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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • kli: Good to know you finally got to see the Sabre... I saw a few days ago. But for like a few seconds, cuz then they switched to swimming or something like that.

    I don't understand why they don't show ALL of the sports. I mean, they even showed the Horse competitions, like a couple times. But I haven't gotten a chance to see any of the Softball or Basketball games AT ALL. Maybe they're just airing the games at a time when I'm not home...

    I saw the tennis match against Switzerland's Feder, and USA's Blake... and Feder LOST! I was completely shocked!! But Blake is good... I was just shocked that Feder lost, didn't he win World Cup or something? (Sorry, my tennis knowledge is the scoring and how to hit the ball... don't know much after that)

    *HUGS BACK* Thanks everyone!!! I think everything will turn out okay...

    I found out how to get all my files off of my broken computer!!! All I have to do is, make my hard drive a slave drive on the other PC and get an external hard drive and load all my files on to that. Then I'll have my files. That's all I want... my stories (my babies).

    Hungry: GOOD LUCK AT COLLEGE!! I hope you'll have so much fun there. Hope you'll come on here often... Have fun!

    anime: Sorry about your pets... *hugs*

    eowyngirl: Wow that's a tough sched...

    *sigh* I couldn't take any AP classes this year because I never got on to honors classes... my guidance counselor told me that it was "for the best" even though I'm so bored out of my mind in my classes because nothing seems like a challenge... Oh well. At least I'll get a 4.0 GPA.
    Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
    Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
    It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
    Check out my video: LET GO


    • Emi: *hugs* (Because I didn't get a chance to hug you yet.) And yay for your computer! I know how you feel...I had written the first four chapters of a story on an ancient laptop, and then it died. I was happy when I got the documents back!

      So my uncle got arrested for trespassing. *sigh* He was collecting scrap metal on private property, again. I suppose he didn't think things through well enough...or something.

      Besides that, though, I'm doing fine. Except I'm sick, but besides that, I'm fine!

      OK, I should go to bed, now that it's after 3 AM.


      Dif-tor heh smusma.


      • Emi *hugs* (same as kk)
        That's wonderful about the computer! I've never had that happen to me, but one of my friends lost everything from a virus and had to retype all of her english essays.

        kk - I'm sorry about your uncle, how serious is it?
        Feel better soon!

        I really wanted to take AP world history last year and this year, but my mom diddn't want me to. My sister did it and it took so much time and stress, even though she did wonderful. My mom's great, but I wish that I could have taken the class. So I'm in honors, which is really easy.

        Don't you hate that expression "for the best" ?

        Oh no oh no
        Koko just hopped up to meet the fish that I needed for a science fair project. She isn't supposed to be up on things either. The fish are fine though, I just got her down. Now it's funny
        "And on he went, out of sight in unhurried grace; the true dark angel, the unfallen Destroyer, the Pale slayer who never really dies -- seeking for pain to end." Deep Wizardry, page 355 Listen, and I'll tell you a story... of the wind in the trees, and the sun, the moon and the stars... of all of Earth dancing


        • Smile: I don't really know how serious it is, but apparently, he's been arrested for trespassing before, so it doesn't look good. My mom said something about bailing him out, but I don't know. I don't know how he's doing.

          Yes, I despise the expression "for the best"! It's always horrible when a parent forced you to do something, and says, "It's for the best." I hate it...
          Dif-tor heh smusma.


          • *hugs you all* Not so good things for the most part, huh.

            As for Olympic things... I don't (really) watch TV or do much of anything that could be called sport, so they don't interest me that much, but I have a friend who was under-18 fencing champion for Shropshire for a while. He was VERY good at it...
            Las Vegas Boulevard is jammed, and I'm in love...


            • Emi: Actually I think Federer lost the Cup...he lost something, anyway. Maybe it was Wimbledon? I don't know. That's great that you got the stuff off your computer--I would be completely distressed if I lost my files. And yeah, it's a tough schedule, but I enjoy a challenge. And I'm sorry you can't take any APs. I hate when people say something's 'for the best' or that they're 'doing it for your benefit'. Gr.

              kk: Sorry about your uncle; I hope it turns out all right. And get better!

              I'm using lots of smileys today...

              smile: Sorry that you couldn't take AP either. That's too bad. Hey, I wonder if science fair fish are especially tasty...apparently Koko thought so.


              • Well, I haven't posted for a while.... Nothing has changed much in my life. I don't remember if I stated it on this forum or not, but I'm starting high school this coming school year. Anxious? Not really. My appetite isn't quite what it usually is/was, but other than that, I feel fine.

                This coming Sunday, there's going to be a sort of family day for freshmen and their families, with a speech from the new assistant headmaster, tours of the campus, introductions, etc. I'd really like to go that. However, at the same time, my mom's mom is hosting a picnic for everyone on my mom's dad's side of the family. This hasn't happened in years, and I'd really like to meet some of my relatives from that side. Plus, I told my grandmother I would be there, since I'm always at ALL the family events. I have no clue what to do. There's only going to be one high school family day... thing... and I have no clue when the next picnic with my mom's dad's side of the family will be.

                Saturday I got back from vacation in NH. I really had fun, even though it seemed kind of short (but no matter how long it is, it'll always seem short, right? ).

                I read posts as they're made, but I don't remember everything.... Anyone who's in need of it, my good intentions are with you.
                "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


                • Good luck at High School Eric!!! You'll have fun, don't worry. Freshmen usually gets away with a lot of stuff, anyway. Well at my school, that is.

                  kk: Your uncle got arrested? <STRIKE>That's sick</STRIKE>! Haha. That's wicked bad though. I hope everything will be okay. Let's hope he won't have to go to court. Are you still sick?? Hope you get better.

                  Trialia: Fencing champion?? That's cool. I've always wanted to learn how to fence...

                  eowyngirl: Yeah, I get a new GC this year... which kind of stinks because she really doesn't know me so how is she supposed to write my recommendation for college?

                  Oh and Feder helped with the pairs competition! GOLD. Yay Switzerland. haha.

                  So, I'm going to be starting school next week! Crazy weird. I can't believe how fast summer flew by. I'm kind of excited though, because then I'll be a Senior! Woot. Haha. AND my birthday is in like 11 days. Labor Day weekend I think. I think I'm going to just go to the beach with my friends... Since my birthday falls on a Sunday.

                  Oh and I'm changing departments at my work. I'll be working Point of Sales, on weekends. But I'm still cashiering during the week. So my first day is this Sunday at 6:30 AM to 11:30AM. Early? Yes. But I'll be sitting down most of the time. Better than ringing up food. Haha and Closing the store.

                  The weather's starting to feel like Autumn. Isn't it? I mean I think we totally skipped over Summer!! Well, in NH that is. It's a little chilly outside right now... I want my summer back. Whatever happened to 98 degree weather?

                  Alright, that's all for now. Dai stiho
                  Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                  Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                  It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                  Check out my video: LET GO


                  • Emi: You're lucky that it's getting cooler near you; it's still 90-degree weather here.

                    I'm so happy; I'm home again! It's good to be back...except my pets are acting weird around me, but oh well. I looked in the fridge, and there wad almost nothing, and what there was, was covered in mold. What did my dad live off of while I was gone? Gosh....
                    Dif-tor heh smusma.


                    • I LOOOOOVE fall/autumn. It's my favorite season. The air starts getting nice and cool and fresh, so I can start sleeping in my room and in a bed again (the floor in my parents' bedroom is my safety from the heat in my second-floor, non air-conditioned room). I ride my bike or walk down the road or in the woods through leave piles with the strong, crisp breeze blowing everything around, the scent of the passed leaves in the air.... It means that winter's coming (on the road I live on, winter is always fun and interesting... for non-motorists like myself, anyway ). The dog LOVES the snow, too. The school year is in its prime (hasn't gotten repetitive, tedious, boring, etc. yet). I just love fall.

                      But for the time being, it's going to get warmer again towards the end of the week (ugh...). 85 here on Friday.

                      The cat has a fur ball in the other room... I know it's bad for them, and it's really not funny, but I always start snickering when they start hacking.... OK, he's done now.

                      My mom got me a new backpack... it's the perfect color; it's kind of between a royal blue and a sky blue. A little closer to the sky blue. It has a lot of compartments for me to put all my stuff in. Having a new backpack around in plain site (my old one is still in the spare bedroom with most of my stuff in in ), it's really getting my back-to-school feelings going.... I only have this week left and it starts on Monday.

                      It'd be nice if we got a materials list.... All that I know is that there's a requirement for a pricey scientific calculator (a specific model, I don't remember which) for everyone taking Algebra 2 and up.... I don't need it this year, but I'm wondering if I should just get it anyway, because it COULD come in handy, and I'd also be more prepared for next year....

                      I'm disappointed in myself, and sad for my dad, and angry at my dad all at the same time. My dad bought a small device that collects water from the dehumidifier in the basement and pumps it out a tube, eliminating the need to carry a huge bucket upstairs and outside every other day. I said I'd set it up for my dad, and I started to. I connected the tube to the pump, and started running the tube along the basement ceiling and over to a pipe (which HAPPENS to be in the very corner, above the big oil tanks ) to discharge the water in to. I had to climb over a bunch of junk and on to a table so I could push the tube down the pipe. After I did that, I got down, and THUNK!! behind me. Oh, great. It was the only good-condition guitar in the entire basement that I had just knocked on to the floor and made a hole in.

                      I'm disappointed in myself for not moving the guitar to a safe place before I started the project. I'm sad for my dad since that was a 700-dollar guitar, several years ago. I'm angry at my dad because, if that guitar was expensive and so important to him, what's it doing on top of a pile of junk in a dark, dusty, high-humidity basement with mice around?!! That's like keeping a diploma (high school, college, whatever) on your garage floor.... I'll just say I was in tears after his reaction after I told him about it. But I just kept saying that it shouldn't have been there in the first place and it wasn't my fault. I'm over it now.

                      But, nevertheless, mission accomplished: pump works great, no more emptying buckets for my dad.

                      I never told y'all about my vacation, either. We went to Portsmouth, NH. We left on Wednesday. When we got up there, we went to IHOP for breakfast. We had dinner at the Gas Light Company. I had a little bit of spaghetti and sauce for an appetizer and my usual (as in, every time we've went there annually for the past five years) cheese pizza. That's one of my favorite restaurants in the world; their food is so unique, yet not fancy and disgusting. You can't find anything like it anywhere. On Thursday, we went to breakfast at the Friendly Toast (a restaurant that serves breakfast and lunch and is decorated with artifacts from pre-'90s and all the waiters and waitresses have tattoos... I don't care for the atmosphere, but the food is excellent) and went to Water Country. We went to dinner at Outback Steakhouse. On Friday, we had breakfast at IHOP and went to the outlets in Kittery, Maine, where I got my first brand-new pair of sneakers in two years (I'm very good to my sneakers; I really didn't need new ones last year). We had dinner at The Rosa Italian restaurant. Saturday, we hung out at the hotel in the pool all morning, and then we went out to this golf place where my mom and I played mini-golf and my dad and my friend who I took along went to the driving range.

                      Actually, now that I think about it, the eating schedule sounds a bit off to me... I'll revise it later.

                      When we got home, the cats (who were locked in the house; the dog was at the kennel) had peed in three places, and clawed through a screen to an open window and escaped. One of the cats didn't show up at all until today, four days after we got back.

                      ....And that's everything. This is my longest post in a long time.
                      "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


                      • School in five days.

                        Ahh, well.

                        Eric: You shouldn't be ashamed. I mean, it really stinks about your dad's guitar, but the whole point of messing up is to find the right way. You're a good guy, try not to worry about it too much

                        Sounds like a lot of people going to New England this summer. I bet it was gorgeous, it sounds it I can't wait until fall. It's so beautiful, and I suppose I like it for the same reasons Eric does (minus the coming of winter + motorists). That crisp breeze is so refreshing, and just what you need after the long hot summer. And then you get that smell, and everything is just wonderful. But you all know what I'm talking about.

                        Oh wow, so I just had to go downstairs for a moment to help my mom with something, and I started walking back through the dining room and I noticed a peculiar addition to the decor. You see, my eldest brother has a strange obsession with sock monkeys. Normally, okay whatever, it's sort of funny. But this one is totally creepy, it's like missing and eye, and is generally a scary little thing. So I guess he just found him in the closet or something, and he decided to be funny, so he attached his arm to the hanging light above our table, so the thing looks like it's about to swoop down on us like King Kong. It's actually really funny haha

                        Oh my family.

                        Oh back to Eric:

                        E man:
                        I got my first brand-new pair of sneakers in two years (I'm very good to my sneakers; I really didn't need new ones last year).
                        I'm lucky if mine make it through the year I'm a bit wild hahahaha

                        Olympics: Shawn and Nastia all the way! Whoo! And Mikey Phelps I love them all haha

                        kk: Aw, I help things work out with your family and your uncle. It's gotta be a bit tough, I know. I've got a similar situation over here. I also hope you feel better, and soon!!

                        Smile: haha KoKo sounds cute

                        Eowyn: sounds like a good schedule! Algebra II is interesting haha Competitive Speech = awesommme Wow AP Bio and History? Good luck!! Sounds like a nice challenge : ))

                        Heyy hungry! Good luck with all your packing. I hope things go well for you at college. I have no doubt they will Drop in when you get the chance, but don't sweat it. We'll be here haha

                        I hate baseball.
                        *le gasp* now that is simply unacceptable! Haha why?

                        this goes back a while-- jwiz: woo! Way to go on chem! That's awesome!! I had to do a packet this summer on basic stuff and I almost had a heart attack haha that's pretty awesome woo!

                        Trialia: Ooh, the flu? I hope you're all better now?

                        smile: I'm very sorry to hear about your cat. It's really hard losing an animal like that. but now you have KoKo, and things move on

                        animelvr2: same as smile, it's tough I'm sorry *hugs*

                        Emi: *huggles*

                        So today I went back to my school for Book Sale Day where you get all your books and your I.D. taken and stuff. It was weird, going without seeing people for so long, and then suddenly going back to the whole school and their parents at once. It was weird, I forgot what teen girls are like sometimes haha (I go to an all girls school--sometimes very good, sometimes not so much) but it was cool to see my friends again and it was a relief to get into chorale again (you have to re-audition every year, which is a bit of a hassle, haha) and I'm really excited, we got a new cello, finally!! We have two, but only one works, and the one that does is in bad bad condition. We also have two bass, but they're broken too. We're supposed to have one of the best music programs in the country, and yet... we have no equipment, haha. Ach, weel. hahaha

                        So I think that's about it. Now all that's left to do is jam to the Wombats and Paper Route (woo!)

                        Loves, and Dai!

                        just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                        • Being a freshman is ok... I really like it because our high school is really big, and I have awesome classes and teachers, but some of the people are... unpleasent to freshman.

                          Maybe it's just the first full week? there's a little hope.

                          I just wish that some people in my classes would be a little less pretentious... you know? Maybe I'm just wierd... but there are a lot of people who just seem so... fake.

                          At least AP classes are small and just generally nice.

                          Trialia: Did you say fencing? What weapon? I fence epee... I only fence 3 days a week... but, at least it's some fencing... sorry, i'm a bit of a fencing freak...

                          Saber Fencing was awesome!!!!!! whooooooo! although the comentator was horrible...

                          *stares at people hugging* umm... yeah... anyway...

                          Dai Stihos!

                          Believe something... and somewhere, it's happened


                          • Michael Phelps is... wow. That's all I can say. Amazing athlete. As a person, though, he seems kind of full of himself.... We watched him/all the Olympics every night at the hotel before bed while we were away. At my grandfather's on Saturday evening, I saw the women's volleyball team verse the Chinese.... I don't remember whether they won or lost (I think lose, since they were way behind the last I remember, but I also remember they were starting to catch up). Other than that, it seems as though USA is doing very well. I'm not sure whether it's THE best, but very well.

                            I like watching baseball on TV. It's way better than watching football on TV.... My grandfather's very big on watching both of these. During football I just give my computer, book, video game, etc. my undivided attention, but for baseball, I watch sometimes.

                            Mel, do you live in New England, or where you get the same weather we do?

                            The Defender: I don't remember you too much forums-wise, but I do remember seeing you in chat a few times shortly after I registered last spring. Welcome back, and I hope you stay!

                            Speaking of chat, I can't seem to find the "We're going to close down chat." thread. Was it deleted? It's been right around a year now since the chat was closed....
                            "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


                            • Eric: Sounds like your vacation was fun-filled. Glad you liked NH. Haha... I love the Kittery Outlets!! They're so awesome. Haven't been there in a while though.

                              Oh and yes, Fall is good when you put it that way. I just don't like the thought of what comes after that. Snow. Snow. and more Snow.

                              I agree with Mel don't worry about it too much. Your dad will get over it soon.

                              Mel: Sock Monkeys? How old is your brother? Haha. Ah, school. How is it going to an all girl school? My friend goes to one and she says it has its upside and downsides... I used to want to go to a private school just to wear the uniforms. Haha.

                              wolfy: I hope the rest of the school year is better. Don't worry after spirit week things will subside. You fence? That's so cool.

                              Eric again: I'm sure that thread is buried deep in there... if they were going to bring it up they would have by now.

                              I don't have to work tomorrow. I'm so happy. But I do have to work Friday 3pm-10pm. Ick. I hate those hours. It always feels like it's taking forever for the clock to strike 9 (that's when the store closes and we lock the doors). But then we have those people that like to run in at 8:50 to grab "a couple of things" and come through the line with like forty items at 9:15. Seriously, go to Wal-Mart. They're open 24 hours... Haha.

                              I need to buy some Fall weather clothes. I only have tanks and halters for clothing right now... and some T-shirts. But I need to get clothes for school... Ugh, can't we push the first day two more weeks?

                              8 days... Haha that kind of reminds me of The Ring "7 Days..."
                              Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                              Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                              It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                              Check out my video: LET GO


                              • Wolfy: Yeah, a lot of people are like that. You just need to keep looking for the right people to hang around and the wrong people to stay away from. You'll find your own little niche. I'm glad you like school, though. I love school once you get past the initial weirdness.

                                Oh, and you are a Freshman sorry haha but after a week, mostly everyone loses interest, unless you're ostentatiously obnoxious. I think you'll be okay.

                                Fencing? *perks ears* That's something I've been dying to try out for ages! That and archery! But there's just nothing around here in the way of that

                                Eric: Naw, but my cousins do. I live a little further down south in PA.

                                Emi: my brother is 20 hahaha he just has a strange sense of humor, I guess like the rest of us. I know, it sounds weird like this, but I guess you'd have to know him. My other brother's best friend was sort of afraid of the sock monkey, so my brothers would lightly tease him and put him in weird places. The best was when they put him on the ceiling fan so that just his head peeked off and then they turned it on and he went flying haha it was quite an experience. My brother is... actually, very very imaginative, haha

                                Ugh, 3-10. That's harsh. It could be worse, though. You could have a split. Those aren't too fun 'cause you get like random hours off and then have to go back. I imagine it would mess with your psyche or something. My friend works full time in the summer and she HATES them haha

                                So, on an all girl's private school: It's not so great in some ways-- you're in a school full of girls for instance, and there's a lot of drama and pressure and what not, and a lot of girls complain about the lack of the opposite gender, but there are a lot of upsides. Less drama without the boys, you don't really need to care about how you look (not that I care too much anyhow haha), it's easier to get a lot of work done, you sort of end up getting a whole group of sisters... I dunno, maybe it's just my school, but there's such a sense of community. Even when you dislike someone else, the whole school really is a family. I practically live there during the year (ask my friends haha). I really really like it, I couldn't have asked for a more comfortable place for me.

                                and on the uniforms: we're a little more strict because we're a Catholic school (yes, run mostly by nuns), but I'm one of those freaks that likes uniforms haha though I would rather have a skirt than a potato sack of a jumper... haha



                                haha dai all

                                EDIT: Oh, and I know I'm being totally lazy, but there are a lot of astonomy lovers here, so I thought I'd pose the question:

                                How come sometimes the moon will look really really close, and then within five minutes it looks really really far away? How can it change its size so quickly? My mom and brother and I were wondering this, 'cause it's so weird how we'll be driving and the moon will be huuuuge and then five minutes later we'll look again and it's really tiny. It's just a little confusing haha

                                okay nowww off to sleeps.

                                <3 dai!
                                just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish

