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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Hello!

    I'm testing out a feature on my computer. A voice recognition software! It's fun to dictate instead of typing!

    Dai stiho! (I had to spell that, by the way...)

    Okay, it stopped working, and I'm typing now. But it worked for the first half!
    Dif-tor heh smusma.


    • Hungry!! Happy Birthday!!!! *hands cheesecake, apparently* Sounds like a pretty nice birthday!

      Tut: *hugs* I'm sorry about Kira and Jono. I don't think it's necessarily bad to feel good for having a chance to comfort him. As long as you don't make those reasons to. But I don't see that happening anyway

      I think everyone has been getting the same storm, pretty much. Myself included *eyeroll*

      So, pretty much I use the summer to reassemble the cogs of my brain and such which totally get jimmied out of place in the year. So (and Eric, this totally beats you) I sat outside in the 99+ (add humidity!!) weather and just read and sat and wrote a letter and such. Well. It was getting rather late in the afternoon, when I discovered the light was already dimming. I remember thinking, "Man, I'm gonna have to go in soon!" so I quickly responded to a text my friend sent me and was just settling back into Les Mis, when phooof! This wind just came out of nowhere and started knocking things down in my patio and backyard! (myself, and the chair I was sitting in included! Haha it was a rocking chair, I'm such a little old lady!) So my mom and dad came out and we had to put everything away (we have like a bajillion plants in boxes and hanging... it took forever!) and then we got the first power surge. And then it was like, all right, we're good, we've still got power! Yay! And we just sort of looked at the storm for a little bit. The winds were just fantastic, nearly knocked me over! And the sky was so cool, and of course it was thundering and lightning out the wazoo, and then it rained for like...five minutes. I also remember hearing fire trucks pretty close, and I was like, huhn. Power line? And then.... our power goes out for the second time. And stays out. And my brother comes home and says he saw the power line sparking on the grass. Dang.
      So, I went inside and wrote/read by the light of a candle and listened to the silence. It was sort of cool, but spooked me a little to be alone in my house. And then I further spooked myself by reading The Coffin Quilt by Ann Rinaldi that night (after the power had gone back on) and then knocking my brother's picture to the ground and breaking the frame. It was a really weird day yesterday.


      Yup. Just thought you might wanna know that, hahaha

      YR: I know it's a bit late for this, but good luck anyway. That's pretty awesome, it sounds like such a cool opportunity for you!!

      Gwendi: Haha oh wow, that's intense! Did you like being on a boat (besides the water?) haha woow. I lovee boats.

      kk: hahahaha wooow
      Gwendi: even more woow hahaha your seven year old cousin, huh? Sounds like something my family would do :P

      Eric: Aww! That sounds so cute! And oh, the curse of the summaries. Don't worry too much about it. And good luck regardless.

      Hungry: Congratulations! (again!) Ooh. Five hundred. In a gym. In polyester. Nyeh. That's like my whole school put together, with teachers :P

      kk (again! Sorry, I go in chronological order :P): Lightning = so cool! One time my brother was out camping.. he had to use the bathroom, when BOOM! There goes the tree right in front of him! hahahahaha he ran back to camp like there was no tomorrow! hahahaha

      Oh, wait, gotta log off, going to be late for school.

      Okay. I think that's prettty much it for now. Just gonna enjoy this summer and heat and such and the like. Mebbe eat something yummy. Sounds good to me!

      Dai all!

      EDIT: that is one really big rant on a storm ~^
      just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


      • This is so awesome! 1) My friends are finally reading these books, and the ones who already have, are going on this website! 2) People on here actually quoted me and replied to my posts! 3) We had field day today! 4) I probably could be a pessimist right now if I wanted to but right now, I feel like being an optimist! Okay, as with (almost) all new posts of mine on this thread, comes a new random grammar-free phrase! Ready?!

        That one wasn't as fun as my other ones, but keep up hope, I may get inspiration later.


        • The people in new York at the moment would kill for a good storm...Too much humidity.

          I finished the poetry reading, and it wasn't really taht big a deal, it turned out...but it awas fun. :P and i'm using the magazine as a year book, since i'm moving at the end of the school year. (To Nevada(
          I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
          For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


          • Gwendi: That's the spirit!--I think...

            I love the random sayings. I have a list of random sayings. I've been keeping it for about 2 or 3 years, so it's pretty long. I'm writing down these enthusiastically random phrases of yours...if you don't mind.
            Dif-tor heh smusma.


            • Originally posted by kk:
              Gwendi: That's the spirit!--I think...

              I love the random sayings. I have a list of random sayings. I've been keeping it for about 2 or 3 years, so it's pretty long. I'm writing down these enthusiastically random phrases of yours...if you don't mind.
              No, I don't mind at all! I am very happy that anyone would bother writing down what I say.


              • May 31st I went to see Wicked at Broadway with a bunch of kids from school. It was soooo good. We arrived at NYC a couple hours before the show, so We had time to eat lunch and site see a little. I went to M&M world and had lunch at Bubba Gump's Shrimp Co. I'm not someone who enjoys spicy foods, and yet I ordered the Cajiun Shrimp. Never ever again. My mouth felt like it was on fire. When we were walking to the Gershwin Theatre for Wicked it started to rain. By the time we got inside it was pouring. The musical was really amazing. It was my first Broadway production and I enjoyed it a lot.

                Wow, I think I've just had the busiest first five days of summer vacation. Saturday was the SATs. I think/hope I improved my scores, but I won't know until June 26th. Monday through Wendsday (today) has been Mini Marching Band Camp. Mini Camp is 9am-4pm, with one hour for lunch. We are outside before lunch and inside after. It was so hot on Monday, that we didn't go outside at all. It was close to 100 degrees (Fahrenheit), which is crazy hot for June in PA. Yesterday, we went outside. It was still very hot out, but apparently not as hot. Today, when we went out, it was nice; little humidity and a cool breeze. The freshman and newbees are doing very well for the most part with both marching and playing, although not at the same time yet.

                Last night, there was a really cool thunder storm. It was fun to watch, but it took out the power to my friend's house. it's actually kind of funny, because they had to go the whole night with candle light and no running water.

                I'm kind of excited because tomorrow is the first day of summer break that I actually get to sleep in. I have had to wake up to my alarm every day so far. Well, good night.
                Shoot for the moon. If you miss, at least you'll be among the stars. ~ Les Brown


                • I have a question for life right now: What's the deal with all of the thunderstorms?! It seems pretty common right now!

                  Haha, I just finished a job that was supposed to take me until midnight--I'm proud of myself. I did three weeks of PowerPoint and EasyWorship slides...and I finished early! Yay! I can leave church now!
                  Dif-tor heh smusma.


                  • My friend is trying to get approved and has been waiting to get an email she could use. Let me elaborate: My friend (animelvr2) desperately wants to be able to post, not just read them. I know, I felt the same way when I wasn't approved yet. I am confused though. I looked up her username using the buddies list and it was there, and she was talking to me on the phone, saying she couldn't get on yet. What happened? I'm not sure if that question was phrased correctly, but I can't think how else it could be.
                    Enough of the confused attitude, here's a new random saying for kk to write down!


                    Not sure if that was as good, it actually made some sense (To people who remember Fred) and I am giving credit to kk for the copy/paste of Fred's hole name. (Yes, I know that hole was a homophone mixup)


                    • It says she just joined yesterday, so she's been waiting for less than 24 hours. She also put through a second registration, which I deleted when I approved the first one.

                      It would be nice if we could open up unmoderated registration again, but after that person who joined with a URL for a display name, I don't think that's a good idea.
                      And this is the storm Tuttle was talking about. I went out in it to try to get lightning pics, but it was raining too hard and the lightning wasn't coming fast and furious enough for me to continue risking the camera.
                      "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

                      "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."


                      • Man, I wish there'd be more thunderstorms here. It keeps teasing, like...the weather will be PERFECT for them, and we'll get a rumble and then that's it! >_< Weather is stingy.

                        Freaks my dog out way bad though, so I guess it's fine... >_>

                        We're in a weird area here. Besides rain, we really don't get a lot of extremes. Maybe a tiny bit of snow in the winter, and maybe a couple really hot days in the summer. But that's it. ^_^;; It's kinda nice.


                        • I LOVE GARRA!!!! AND OTHER ANIME CHARACTERS!!!
                          Gwendi if you are reading this i say hi
                          i know this is my third post in a row (not anymore-gf) but i just have to ask everyone a question. Do any of you like Naruto or Naruto Shippuden?? Also sincethis is a random thing ill say something random

                          Fred is going to eat you all then burp you out lol


                          • Okay all, I might not be posting twice a day anymore because my computer is going bye-bye and being packed soon for my move. I will try to catch up when i get moved in though and will give animelvr2 messages to give you all if she doesn't mind. New randomness:

                            THERE ARE MANY <span class="ev_code_RED">C</span><span class="ev_code_GREEN">O</span><span class="ev_code_BLUE">L</span><span class="ev_code_YELLOW">O</span><span class="ev_code_PINK">R</span><span class="ev_code_PURPLE">S</span> INSIDE OF A CAN OF <span class="ev_code_BROWN">COCA-COLA</span> AND THEY COME BURSTING OUT IN THE FORM OF BUBBLES WHEN YOU DRINK IT!

                            I'm running out of good randomness sayings. I'll try to think of better ones.


                            • Thanks a whole bowl of ramen Gwendi now i have to type my random stuff and yours.well whatever im gonna go watch Naruto Shippuden on see ya later alligators.

                              P.S.I bet Naruto wishes he could have that bowl of ramen right now.


                              • Wow, TTOGR has been busy... haha.

                                Mona: You had lunch at Bubba Gump's Shrimp Co.??? I didn't know there was such a place!! OMG I have to go there now. And good luck on your SAT scores!!!

                                Oooh looks like I was caught up in the storm, but I don't remember it happening. Guess it was while I was sleeping (my rooms in the garage). Yeah I am like in the yellow. Haha.

                                Uhh, welcome animelvr2!! I have a question for you, have you seen Fruits Basket or Azumanga Daioh? Those are my two fav animes.

                                What else is new? Oh I took my first part of the math final today with the seniors. The second part is this project he's giving us to do. Should be pretty interesting.

                                Ummm I'm working at a car dealership this Saturday because they're having a sale and I'm going to be a greeter. It'll give me some extra money.

                                Okay that's all for now.
                                Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                                Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                                It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                                Check out my video: LET GO

