get my one novel, The Dance, finished... I think it would actually make it, it's pretty good. It's just, I only have 1/3 of it written, and it's already 52K or so. [It was my 2007NaNo].

                          So, summer has been ok.. Well, truthfully, I'm thinking, dang, it's only Thursday? What the heck am I going to do until mid August?! Well, at least tomorrow, I'm going a senior graduation bash/party thing. Only problem is, I have to bus out to his house. Grrr.

                          Yesterday I slept 16 hours roughly. I kept crashing all over the house in different beds. But, I needed the sleep because I had been going to sleep around 3-4 the past couple nights. The joys of summer. I can be nocturnal again! Like back on the boat... Wow... back on the boat. That was about 10 months ago. Dang, I've lived here that long? Hm, strange to think about. We still haven't sold the boat either... Haven't been on it since.. 5 months ago? I'm so done with that life style. Ok, off topic.

                          I'll catch ya's latuh.
                          Love and be loved


                          • No, none of the guys at my church read the Twilight far as I know, at least...It was really amusing, though.

                            Last week Liz was shopping with another friend, and she saw a silver Volvo parked at the curb, with a teenage guy getting out of it. She had the nerve to walk up to the guy and say, "Excuse me, are you Edward Cullen?"

                            The person looked at her weird, and walked off, obviously.

                            She told me this story, and I know that only she would actually do that...and I know that she did. She doesn't lie...which is nearly scary...and I do have confirmation of all of this from the friend she was shopping with.
                            Dif-tor heh smusma.


                            • Kira's gone...My boyfriend's dog died this morning. She's been going for a while - I think I've mentioned before about her cancer. She had to be put down this morning. His mom brought her to the vet to see if bandaging the wound (open tumor) would be good for her, and was told that really the only way to possibly save her was to amputate one or both legs. So they put her down. She had been such a part of that family - stubborn beyond belief. The vet had never seen a tumor that big on a living dog, it always took the dog's life before it got there. Kira was too stubborn to die though. Even when they were putting her down it took three tries with the stuff they give the animals to put them down. Too stubborn to die on anything less than a double dose of that. At least she's free of pain now.

                              Today was spent digging her a grave, then her funeral. Was close to tears during the funeral. But even if I was closer I don't think I could have cried. I needed to be there for him. It hit them all hard. Jono and her were close. She always loved it when he came to visit. And the two youngest of his siblings...well his mom commented later that they had her longer than they had their father.

                              Its ironic timing though. Last night he was crying for an hour about the fact she was about to die. Losing her. We were thinking about going and visiting her for the last time today. It ended up being last time as she was laid into the earth, rather than the last time she got to see him as well.

                              We missed church. Made it to the potluck after discussing the third service (the saturday service). On the way there his mom picked up a statue of Saint Francis, and Father Warren blessed it. There used to be one of the Virgin Mary there, but it was stolen. They thought they needed to replace it, but after Kira was buried nearby it was clear it needed to be Saint Francis instead. They think that it had been on a grave of another animal. There were also lady's slippers around. In some ways it was nice for Kira to be buried as they were in bloom. Especially because she was known to not last long. Even if she lived for years longer than she was expected once she was diagnosed with cancer - they said she had 6 months, she lasted over two years.

                              It really bothers me that some of me feels better after all this. I shouldn't have any part of me feel better because of the death of such a member of a family, even if it was canine. But it really helped me to need to be strong for him, to hold his hand as tears leaked from his eyes as he was reading from the bible over her grave. I needed something out of the ordinary, I just wish it didn't have to be related to death. It makes me feel like a horrible person, to have part of me working better when people I'm close to have been crying all day. At the same time it reassures me that good can come from bad. They'll get over it. For a long time it'll be awkward going into that house. I only knew her for a year, but every time I walked in she was at the door. Today was the first time not that case. And it was just wrong. One of the kittens is depressed to. It made friends with her. Liked to lay down with her and be a little cat friend. It didn't seem right the whole time we were there. But he has his brother and they can go be kittens together even if they're over a year old now.

                              I had been planning on going back to my family's house rather than my apartment after church today. Couldn't do so, because of this. I really hope my parents aren't annoyed at me for just not being there for a week, but I needed to get out of the house, needed to get this place settled in, and today, needed to go bury Kira and afterwards be there for Jono so he doesn't get depressed. He's pretty much fine now, but I think if I wasn't here there'd be a good chance of it bothering him a lot more. It helped he got a good amount of the grief out last night though. But he will sometimes go depressed and need me there. And it seems a lot more likely at least tonight.

                              But now I really need to shower, as I spent most of the day digging a 2 foot by 3 foot by probably around 2-3 feet grave for her in the sun in New England soil. Not a very easy task even when you have 5 people and two shovels (well a spade and a shovel).

                              We will remember you PM. And your little GingerBear.


                              • Dee! Of course I remember you :P Miss talking to you -- if you want, my aim is maykitten13

                                Yes, yes, do love Panera :P I used to hang out with one of my friends during closing hours, and we'd just draw for hours. The food is good too :P

                                Lol. One of my friends (a guy) passed out during graduation. Silly Canadians -- but he's going back up north for college, so I'm gonna miss him. :/

                                Broke up with my guy two days ago. I'm liking the freedom and the abscence of a relationship gone sour.

                                "I think that this is the one topic with the most posts. I originally was going to read all of the posts, but it is impossible, seeing as i have less than ten minutes to stay on the computer"
                                Hey, welcome! And that's funny that you said that, because there was a phase were a lot of the new members would try to read all of the Togr. A certain Wildflower44 was the first newbie to do it -- but then, there were 300 or 400 something posts instead. (scary impressive XD ) Haha, but you're under no obligation to read it all.

                                Awww, Emi, about the first kiss :P

                                "What must have been REALLY neat was watching this site grow... between all of the changes it's undergone and the different members coming and going...."
                                Ya, no kidding... I'm gonna feel a wave of nostalgia in a little. This site has history. I remember back when the chat had a password -- let alone back when we had a chat. >< *misses* Rysade and Tui and Caitlin are oldbies to my oldbiness.

                                Emi: some people buy SAT prep books. But really, the best thing you can do is read a lot of books with heavy language and editorials (for the reading), and hopefully you've mastered the math of your previous years (but I suppose you can always touch up on that). And then writing is grammar. Write large quantities in big, neat handwriting on the essay portion -- that's how you get a good score. Actual qualitiy of words is less important.

                                Blerghh... yesterday, I snuck out of the house with some friends at 1 and stayed up until 4. I saw the sun begin to rise and decided it was probably time to sleep. I woke up at 12, and I didn't like it as much as I thought I would.

                                That's really sad about Kira :/ *hugs* I'm really sorry for Jono :/
                                Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro

