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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • I just read everything since my last post, I had some time to kill. Is this a topic for the type of randomness that I said before or just topic-lacking randomness? I guess I'll go with both.
    __________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
    I'll color code it too

    <span class="ev_code_BLUE">First, I went to my friend's Yacht Club opening and we were on her family boat, when it started to sprinkle. We thought it was no big deal, then it started pouring bucket-size drops. We got soaked. This was the first boat I had been on too. We had to get onto the dock from the boat and I got completely soaked. I guess I have said "soaked" too much, but it was really mostly water, not me. This was today, by the way.</span>

    <span class="ev_code_GREEN">Secondly, Cherries rain down on pink umbrellas covered with strawberry shortcake that had been smeared all over! </span>
    Yes, yes, I understand I am obsessed with rain. However, I am still soaking as I type this. I put conditioner in my hair today too!


    • Tuttle: Aww I'm so sorry about Jono's puppy!! That's so sad. I have a doggy of my own, and he's getting close to that time as well. I hope everything will be okay!!

      Tori: Your welcome!!

      Gryph: Thanks for the tips. I'll keep those in mind. I really want to boost my scores.

      Gwendi: Ahh that must of stunk, I don't like being soaked... except if I'm swimming.

      So, I went to the drive-ins this weekend with my friends. We saw Kung Fu Panda and Indiana Jones. It was really cool. I like the first one, that was funny. The second one was interesting, only because I haven't seen the first two. Unfortunately. I had a bunch of fun though. My friend and I were laughing the whole time...

      Um... what else? Oh, two more weeks of school. Yay! We're almost done. I'm soo happy I can cry. Well not really, but I'm wicked happy.

      Oh, and it's so hot!! Oh my gosh! I was like sweating all day. It's only the beginning of June... crazy NH weather. That's all I have to say. I bet you a million bucks it's going to get cold within a week.

      Alright I'm going to go watch the Celtics.
      Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
      Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
      It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
      Check out my video: LET GO


      • I got a photoshopping program! I'm now using it to give all of my close friends pale skin, and golden short, they are now VAMPIRES!!

        Yes, the real friends of mine now despise me thoroughly

        Emi: The temperature here's been insane! It was 102 today, at highest! There was a big storm recently, and it took out the electricity for a wasn't fun...

        It was really noisy with loads of thunder and lightning. My sister was all, "Oh no!!! I'm scared!!" my mom was like, "That's a lot of thunder..." my dad kept saying, "That lightning looks so cool!" and my reaction was, "Thunder, huh? Hmmm...VAMPIRES AND BASEBALL!!"

        Needless to say, they all turned and glared at me.
        Dif-tor heh smusma.


        • I prsent my poetry today, and i still don't know what they published...Eep.

          I took my SAT's last saterday...Stupid Essay. I SHOULD have been alloewed to type it, because of my horrid hand writng, and an I.E.P. SAYING that i can type it. Unfortunately, the school messed up. I did my best to make it legible, but it's still not my best...
          I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
          For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


          • YR: I know how you feel about the handwriting thing. My handwriting is not understandable. I type most things, instead of writing. It annoys my friends, though, like when they pass notes to me, and they can't understand the replies.

            I'm, I found a beading pattern online, and am making an attempt to replicate it...It's not working so well...I'm unused to using beads.

            *sigh* I think I'll just go study for a science test, now.
            Dif-tor heh smusma.


            • Originally posted by Emi:
              Gwendi: Ahh that must of stunk, I don't like being soaked... except if I'm swimming.
              Yes, I too like to swim, but this was the first time I was on a boat. We were laughing, but it seems funnier now than it was when my parents wouldn't let me sit on the couch because I was soaking wet.

              Nobody has told me what kind of randomness this is supposed to be yet...

              On another note, It's really hot here too. I thought I had escaped that by moving to CT from Florida. Oh, well. We had a half day today in school because the rest of the district doesn't have AC. Luckily, we did have it.

              I got a photoshopping program! I'm now using it to give all of my close friends pale skin, and golden short, they are now VAMPIRES!!
              I have had photoshop forever, and just the other day, my dad photoshopped my 7 year old cousin's picture to make her look goth.... Flashbacks, sorry. That's what happens I guess, when you're starting to go insane.

