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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Hanna, try to avoid one-liners and double-posting. They take up more space on the website's server and cost DD unnecessary money. If you have another thought you need to add after you make one post, look for the button that has a pencil eraser with a folder in the background, which is always on either the upper right or the lower right of your post. This will allow you to edit the original post and add anything else you need to mention. Check out my signature for links to the FAQ pages for more information.

    Thanks for correcting your avatar size!

    Well, yesterday was my last day of school. We had field day. We played capture the flag, volleyball, floor hockey, dodgeball, and kickball, and we had ice cream at one point. The last outdoor activity was our annual tug-o-war game. My homeroom came in second out of the five eighth grade homerooms. At the end of the day, we all went in to the music classroom to watch our video yearbook (which my homeroom made ).

    Graduation was on Monday night... that went well. I saw my second grade teacher there. She's one of the best teachers I've had.

    That's about all for now. Dai, everyone!
    "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


    • WOW!!! you people are all old and graduating and stuff. im only in 6th....but whatever i should only be in pre-k right now because i was born on leapyear which comes every 4 years so im only 3 its fun to only be three because when im 40 and people are calling me old i can say IM NOT OLD IM ONLY 10 YEARS OLD!!!!!

      yeah that will be fun

      well im going to go to the beach with Gwendi sooo SEE YA!!!


      • Vash: Thanks! I sort of get it. I live in New Hampshire so I know pretty much how the weather is... even though yours is probably much colder.

        Eric: Yay you're going in to the High School! That's got be really exciting. I was excited when I went in to my Freshman year.

        anime: Leap year baby? That's so cool! So when do you celebrate your birthday??? Have fun at the beach, I'm going next week.

        So, Celtics won last night, if anyone doesn't follow. I stayed up til 1 am. Hee hee. Yeah, my finals went well, both got A-. Next is Intro to Sociology and Psychology. That's my only class tomorrow for my final... I have D block off.

        I talked to my sister's film club advisor yesterday and he's going to let me act in one of their shorts. I'm so excited. I can't wait to do it!!

        And we're (my sister and I) going to shoot my film, The Agony of White sometime in June and July. I wrote the screenplay, well adapted it from my sister's story, and I'm going to direct it. My sister's the producer and I have a few of our friends as the actors... although I do need three more people to be an anchorman, news field reporter, and an officer. Ugh, that's the frustrating part. Finding someone who's willing to do that for food, not money. Because, my sister and I don't have the funds to pay people. Haha.

        Alrighty, I'm going to go and get ready for work!!

        Dai stiho!
        Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
        Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
        It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
        Check out my video: LET GO


        • Quick post but this seems worth mentioning on here:

          The Phoenix has found ice.

          It hasn't gotten many places on the internet yet it seems - slashdot hasn't even had something up, but there's information.

          Basically the Mars Rover Phoenix was meant for searching for water and life. In a trench it saw white dice sized things which they were suspecting were salt or ice. They disappeared after being uncovered...salt doesn't do that. Also at the level it original found these it hit a hard layer in the ground while digging.

          I wonder what Martian wizards would think with this obsession of life on Mars...

          Anyways I don't have much more to post now. At least not that I'm posting, I'm writing up a post as I read TOGR which is going to be really long, but I want my reflections/thoughts including the off topic ones it triggers to be in one place. So well warning, Tuttle post alert in a while (I'm currently going really slow on the reading, am I think on page 273.) The post isn't yet over half of my longest post *innocent smile*.

          We will remember you PM. And your little GingerBear.


          • Tut: Wow. That's sort of mind-blowing. ... Wow!


            My post seems really really insignificant after that.

            Just wanted to thanks you all for support
            It actually went really well, the best I've ever played in public. Or not in public. Ever.

            I'm pretty proud of my Fur Elise

            vashmata: good luck on your exams!

            Emi: School's out for you I guess I remember hearing the headline about the Celtics, and though, "Wow. Emi must be happy" haha

            Sounds awesome, I wish I lived in CT, then I'd join for free But I'm a little bit southbound for that.

            animeluvr2: Awesome! A leap year baby! That's got to be sort of cool.
            And don't worry about the age differences. No one really cares. I started when I was about your age, I think.

            Eric: Sounds like a load of fun. Field day was always the best!! Except for that one time I had to take an exam *eyeroll* haha Second grade, huh? My favorite was my seventh grade teacher. She's been at my school longer than my principal, since the year after if opened. And it's been there since the sixties. She always gave me good books to read

            Okay gotta go.

            Dai stiho!
            just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


            • Garret! That is super neat. XD I love proteins. <333

              Animelvr... XD That is a pretty wild way of looking at it. When do you celebrate your birthday when it's not a leap year?

              Time to vacuum. ><
              Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


              • well since all of you are asking i celebrate my birthday on the 28th when its not leap year (yay!! i get my presents a day early)

                well im gonna go mow my grandma's lawn so much grass

                SEE YA!!!


                • Oh my gosh, I got back from my vacation to New York City on Wednesday! I'm not technically home, I'm at my grandparents' house, but oh well. I have so many pictures that I want to post here!

                  My parents somehow added to their list of places to see while we were in NYC, the museum that Nita, Kit, and Dari went to in HW. I took pictures of the meteorite they mentioned, and the scales for the weights on the different planets. It was amusing. I wanted to find a sign that said, "To Mars, Venus, And Ladies Room," but I didn't see it.

                  And then, while I was at the Empire State Building, I decided to read the brochure. So I read it, and suddenly noticed that it said, "And to the north, we have a good view of the impressive MetLife building, formerly the Pan Am building; notice the heliport on top."

                  So I looked up, and the building was right there. I completely cracked up laughing, and my parents looked at me weird, and I said to myself, "I can just picture evil helicopters landing there..." and my sister just sort of glared at me.

                  I took pictures of the MetLife (Pan Am) building, and the heliport, and I'll have to post them here when I get my laptop hooked up to the internet here. And my camera fixed.

                  It was so much fun there! But my parents and sister looked unbelievably touristy. They had all packed what they call "vacation clothes" which are abnormal, and bright-colored. I packed normal clothes, so I blended in better. Plus, my mom always had her binoculars, and was taking pictures every 5-10 seconds, or so it seemed.
                  Dif-tor heh smusma.


                  • Emi: School's out for you I guess I remember hearing the headline about the Celtics, and though, "Wow. Emi must be happy" haha
                    Mel, haha you don't even know how happy I was. I really wish I could have gone to the rally. Oh and Congrats on your performance. I love playing Fur Elise on the piano. It makes me feel like at least a great piano player.

                    KK: Your trip sounds like super fun! Man, I want to see those pictures!! Hope your camera gets fixed soon!! That's wicked awesome you went to the museum that Nita and Kit were in. Haha before your post I didn't realize there were such things called "vacation clothes". Now I think about it, I probably packed the same things.

                    And today is the first day of summer! Woo, I'm living the lazy life today. All I did that was productive was get my paycheck and deposited in my bank account. I might go out later...

                    Um, I don't know what else to say soo..

                    Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                    Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                    It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                    Check out my video: LET GO


                    • It didn't take very long for me to figure out how to fix it, so here are the pictures!!

                      1. A meteorite:

                      2. The "scale":

                      3. The heliport on the MetLife (Pan Am) building!!!!:

                      Last edited by kk; February 24, 2010, 02:21:38 AM.
                      Dif-tor heh smusma.


                      • Emi: You're doing a film? That sounds absolutely amazing! What's it about? I love to act and if I lived anywhere near you I'd jump at the chance to be in it. I don't understand how people can not want to be in stuff if they don't get paid. *huff* Good luck finding actors!

                        Tuttle: Ice on Mars! That, as Mel said, is mind-blowing. I feel very insignificant.

                        animelvr2: That's pretty awesome! Leap year babies are the best.

                        kk: Too bad you didn't find that sign. That would be the most incredible thing on the earth. Oh well, we can't have everything. New York sounds amazing...I've never been. I did get back from Poland and Germany a couple weeks ago though, and I totally understand about the touristy clothes. My Europe trip was for a choir tour, and we all had to wear matching shirts...we had a different shirt for every day we were there, haha. Back on your trip, your pictures are awesome!

                        I've been extremely busy with summer school, The Secret Garden musical, and youth theatre. We went through the first act of the Secret Garden last Thursday and it was a looong practice. We started at 6:30 and I got home at 11:00. Soooo tired. Plus I had the joy of going to personal finance at 8:00 the next morning. I had a lot of trouble staying awake. Ha. Youth theatre is going really well though. That's about all...


                        • eowyngirl: yeah I'm doing a film. It's about a life of an assassain in his lover's point of view. It's a short film, only about 10-15 minutes long. I adapted it from my sister's story. Thanks, I hope the production goes by very smoothly.

                          kk: Those pictures are amazing!!! OH MY GOD! I want to go there so bad now!!!

                          Oh and ice on Mars! My sister was talking about that. It's so unbelievably cool.

                          Alright I'll be around...

                          EDIT: Okay this is YW related, IF there ever is a movie, and we get to the fourth book, I want this kid to be Ronan, I think he'd fit it once he's a little older and longer hair....


                          Just a thought.. now I'm going to finish listening to the sweet sounds of these Celtic Men. Haha. (it's on tv)
                          Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                          Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                          It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                          Check out my video: LET GO


                          • uhhhhhhh i just ate about 5 lbs. of food at this graduation party for my dad's friend's son.

                            they had the most awsome cake it was chocolate with razberry filling and butter cream icing

                            uhhhhh i feel like my stomach is about to explode

                            well im gonna go read and watch anime

                            SEE YA!!!


                            • Emi: Aw, he's so cuuuute! I think he might fit it once he's older. If they made the fourth movie RIGHT NOW, though, I'd have to pick Ben Barnes. Also, your film sounds really cool.

                              animelvr2: That cake sounds delicious. Raspberries are the best fruit ever to grace the planet.

                              Speaking of food, I'm having curry tonight for supper!! REAL CURRY! My mom doesn't make curry very often and there's no restaurant within 120 miles that serves it. I loooooove curry. But my mom decided to make it tonight! AND we have mango Haagen-Dasz in the freezer, which happens to be delicious with curry. Yum. I may die of happiness.


                              • eowyngirl: I love curry!! My dad makes it every once in awhile. There's a place down in Boston that serves wicked awesome curry. It's like an hour away from me so when ever we go down (which is rare) I get it. But my grandmother's and my dad's curry are amazing.

                                animelvr: cake sounds good right about now. haha.

                                Ugh, I have to work today at three. You'd think since it's summer I can just chill all day and don't worry about any form of work? But nooo... I still have to work.

                                But on the bright side, I'm going to the beach this week, one of the days this week. I think Thursday? When ever there's a nice day, I'm going. Haha.

                                Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                                Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                                It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                                Check out my video: LET GO

