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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Hugs for Tuttle. And there's really nothing to be said but that I'm sorry for your loss. Don't worry too much if stuff feels all weird and wobbly and horrible right now, that's the way it normally goes.
    New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


    • Ash and eowyngirl: Thanks, we're trying to make it right.

      Ash: I didn't even know there was a Cape Cod Potato Chip Factory in MA!!! That's so funny, I'm going to go check it out now. Haha. Hope you have fun at the Bon Jovi concert!!!

      Tuttle: *hugs* I'm very sorry for your loss. I hope your family is going to be okay. You're in my prayers.
      Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
      Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
      It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
      Check out my video: LET GO


      • *hugs Tuttle and Emi* I'll be praying for both of you!

        So I was forced to take a very long walk today with my family. I started coughing and wheezing. My dad said, "Maybe we should take her to a doctor," and then my mom scowled at me like I was ruining her life and said, "No, she'll be fine."

        I was wondering how long it would be before I stopped breathing completely, when my sister cried out, "Mommy, look; the driver just waved to us!!" and I looked up to see yet another black mercedes. That's about the 10th one this week that I've seen.
        Dif-tor heh smusma.


        • Tuttle: *huggles* I'm sorry...not much else to say. Take care, and we're here if you need us.

          Yep, today's not the best day. We're getting our big tree cut down because it dropped a branch a few weeks ago that could definitely have taken out half our house and part of our neighbor's house, if it had hit the houses. Luckily, it only hit our lovely grill and their patio set, but's sad that it's being taken down. I don't like it.

          Had oral surgery...not Monday of this week, but last Monday. Kind of painful, kind of "oh my gosh, I can't eat anything." But I figure it'll be worth it...I had 2 baby teeth pulled (yes, I'm 18 and I finally got rid of all my baby teeth! lol) and had these silver things put in my gums so that in a few months they can implant fake teeth in them. Sounds crazy, but I'm excited about being able to chew normally and stuff like that. Although I still have to get braces a 3rd time before they can do the implant on my top front teeth...grrr...stupid orthodontist. My teeth are really strange.

          I've been babysitting a lot lately; it's getting a little boring, but hey, at least it's money. I'm just sick of going to the pool. It makes me pruney, turns me into a lobster, and makes my hands peel from too much time in chlorine. But it keeps the kids quiet, so I suppose I shouldn't complain about it.

          On my grandma's laptop right now. She's got Vista, which is strange to me. It doesn't seem to like me very much. Or maybe that's just the way it works, I'm not really sure. Getting a new laptop myself, actually, but not a PC. Sea is finally getting a Mac. XD Excited. I'm not a computer person, but Macs seem to like me better than PCs do, so...I'm excited. Anyone have a MacBook and have any complaints about it that I should be warned about? I'm not a gamer or anything, I just need a laptop that won't die on me and will let me do things like use the Internet and type papers. I'm keeping my old laptop to play Sims 2 on...since I've got the PC version of Sims 2, it kinds of seems like a waste to get rid of the computer it's on. (I've got almost all the expansion and stuff packs. It's insane.)

          We're leaving for Hilton Head in a week and a half. Very excited about that; I just need to get out of my city for awhile and chill. People say I've had a lot of time to chill this summer...which is true. But it's not the stress-free type of chilling you can do on a beach 12 hours away from home. Only problem is, my roommate stuff is supposed to come the week I'm gone. So my parents are letting me bring a laptop to check email and facebook in case roomie contacts me while we're gone. I'm never allowed to bring laptop with me on vacation, there's not really room in the car. He can ride on my lap this time, he's coming whether my parents like it or not, since the condo has free Wi-Fi.

          Yesterday I was followed home by a silver Volvo-the right model and everything. Couldn't really see the driver, due to sun being in the way, but of course many of you know who I was pretending it was. XD

 to go, driving my brother to go see my aunt's new puppy. She's a border collie and is so cute, the sweetest looking puppy I've ever seen. Glad I finally get to meet her, after seeing so many pictures of her!


          • KK, Tuttle, Ash... I'm really sorry that things aren't going well for you.... Stay strong; things WILL get better, as long as you have an open mind to "better".

            Hungry: Is the big tree dying? If it's healthy, I don't see the reasoning behind cutting it down just because it dropped one branch. Maybe your parents and the neighbors are just mad at it.

            I love going in pools.... So much less complicated than a beach trip, cleaner than a lake/pond....

            Vista was giving me heck for a few months there, but either bugs were worked out or I just got to be able to live without whatever feature it was missing. Mac complaints? I hate their laptops. The desktops are pretty good. As far as the Mac OS itself, it doesn't matter to me whether I use that or Windows.... Just be sure that you don't break anything, because Macs are expensive to get fixed and buy parts for.... Since they make their own parts, you need to buy the parts from them.... I have a friend who had an iBook G4, and the thing was just physically wasted; don't get me in to it. Their biggest problem was the power cord. They went through a few of them, both factory and generic.... And also the CD drive got jammed and that would be too expensive to fix.... Like I said, just don't break it.

            Hilton Head.... As in, HH Island, South Carolina? I went there last year! It's great there, so beautiful (even the local Wal Mart is made nice'n pretty ), clean, lots of activities.... You're going to have a lot of fun.

            What is this Volvo/Mercedes thing?
            "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


            • Eric: The Volvo/Mercedes thing is a Twilight reference. I've been spotting most of the cars mentioned in the books. So far I've seen 12 black Mercedes, 6 red Jeeps, and 1 yellow Porsche 911 Turbo. I haven't seen a silver volvo, but I've seen loads of white volvos. And about 5 red convertables.

              And the weird thing is, all of them had tinted glass. Coincedence? All of them have been really shiny, also.
              Dif-tor heh smusma.


              • You can id a car?
                Thats more than I could do. I couldn't tell a Porsche from a volvo if it hit me. Mind you, I doubt many people could tell the difference after a car accident.
                “I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.”
                -Groucho Marx


                • *gasp* there is still people I remember here!! Hello all, great being back on here again. For those who don't know me, I originally had an account on the forum way back in 2003 I think, though I stopped coming here after a couple of years, had some issues and family problems, etc., that needed taking care of. After that, I just couldn't get the nerve up to come back, especially after being gone for about 8 months at the time, I tried too, but with so many new people I freaked a bit and just stopped again. So now I've made a new account and am finally back. If any of you still remember me feel free to say hi or something
                  absurdity is the spice of life, the little things that make you and you alone laugh

                  "its not the custard that kills you, its the Kittens" -PM (I'll miss you, man)


                  • Daylily: Yeah, I can identify a car if I try really hard. I looked up the specific models of the cars from Twiligh, though, so I could be sure. I like the Porsche 911 Turbo the best. It's so fast! I nearly got run over by one in Philadelphia.

                    I am at church. No surprise there. People keep asking me what I'm doing here, and they looked so shocked when I say, "Oh, I work here."
                    Dif-tor heh smusma.


                    • kk: I've seen so many silver shiny Volvo's it's killing me. I almost always drive off the road trying to see who's in them. It's dangerous I know... but it's so... AH. I haven't seen any Mercedes. But a lot of BMW red convertables. Tons. (edit) Oh and I almost forgot, I've seen "Edward"'s name EVERYWHERE. People on tv and in books and oh, I don't know. It's everywhere though. And so isn't Bella's name. Pretty funny though.

                      Oh and I hope hope hope your mom finally caves in and takes you to the doctors. The wheezing thing is def a sign of asthma. And it'll get worse from there.

                      Hi bookwyrmpoet!! Welcome back. I probably came on after you, so you probably don't know me. But it's nice to know some of the oldbies are coming back!!!

                      Eric: I love pools too!! But I like the beach as well, they're kind of tied.

                      Hungry: Hope you're going to like your new laptop!! Babysitting can be a pain sometimes especially when you're trying to plan out what you're going to do that day. And I hate it when it rains... the worst scenerio case ever. Oh and on the Vista thing. My mom hates her laptop because it has vista on it. It keeps shutting off on her and we don't even know why. So maybe a Mac is the best thing.

                      I'm going down to NC not this weekend but next weekend! I'm so excited. I can't wait. I'm going to see my grandparents AND I'm going to visit a couple colleges while I'm down there. So happy.

                      Alright Dai all.
                      Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                      Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                      It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                      Check out my video: LET GO


                      • Just happily running in and squeaking with glee to finally have home internet and time to be back here. Yay!

                        *offers round flapjack*
                        Las Vegas Boulevard is jammed, and I'm in love...


                        • I just want to find out, does anyone on here have a facebook account? I just got one a few days ago, and in the YW group I thought I recognized several names. Well?

                          There is this awesome application on facebook where you can race cars with other people, though I'm mostly using it for one reason. One of the cars you can 'buy' is a porsche 911.
                          Dif-tor heh smusma.


                          • kk: I have a facebook account and I'm on the YW group on Facebook. What's the application?? Is it Petrolhead??!? I had that but I got this weird looking car. Haha I don't think I had enough money for a Porsche!!

                            Welcome back Trialia to TTOGR!!!
                            Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                            Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                            It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                            Check out my video: LET GO


                            • O MY GOD!!!
                              I've got great news bad news and horrible news.
                              The great news is that in going to greenport tomarrow.
                              The bad news is that I broke my foot kicking the kleat on my boat twice by accident so I cant really walk that well.
                              the horrible news is that for two whole days i wont be able to watch anime
                              well thats it i guess

                              SEE YA!!!


                              • You might have noticed my name in the list somewhere. :-)

                                I've been on Facebook for a while, but it's only recently that I've been going a bit application-crazy. :-) I'm trying not to abuse my friends with invites too much, but it's hard sometimes. :-)
                                "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

                                "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."