              My friend wants me to tell everyone something random... I have no idea what it means, but... she thinks that someone on here might watch the same Japanese anime as her. Here it is: She absolutely loves Garra...whoever that is.

              Okay, here comes my randomness of the day, are you ready?

              <span class="ev_code_PURPLE">PURPLE</span> AND <span class="ev_code_BROWN"> BROWN</span> CATS ARE JUMPING ON MY <span class="ev_code_BLUE">BLUE</span> COUCH THAT I SPRAY PAINTED <span class="ev_code_RED">R</span><span class="ev_code_GREEN">A</span><span class="ev_code_BLUE">I</span><span class="ev_code_YELLOW">N</span><span class="ev_code_BLACK">B</span><span class="ev_code_PINK">O</span><span class="ev_code_PURPLE">W</span> BECAUSE OF A FLOOD!!!

              Hmm.... I think that was my most random yet, and untrue... This is my favorite thread
              Okay, I've gotta get off now.


              • kk: Hahaha...your fictional couch sounds amazing. Wish I had hard drive probably couldn't handle it anyway, poor thing.

                I drove in driver's ed today. It was scary. I cannot turn to save my life...I'd never driven on anything but a dirt road before though. Hopefully I'll improve.


                • It's not really photoshop, it's a similar program called GIMP, and it's a free download. Ever since getting my new computer, I've been puttting many useful programs on it, such as this one.

                  I just had a friend email me, and ask me to turn her picture into a vampire...that was weird...especially since she doesn't read the Twilight books...
                  Dif-tor heh smusma.


                  • Today, it was REALLY hot.... It was 88 degrees, 60% humidity in the math classroom (she brought in a thermometer today ). Because it was so hot yesterday and predicted to be worse today, we had a half day today so we weren't in school in the afternoon, when it was 92 (at my house, anyway). It'd be great if our school had A/C, and the buses too, because my bus was a good 5 degrees hotter than the outside air.

                    Today, we went swimming at one of the ponds around. Dogs are welcome there, so we took Rex. Once we got to the water, we let him off of his leash, but he just started swimming around, towards everybody, and then he walked out and was running around. After we got the leash on him, he was fine. We brought two racquetballs for him to fetch, and he loved that. There were several little kids there, and they were all like, "Is it my turn to throw the ball for Rex?"

                    I've fallen wicked behind for book summaries for Reading.... At the beginning of the marking period, I wasn't reading anything. Then I started reading a book that took a very long time to read. Therefore, I didn't have all the summaries done by the time they were do (4 due on one date, and 2 due the second date, tomorrow). I did the best I could to summarize that book and two others.I hadn't finished one of the books, so I had to summarize it before I completed it. There are three summaries for three books I've read, but I need 4 summaries. So, I summarized W@W. Even though I didn't read it specifically for summarizing it. After I did those summaries, I finished the book I had summarized but not finished, and then started in to another book. And today, I finished reading that book and summarized it. But, tomorrow, TWO summaries are due, so today I have to read another book and summarize it... which isn't going to happen. Ah, well, I did the best I could. Better get a 50% than a 0%.
                    "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


                    • is my 18th birthday. Pretty sweet...I mean, I can vote now. And be tried as an adult in a court of law. Not that that'll be happening. But it was fun...I went bowling, got soaked in a torrential downpour that literally came out of nowhere, and ate cheesecake. Oh, and got a really nice leatherbound edition of Pride & Prejudice, which I LOVE. XD Not a bad birthday, all things considered, especially compared to my 16th and 17th birthdays, both of which were rather melancholy days...I suppose today could have been a bad day too, if I'd thought about it. (My great-grandma died on my 16th birthday, which kind of makes it a hard day for a lot of people in my family.) But despite that, it was a fun day...even the rain.

                      Commencement was on Sunday; I'm officially done with high school forever. It was unbearably hot on Sunday; 2000+ people in my school's auditorium is ridiculous. And beforehand, we had to meet in our biggest gym...which has no air conditioning. 500 kids, no air conditioning, and graduation gowns? Bad combination. Luckily, no one passed out, but I was pretty close. 100% polyester is not fun to wear from head to toe. Although the fact that it was all purple was sweet. (This is all random stuff now about commencement...) I had to sit in the first row because I somehow ended up with a GPA higher than 4.0. I was nice to not have to wait until the end of the alphabet to get my diploma, but sitting in the front row means that you have to actually pay attention and keep your shoes on the entire time. XD I guess they think that honor students are well enough behaved to not make a fool of the school (haha rhyme.)

                      Well...I want more cheesecake. And to go play Sims 2 Freetime (yay birthday presents! It's so rare that I actually get something I can "play" with anymore.) Sorry, this is probably a semi-boring post, and I haven't caught up on TOGR in a few days, so I've got no clue what everyone's talking about. Adios chicos!


                      • Hungry: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! That's so cool. You're class had 500 kids? Ugh, I'd die. Luckily mine only has 200. Sounds like a nice graduation though.

                        Ahh, heat!! 98 degrees was the highest today! OMG. I almost died in my car today, the steering wheel was like scorching hot. I couldn't even touch it while I was driving home from school.

                        I gotta get ready for bed. MY mom's making me, but i'll come on later to update more.
                        Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                        Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                        It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                        Check out my video: LET GO


                        • So I told myself I wasn't going to post here until I finished reading, but that storm made me want to post.

                          So I was just in the middle of a severe thunderstorm. Six lightning bolts in a second wasn't unreasonable and I saw multiple times. Hail, I didn't go outside to see if it was the size of a penny, which is what it was supposed to be...partially because the winds sounded like they were the supposed 60+ mph. I heard lightning actually strike, not just the thunder once I'm pretty sure (that was weird). I know within 5 minutes of it starting to hit the city I go to school in my apartment was out of power.

                          The most ridiculous part is that this is an entire line of red, with no green leading edge, it went straight to yellow than red and its in the severe zones all the way up and going through pretty much all of new england like this.

                          I mean, its still storming now and it feels like I can go play outside now as its all calm. Just a bit of thunder.

                          I feel really weird after that.

                          Other comments

                          Why is it that people look down on people with "disorders" on the autistic spectrum? It's really annoying.

                          Yay math (*tease gryph about her old self*). I <3 xkcd.

                          yay for gradumacation.

                          Weather - today's high in this town was a record for june 10.

                          Its a crazy hot lately, at least it should cool down after this storm.

                          umm...I forgot the rest, back to reading
                          We will remember you PM. And your little GingerBear.


                          • So I was just in the middle of a severe thunderstorm. Six lightning bolts in a second wasn't unreasonable and I saw multiple times. Hail, I didn't go outside to see if it was the size of a penny, which is what it was supposed to be...partially because the winds sounded like they were the supposed 60+ mph. I heard lightning actually strike, not just the thunder once I'm pretty sure (that was weird).
                            Tuttle: I dunno if this is coincidental, or if we live in the same place, but that's the exact description I would give the weather today where I live. No, really, exactly. As in, nearly word-for-word.

                            I'm guessing it's just coincedental...but that would be weird.

                            The storm here was insane. Hail that seemed larger than the size of a penny. (I feel bad for my mom's garden.)

                            Then there was the storm last Wednesday...that was horrible. My mom was driving me to church, and I actually saw lightning strike a tree about a foot from the car. I probably should have been scared, but all I could think was "OMG, that looked so cool!!" ...And the science geekiness shows through my fear, once again.

                            Storms are beginning to get on my nerves...though it is peaceful, now.
                            Dif-tor heh smusma.


                            • It seems, that as of now, people are posting on this thread a lot. I just posted yesterday and already there are 7 more posts after it. Okay, maybe its not that much, but its way more than I would think. Oh, wait, gotta log off, going to be late for school.


                              • Gwendi:
                                Nobody has told me what kind of randomness this is supposed to be yet...
                                I usually write journal-style in here, talking about whatever comes to mind. But really, it's whatever you make of it. Any kind of randomness

                                Yayyyy, hungry We can buy cigarettes, and be convicted as adults, and be legally kicked out of our homes. Aside from all of the extra responsibilities O.o , I don't feel different, and I don't understand the thrill of being older. >< Haha, I went to my friend's house yesterday, and none of his family believed that I was 18 anyway. And 500 person graduation... not fun ><

                                Tut: urk >< I think my worst, most shameful post wasn't even in Togr. I'm kinda smug that no one will find that.

                                Time to finish a few more job applications.
                                Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro

