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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Ick, kk. If you do have asthma, I can totally sympathize. I've had the stupid thing since I was two... if I try to run the mile in school, I go through hysterics afterwards that last from ten to thirty minutes. Asthma can be caused by silly things, like laughing, or can be more psychological. Mine's just plain bad. I have to take Quaivar (probably spelt that wrong) morning and night, and singular at night. And apparently there's some new rule (at Kaiser, anyways) that says I'm only allowed three inhalers a year, which for me is laughable. If the stupid thing lasts two months, I'm ecstatic. Three is shocking. And they expect it to last FOUR? One word: ha.

    Anyhoodles... YR is returning to the west coast? Well, welcome home! I live in CA, and always have. In the same town. Lodi. Very very boring... but right next to Stockton! Well know n for it's high crime rates (about second or third in the state, I believe...)!

    The only other language I know is ASL, which isn't very easy to show over a post, so I won't even try to describe what I sign. Except I know how to say a very mean word that rhymes with Witch. And you'll never guess who taught me... my mom. Oh, and hungry is only once down the throat... don't move it more than once, cause it doesn't mean very hungry... and you'll make a HUGE fool of yourself (my mom's sign friend did that once... she was so red afterwards. It was at a picnic.)

    I am doing nothing tomorrow, except going to a parking lot near the fireworks to have ice cream with the family, if we can yank my dad out there.

    My Chem class is really hard. I have decided Dimensional Analysis is evil and should never show its ugly face again. But it will... Of course, everything else we've learned over the past four days, I pretty much already knew, or is easy enough I can grasp it in a day. Our first test in on Monday. The class is five days a week, five hours a day, with a twenty minute break in between. And the teacher is kinda annoying, always expecting instant understanding, and he keeps going off on these random "I once had a student"/"When I was in school" tangents, so I get bored and block him out, writing on a separate piece of paper, only to glance up and realize he said something important now. Thankfully, my lab partner and I finished our lab yesterday, so after four thirty, we were free! (The class usually goes from 2:40-4:15. Break. 4:35- 7:45. It's a long day...)

    Emi. you can't run by yourself? Well... that's got to suck sometimes. I mean, if no one will go with you, and you really want to run. I used to join swim league every summer, except the past two we haven't been able to afford it with money being so tight. I didn't realize how much I missed it, until I had to do it for PE a few weeks ago, and I was practically giddy. Everybody told me I was so fast, and I was all "Nu-uh! This is slow for me! I used to go WAY faster." I hadn't ever realized how much I'd slowed down. I told my friend I was going through diving-block withdrawls, cause they wouldn't let us use them for a while, and no one would race with me, so I couldn't do anything fun sadly. But my friend became the Belly-Flop Queen.
    So, nothing else here. Rather bored, actually.
    "You're so funny. Sometimes, I wish I was a little elf, so I could ride around on your shoulder all day and laugh at you." - my mom. (Yes, she honestly told me that. *rolls eyes*)


    • My mother is so stubborn!!! This isn't fair!

      There was a 4th of July parade at a park near my house, and my mom suggested that my family walk.

      So we were walking, and my mom said "Quick! We have to run or we'll miss the beginning of the parade!" So I had to run, although I tried to be okay, breathing slowly, but it didn't work, and I started coughing. I told my mom that I didn't feel well, and was having problems breathing, but she just said, "Oh, it's only allergies," and "It's probably just the humidity."

      So yeah, first I pass out last year in dance class, now I almost pass out in the middle of a public park. This isn't cool.

      jwiz: Chemestry class sounds horrible! And that The teacher sounds really torturous.

      I've decided that the "when I was in school" stories are just as bad, if not worse, than the parent's or grandparent's "when I was your age" stories. I get a combination of both, since I'm homeschooled, so technically, my mom is my teacher. (i.e. "When I was in school, we didn't have our computers to calculate for us, we didn't even have calculators! What's this thing you said you needed for math class...a graphing calculator? Useless! When I was your age, I used to write the problems out myself!")
      Dif-tor heh smusma.


      • Emi: Fast food resteraunts make me sick, too. It's probably all the crap they put in the food that makes it non-food-like. Yuck. Also, I'm sorry you can't run by yourself. My mom's pretty restricting, but I can't imagine being seventeen and not being allowed to go for a run on your own.

        kk: That's horrible...I'm sorry. You'd think that by now your mom would realize that something's wrong and have you go to the doctor. Also I completely agree that 'when I was in school' stories are just as bad as 'when I was your age' stories. In fact, I would say that sometimes they're worse...when teachers don't want to let you use calculators or have a break or whatever because they didn't do that 'when they were in school'. The world is changing, people! Sorry, that was a mini rant. And even though I detest math, I must say that graphing calculators are amazing. One of our assignments in geometry last year was to make a picture on our graphing calculator. Fun.

        jwiz: ASL is amazing! I tried to learn it once, but I never managed it. Chemistry sounds awful, though. I'm glad I've never had a teacher that told those "When I was in school..." stories so much. And five hours a day...I would die.

        I'm really needing to find a dress for The Secret Garden (high collar, long sleeves, floor-length) mom dug her wedding dress out, and it's really old-fashioned, so maybe I'll be able to use that. I hope so. If not, I have to wear this disgusting polyester-lace thing that the director came up with...and it is too ugly for words to describe. Ugh. I have a pattern for a dress that would work, but no one to sew it for me. And my mom won't let me do it on the sewing machine, so I would have to do it by hand. Which I may end up doing. SO frustrated.


        • Graphing calculators are amazing! I got one recently, after my mom finally gave in.

          As for the mini-rant: I think it was cool! I've definitely thought that way.

          You're not allowed to use the sewing machine? Does she think you're going to set it on fire or something?! What, are you going to blow it up? No! It'd be horrible if you have to do it by hand! That'd take forever!

          And OMG, ASL is fun! My mom's nearly an expert on it. She taught at a School for the Deaf and Blind where we used to live. It was cool, I used to visit where she worked. I used to be able to do ASL, but not anymore. I can sign the alphabet! That's about it...
          Dif-tor heh smusma.


          • She says I can't use the sewing machine because I've never done something that _big_ on the machine before. She did dig out her wedding dress, which is really old fashioned, so that may work. Also, my aunt brought a couple blouses and a skirt over. Hopefully I can contrive something out of those and I won't have to use the pattern.

            I used to be able to sign the alphabet, but I can't even do that anymore. Oh well...


            • Haha... I only took the two semesters, and the last one, I slacked off a little, but my mom took all four semseters, and she's close to getting her certificate. She's good at it; I can barely form correct sentences. but I got enough down that I'm not totally unable to understand others...

              Good luck with the dress problem.... I don't even know how to use a sewing machine; heck, do we even have one in my house?!?

              kk, have you tried talking to your mom about it? I mean, there's no harm in going to the doctor's office just to see, is there? Better safe than sorry... especially when it comes to asthma. Would she rather you keep being pushed, and end up having an attack? Those are the worst... thankfully, I haven't had one in about eight years.
              I've never had a graphing calculator... well, not one that works well, at least. And the teacher, he's not a bad teacher, but not very great. My friend, I call her flowers, she took it with a different teacher, and he sounds much better. The tests are hard, but she actually understands everything he teaches, and he is way more focused. Also, he appears to give them a lot of time to study in class the day before a test. My teacher doesn't. But, even if it is awful, it'd be worse with the high school teacher, so I'll take it!

              Fourth of July was boring here... you couldn't see the fireworks even from the parking lot, because they made sure they were so low. I think they did it so that people who didn't pay to go to the lake couldn't enjoy them too. Which is really stupid. I mean, why should we pay to celebrate our counrty's independence? Haha... I was ranting about that to my little sister last night. Then we made smores in a toaster oven.
              "You're so funny. Sometimes, I wish I was a little elf, so I could ride around on your shoulder all day and laugh at you." - my mom. (Yes, she honestly told me that. *rolls eyes*)


              • jwiz: 1. Yes, I've talked to her, numerous times, but she just doesn't believe me! All I get are phrases like "allergies" and "just the atmosphere" and "out of shape" and things like that.

                2. I think someone ranted like that to my local park, because instead of charging this year, they made the fireworks and celebration free, and also made the fireworks really high. I could see them from the deck off of my house! It was great.

                3. Smores in a toaser oven? I've done that! Yummmmmm....
                Dif-tor heh smusma.


                • Fourth of July here was amazing. Last year, I was at camp over the 4th, and it just felt parade, and the fireworks were horrible down there. Being at home this year was great. My family always has this big party at my house, and then we all go down to the park to see the fireworks. I think my city's got good fireworks; they're usually high in the sky, pretty colored, a long show, and they're "free" (of course, my parents pay taxes, and a bit of that money goes towards fireworks. So technically...they're not really free. But I digress. XD)

                  I've been babysitting a lot lately, since I couldn't find a job. Kids are funny, you know. They say and do the strangest things, and think it's completely normal. What I'm learning from this? I'm definitely not ready to be a parent, not that I was planning on having kids anytime soon anyway. Kids are hard work!

                  Not much else is happening...I'm having oral surgery on Monday. Fun stuff, not really. Waiting anxiously for my AP scores and my housing stuff (including my roommate's name) to arrive in the mail. Wishing...I don't even know what I'm wishing anymore. It's not like I don't want to enjoy this summer...but I wish I could just go to college already. I'm sick of worrying about it, and wondering if it'll turn out alright and if my roommate will be normal. I just want to know already!

                  Fireworks are going off; one of my crazy neighbors has been setting them off for the past 3 days. I get that they're celebrating and all, but it seems kind of extreme.

                  Alright, I'm exhausted because I stayed up until 2 AM last night to help Dad clean up the party stuff, so I'm going to bed...


                  • Hmm... you'd think I should know ASL since I'm HEARING IMPAIRED... but my folks didn't think about teaching it to me. Oh well, at least the hearing aids and lip reading help with the conversations. Haha. All I know is the alphabet and a few words. I tried teaching myself years ago, and it didn't work out... Unfortunately.

                    I think my mom doesn't want me to run by myself is because she's afraid I'm going to get "abducted". I live in a small town. NOTHING happens here. I think I'll be fine.

                    Graphing calculators are awesome. I love playing those games on there! Haha. I love it when we're supposed to be doing work, half of the people are playing the Prob Sim games.

                    eowyngirl: Don't worry, I'm not allowed to touch the sewing machine either. I always end up breaking it. Haha. I hope you can find the right dress. I'd hate to have to wear that costume your director chose. ick.

                    Ugh, asthma attacks are not fun. Especially in the middle of a bball game. My face turns red and my chest hurts so much that when I take a breath it hurts. And then I can't stop coughing for days. That was the worst attack I've ever had.

                    Fourth of July... I spent most of it in RI which I have to admit was so pretty. I liked the houses there cause they were so cute and beach-like. I don't know it's hard to describe what I mean. I got to walk on the beach! Granted, it was rocky but I still got to take of my flip flops and walk up to the coast and have the water splash around my feet. It was warm too. Something you don't find in NH very often.

                    Then I saw the fireworks in my home town. They were nice. My favorite firework is the one that looks like a waterfall/amazon tree. It's hard to describe but I love that one. It's so... pretty.

                    Hungry: I hope your roommate is normal and you guys will get along. That's like one of my fears as well, but I don't have to worry about that until next year. Good luck.

                    Alrighty... what else is new??

                    Um I went to the anime convention in Portland ME today. It was... interesting. Haha. It's always interesting there. Anywho, I got some pins while I was there.

                    One said "I <3 Vampires" , another said "Caution: FanFic in progress", and the last one has a picture of a Gundam Wing character Heero Yuy.

                    I was happy with what I got... Oh and I also but a manga. But other than that it was kind of, crowded? Yeah that's the word. I felt clostrophobic (sp?). But my mom, dad, and bf walked aroud Portland for a little bit.

                    I love cities by the way. When I'm older I definitely want to live in a city. Just being able to walk to places from your house would be amazing. And how there's always something going on. Yeah... That's so neat. (I'm a small town girl, so anything that has something to do is better)

                    Alright, I'm done...

                    Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                    Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                    It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                    Check out my video: LET GO


                    • I've been playing this online multiplayer game thing called Wizard 101. It seems somehow vageuly Harry Potter-based, and really idiotic, though it's very addictive. And fun, occasionally. Find out more at their homepage.

                      So, yes, nothing interesting going on. Oooh, I went shopping today, and got a new sketchbook (because the pages on my old one kept tearing apart)! That's it.
                      Dif-tor heh smusma.


                      • Let's see, what'd I do on the fourth of July....

                        Well, I'll start from the beginning.

                        Last Saturday night, the town near us had fireworks. Their display just keeps getting better and better.... I'm not good at describing fireworks, though, so I won't try. My godparents and godbrother came down to my house before the fireworks, and we had a cook-out. I had my usual hot dog. Before that, I was giving my godbrother rides in the lawnmower trailer, and my godfather even gave us a ride together.

                        Last Wednesday, I started going to a several-week-long golf clinic at our closest golf course. The course manager/PGA Pro does the lesson. Last week, we covered chipping. I found it really helpful. Next week, we are doing pitching. I missed the putting lesson a couple weeks ago, but that's OK. I am good enough at putting to satisfy myself, which doesn't take much.

                        On the actual fourth of July, I had to feed the neighbor's animals. Not only do they have the horse (hay, grain, and water twice a day), but they now keep the dog in a kennel outside (one scoop of food twice a day, keep the water plentiful and clean), and the hardest... the chickens. Let them out of the coop in the AM, where they stay around the yard, and at dusk, they go in to the coop by themselves. I also have to fill the food things with food, and the water things with water. However... if I need to do the PM session before they go in to the coop, I should only let them out the side door of the coop and in to the chicken-wire (what a coincidence ) enclosure. That way, I just have to shoo them in to the coop. Which is what I did in the 4th of July, for a reason I'll explain later. But anyway, I started shooing them in to the coop, and about half of them went right in. When I wasn't looking, one of them walked out of the door to the enclosure. I walked out to try and chase it back in. Meanwhile, all the other chickens were coming back out.... I went back in the enclosure to get them back in. There was this one chicken, that looked a lot like the one that escaped, that wouldn't go in. It was making this sad-sounding noise, probably because it didn't know where the other chicken was (they were probably a couple). So I closed the coop door, and went out to lure the other chicken back in to the enclosure, which took five minutes or so. When it was back in, I closed the door to the enclosure, shooed the two chickens back in to the coop, and shut the door.

                        ....And the reason that I had to do the chickens that way in the PM was that we went to my aunt and uncle's to play dominoes. That was really fun. We saw a lot of wildlife around there that night, including deer, stray (or wild) cats, and foxes.

                        A few days ago, my aunt and uncle from Maine came to my grandfather's. The uncle I'm talking about is my dad's brother, coming down to my dad's dad's house. Just to clarify. And my aunt went to see her mother, so it was just my uncle last night. My other two uncles came over, along with my parents, and my aunt popped in briefly. We had a cook out. Once again, I had my usual hot dog. I also used one of the hamburger rolls as bread and butter, and then I microwaved it.... Mmmmm!

                        The conversations we were having... were NOT very happy, though. We were talking about my grandfather (mom's dad)'s death, sleeping problems, death of my mom's cousins, and alcohol problems. My uncle the house, and then came back in to the house ten minutes later. My dad and him talked about depressing things. Then my dad left. Then my uncle left. Then my uncle came BACK in the house, wondering what my grandfather, visiting uncle, and I were doing on my computer (which was depressing, too ).... He didn't leave until about ten after eleven at night. I stayed overnight, along with my uncle. I said to him, "This... has been one of the LEAST uplifting nights I've had in my life. Probably the worst." We were still joking about it this morning. I feel bad for him, though, because here he is visiting us all and we're having a cook-out with him, and meanwhile everyone's talking about those degrading things....

                        My aunt is going to be here soon, and then her and my uncle are going back home. Then my grandfather and I are going back to church. Oh, she's here now.... I've got to go. Dai everyone!
                        "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


                        • Smores! Awesome! I went to watch the country club fireworks from a parking lot, and we could see some of them. It was kind of boring because most of them were really low. Then I went with my mom to our house in the country and we set off a bunch of fireworks, so that was fun. I have found several costume options though, so I don't have to worry about wearing the director's dress, which she must have pulled out of a dark hole somewhere because there are not words to describe how ugly it is. BUT I don't have to wear it! YAY! And I hope that no one else does either...I would feel so sorry for them.


                          • Whoa.. I had to actually log in for the first time in ages. I had to think a bit to remember my password. Passwords have been giving me a hard time lately, since I've been going back to sites I sort of forgot about during school. I'm still super busy, though. Weird. I never thought that I'd have a life off the internet.

                            I'm still working, though only two or three days a week. I'm trying to spend as much time as possible with my boyfriend, but he has more of a life than I do. Well, more friends that are in town, anyway. My bestie is in Kenya right now on a mission trip, but she gets back on Wednesday. Another friend is stuck at her house babysitting, while yet another is gone for a month at GSP, which gives her college credit and huge college scholarships.

                            Two of my friends are having a really hard time right now. Their mom has been fighting cancer for six years, and now, the doctors have finally given up. I talked to one of them about a week ago, and it seemed like she was given a week to live. Their mom's wish was to see them graduate, so my highschool and the hospital put together an impromptu graduation ceremony for them. I don't know what their current situation is... The twins are spending all their time at the hospital, so I don't want to bother them with phone calls.

                            I was forced into reading Twilight early in June because of my friends' obsession, and now I understand (sort of) why they're so crazy over those books. I'm ashamed of myself for watching Camp Rock and enjoying it.

                            We were in Georgia for my brother's Bible Bowl competition during the 4th, so we went to some huge fireworks display down there. So many people... I don't do well with crowds. I got some cool pictures, though, and videod (is that even a word? hah) a lot of it. We also went to a pretty cool aquarium down there, but the crowds (again) made me feel icky. Cool pictures (again), though. Actually, the fish aren't too fond of staying still, and my camera isn't too fond of taking pictures while the subject is in motion... So, a few of them turned out poorly/oddly.

                            I have summer homework for my AP/honors classes. We have to read Hamlet for English. I'm not taking AP this year because, while the teacher is awesome, he doesn't teach for the AP exam and likes projects a little too much. For AP Psychology, we're supposed to read the first chapter of a book that looks like it'd only take a couple hours to read the whole thing. So, I'm just going to read it all. I also have four pages of homework for AP Calculus...which I will fail. Miserably. I'm still not sure why I'm taking that class.

                            I'm pretty exciting about being a senior, though. =) One year closer to college, and finally getting out of the house.

                            I still don't have my license (or my car), but I should be driving fairly soon. My parents are buying a silver corolla for me. I have to pay for the gas and insurance.

                            Ooo. Who said something about dimensional analysis? I was reading through some older posts... *searches* Ooo. Jwiz. Dimensional analysis is your friiiieennnnnnd. lol. I saw chem and was like, "Ooo! Chemistry!!!"

                            I'm not going to bother going all the way to my last post, except maybe just to see how many pages back it is. I'm tempted to just go to bed soon. *yawn* I'm always tired. It's kind of ridiculous. =)
                            the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                            • Okkay, so where to start?

                              Hungry: Ahhh yes, Revenge of the Babysat. (:P) I had to babysit a just-turned-five year old for seven hours for three days. I think she might be ADD. It was.. bad. But gave me a bit of experience, dontcha kno? All I know is that little kids do not mind whacking you as hard as they can when you play swordfighting. Pheew!

                              Hahaha, it was really fun, though. A great experience.

                              And then I dog/cat/guinea pig sat, which was actually all right. The dogs were the cutest thing this side of the planet! (besides my dog, that is )

                              Emi: I understand about the running thing. It really does suck, but I can see your mom's point a little bit, even if it's a small town. I live in a rather large town and it's really a problem here. My dad won't let my mom run

                              on the fourth: I'm a bit jealous of most peoples fourths and such. I was down the shore, which I like, but also away from my family at the time. I was with a friend which is all right, but she didn't really want to watch them so we ended up going on the doubleshot instead. I was actually really disappointed. And the water was collld!! But of course I went in

                              One of the only good things about my "vacation" was a trip to the ol' bookstore I got books 4-9 of the Confessions of Georiga Nicholson series. Shameless teen stuff, but I like it a lot. It's not trashy, just funny and, well, teen girl like. I would check it out if you're like 13-4 or older. They make me laugh out loud. A LOT. Which isn't that great in school, you know, but eventually everyone ignores you.

                              .. Eventually...

                              Also, I've been listening to "Ultraviolet" by the Stiff Dylans about a bazillion times. Also good stuff

                              So the other day I was listening to the indie station on the radio, and it's all like, "KEANE!" and I'm all like, "Ah! I remember when Gryph told me about them ageesss ago!"

                              hahaha just thought I'd bring that up.

                              Other than that, not much has been happening. I think I'm finally pulling together Golliwogg's Cakewalk. The Tristan and Isolde part is so so pretty, even in satire mode. I just can't stop playing it!

                              we must...we must... we must increase our bust!

                              Oh Judy Bloom. Tisk Tisk.

                              So, I guess I must go find something to do besides ramble on (black betty, bambalam) and be bored. If I don't find anything, I'll let you know. But I think I will.

                              Ooh, and another good new comic that's just come out is Dreamleak. It is tres tres magnifique!

                              So, I really am going to stop now.


                              just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                              • I got a bunch of sheet music off of the internet, and have been playing piano constantly since about 7:45 this evening! It's fun! I'm learning the song "Twilight" by Vanessa Carlton.

                                My parents got mad when they found me in the basement at 10:45 playing piano, and sent me up to bed. But what they didn't expect, was that I'd moved my keyboard upstairs to my room, and have been playing more since then.

                                I'm piano-obsessed now. And Twilight-obsessed (that goes for the books as well as the song)
                                Dif-tor heh smusma.

