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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Originally posted by kk:
    I like it when I get free programs that no one's going to use, and I end up making really awesome things with them...

    In example: the VLC media player, GIMP photo editor, and now, Wax 2.0 video's just amazing what you can do with cheap or free programs...
    I'm not sure how you got the idea that nobody's going to use them, they are good software and being free does not say anything bad about them. It also doesn't mean they're not going to be used though some people do think they need to pay for programs when there are FOSS equivalents for some reason.

    Really I do recommend to people to look into FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) when there are things they're looking for. They do have the advantage of being free, but also of being community driven more than commercial software. While this may not matter to you now or ever, it is something in favor. Gimp is a nice photoshop equivalent (though it generally doesn't have the same gui, which can irritate people), firefox is a web browser which has a lot of advantages over IE at least (though I am interested in looking at Google Chrome when it becomes available for linux). Depending on the person linux can be a much better OS than windows is. If someone considers themselves geeky they may want to try a live cd of one of the more well known linux distros because there are some really nice things such as the repositories. Having a repository of "I can look for software which fullfills what I need it to do and install it automatically rather than search on the web" is extremely convenient. I'd say anything with either KDE or gnome as a window manager would probably not be hard to figure out how to use as a switch from windows. Ubuntu defaults to gnome and is generally described as looking like a mac (though it doesn't have a dock).

    Of course I've been trying not to just go and start geeking out, because people were talking about open source stuff and wanting to pull focus onto people really do use this and it is really a good alternative. But its just so tempting along with it to be like, and you can do crazy stuff like use wmii or another tiling window manager, or not even load up X. I like my command line . Though I at least use firefox as a primary browser unlike my boyfriend who generally uses links2 or there are even the people who go to lynx, but that's beside the point.

    And then there's doing things like writing up homework in LaTeX, which is actually something which professors think of you highly if you do so just for that depending on the field you'd be looking to go into it may be worth learning. I've had professors remember me because of how I handed in my homework and commented on it.

    And because I really felt like geeking out, I'll just mention that editor wars are silly and for those few who know the big editors, that people find it hilarious that I started using vim because I couldn't figure out how to save in emacs, and thus I became a vim user.

    Sorry about the computer geekery, I had been fighting it all day and got it not completely ridiculous at least...maybe. I stuck with a small subset which is actually related to my life.

    Anyways to go onto talking about me rather than random computer stuff, am on break now, sorta. Sorta because its undergrad break but one of my classes is a grad class so its running anyways. We got a homework assignment today which is almost completely a logic-research like assignment, of figure out the class of things such that this is true and prove it to be true. It makes me happy though it'll be a really hard assignment.

    My other classes didn't go poorly. I completely bombed the final in my Analysis of Algorithms class, but the professor was a very hard one and am used to math classes so somehow pulled off a B anyways. I don't think I deserved one. My other class was OSes which I currently have a C in (though he said I did very well on the final) because of only getting half credit on the final project. This was because of reasons external to the class and he's saying I can finish and give a verbal report to him and he'd adjust my grade to what it would have been if I had the project at that point in the first place. Or maybe slightly below, I dunno, but it'd move up to a B and if it somehow got to an A that'd be nice but I'd be fine with a B in a programming heavy class. This was the class which involved reading code in the linux kernel and writing kernel space code as well as userspace code. Was interesting but was a hard class especially for me as I'm not a programmer. But I think it sorta completed its job of making me more comfortable coding.

    Next term is going to be painful. A full load is 3 classes (for 7 weeks), I'm going to be taking 3 classes, plus a grad class (those are 14 weeks long), plus auditing another undergrad class. And two of the classes I'm taking are ones I'm not going to be good at but are required (I really don't want to take a stats class but its required ) Oh and figuring out two projects for the second half of the year. It seems like a lot of people I'm talking to are going to have bad terms. The 4 grad classes, 1 undergrad class, 1 project worth 1 undergrad class, and finishing an incomplete I think wins (and to think I'm dating the person...).

    Hmm, what else. I almost went and visited a group of people off irc, didn't end up doing so though because of end of term stuff. Would have been interesting.

    It's being creepy around here lately, the part of the city near campus is having way more violent crime than usual, like to the point where this part was being worse than where is usually worst in the city. Haven't known anyone to get injured or even mugged, but its creepy to know. But they increased police force a lot. I've been basically banned from walking anywhere alone at night, which doesn't bother me. Especially not me going out with my computer. If we were getting food and I wanted to go back to the apartment and nobody else was going back I go up to campus and then to the apartment from there because its a safer route and that way I'm walking most of the way with a 6'4" male, not just being a 5'2" female with a very expensive computer. Its amusing to think about he's been worried before walking down the street that there were people following us so he swung his computer off his back and onto his arm to make it clear that if they were to try to do anything he had something which could be swung at them immediately and not hurt the computer.

    I've been writing this for a while, waiting for boyfriend to get out of class, but I've run out of things to say right now so I think I'll post before I get to rambling even more.
    We will remember you PM. And your little GingerBear.


    • kk: glad to know your computer is fixed!!!

      Mona: Congrats on the acceptance!!! I haven't applied yet because I'm waiting for my scores to come in for SAT's. Ugh tomorrow...

      So, Young Americans came to my school. I had a BLAST!!

      We spent like two days working on what our show is going to be and the final day was our show. I don't think I've ever worked that hard in my life! But I had so much fun.

      The first day (Thursday) we started at 4:00pm and learned a Stomp dance, choral music, and decade dances. That ended at 9:00pm.

      The second day (Friday) we started at 9:00am and worked on more of the Hip-hop dance and choral. We also learned a dance for "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious". Did I spell that right? If I did, it's because we rehearsed that so many times. Haha. I got a part for a Quartet solo in one of the choral songs... it's a Japanese song that meant you don't have to be number one because we are all only one. It's a beautiful song. The day ended at 8:00pm.

      The last day started at 4:00pm and we rehearsed the whole show before going in to a pot luck dinner. Then we did our show, which was amazing! Everything turned out great and my family loved it.

      I'm so glad I was able to participate in the workshop. After the show, they held auditions for Young Americans and I decided to audition for them. I won't know for a few weeks if I got in or not, but I'm crossing my fingers.

      For more information: Young Americans Website

      And if you want to hear more about the songs we sang or the dances we danced just PM me.

      Moving on. I'm almost done my TV production project. Just putting up the finishing touches and I'm done! Woot. Haha, now I have to start thinking about what my next project is going to be...

      COLLEGE. What the heck? I think I'm so far behind on the whole college aspect... I should be like sending out my apps by now... and I haven't had the time to just sit and edit my essays and what not. HELP?

      And NANOWRIMO is starting in a few days. How is everyone preparing? I just want it to be November now.

      That's all for now.

      Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
      Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
      It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
      Check out my video: LET GO


      • Excuse my ingnorance, but what is "NANOWEIMO"?
        "Doctors help you to live, the Arts give you a reason to live."


        • bookgirl:

          Sorry I haven't been around, people. *waves limply* They took my painkillers away, so I haven't really been very functional for the last few weeks. *grimace* However, I now have tramadol, which is more than I -did- have, and have been referred to pain clinic... so, I'm back. As best I can be.

          Not doing NaNo this year, but who here is?
          Las Vegas Boulevard is jammed, and I'm in love...


          • Trialia--I'm doing NaNoWriMo for the first time this year, and I'm really excited about it. I meant to do it last year but I ended up being in the hospital, so that didn't happen.

            Sorry that I haven't been around much, but I'm trying to juggle school and reading and the Internet, and it's all kind of piling up on me. Hopefully I'll be around more often soon.


            • Tuttle: What I meant, was that they weren't going to turn it into some big expensive thing, but left it simple, and inexpensive. They are really good programs.

              Emi: Yeah, it was great! For about a day...until it broke again...heh... Oh well, it's okay. They're sending me the parts for it in a few days.

              Hmmm... Halloween party! It's fun...I got to make a bunch of types of candy, some shaped like spiders or bats, and a lot of the decorations are cool...

              My friend Liz has this obsessive thing about trick-or-treating, though we are too old. She wants us all to dress up, and go trick-or-treating today, and freak the neighborhood out a bit...

              Dif-tor heh smusma.


              • Speaking of halloween parties. I just got back from a great one! One of the guys in our branch (church group from a certain area) has grandparents that own a cabin up in the canyon not too far from where we all live. They let us borrow it for the night. We had a blast showing off our costumes (I was Katherine from Taming of the Shrew) and playing games. Including pumpkin bowling (which is a ton of fun, btw)
                "Doctors help you to live, the Arts give you a reason to live."


                • Trialia - This is also my first year doing NaNoWriMo.

                  I'm very excited and can't wait for November to come. On the other side, I have so much to do before November so that I can have the max amount of time to write.

                  My town's Halloween parade was last Thursday. it was lots of fun. We got to dress up for the parade. So of the people had pretty cool costumes - mine was kind of lame.

                  Friday was Senior Night at the football game. It was really cool to finally be the senior. We took some fun pics of us seniors.

                  After the game (that we lost 35-54, although that was the most points we've scored all season), I went over to a friend's house for the night. We watched "She's The Man". It was pretty funny.

                  Yesterday, we had a competition. It was raining hard all day. We were outside for 90 minutes, before coming in soaked. In the end, we went up 5 points - a significant jump.
                  Shoot for the moon. If you miss, at least you'll be among the stars. ~ Les Brown


                  • I haven't done anything Halloween-y yet. I had another swim meet yesterday, and it was fun I had four events, 200 yard IM (50 yards of every sroke. Butterfly, backstroke, breathstroke, freestyle), 50 yards freestyle, 100 backstroke, and 500 yard freestyle. There was another girl on my team that was supposed to swim it, but she had a Halloween carnival that she was volunteering for at her school, so she got out of it.

                    My times where OK too. 3:00.73 for the IM, 33.14 for the 50 free, 1:19.05 for the 100 backstroke, and 7:22 for the 500 free. Yay!

                    For those of you who don't swim much, a 25 is usually 1 length of the pool (unless it's a long distance pool), a 50 is two lengths, etc.
                    "at least i thought it was a wall. It sure felt like one. It was hard, it was flat. It stretched out on either side of me. You know... wall." -Bobby Pendragon


                    • kk: that stinks!

                      Trialia: Remind me again what happened to you?!? Hopefully you're getting better.

                      Mmmm... Spirit week is this week!! Yeah, we're a little late. But anyway, it starts tomorrow, and I'm super excited.

                      Seniors get to do a "senior parade" in the morning of the first day of Spirit Week, (yes I know tomorrow is Tuesday... don't get me started), anyway all the seniors decorate their cars and we meet at a location and drive around the center of the town and up to the school; honking our horns and what not. Feel bad for the people traveling to work in the morning....

                      Anyway our days:

                      Tuesday: Color day- seniors are blue and purple.
                      Wednesday: Toga Day!!
                      Thursday: Theme Day- seniors are Beauty and the Geek
                      Friday: School color day! (Blue and White)

                      Yeah Don't ask why spirt "week" is only four days... we're all a little peeved about that.

                      Hopefully our class wins!!!

                      Dai all.
                      Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                      Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                      It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                      Check out my video: LET GO


                      • Good luck to you Nanos I'm doing mini-wrimo, which is a commitment to at least 100 words per day but doesn't have to be more. I'm not up for the full thing, this time.

                        Emi - what didn't? I have seventeen different coexisting health conditions; some times, they affect me worse than usual. I'm in pain all the time, the level just varies. I just got referred to pain clinic, at last, and there are murmurings that I may have fibromyalgia along with the already-diagnosed chronic neuropathic pain due to spinal damage. I'm on disability, and that doesn't look like changing any time soon unless there are some serious medical advancements in treatment... Thanks for the good wishes, though.
                        Las Vegas Boulevard is jammed, and I'm in love...


                        • Trialia: Wow...get better!

                          So...I've been listening to music that my mom claims she listened to "when she was my age." That only makes me wonder what type of "When I was your age..." talks I would give when I'm grown up...hmmm...

                          Something like:

                          Me: "When I was your age, I listened to good music, like The Beatles, and Journey, and America.

                          Kid: "...My mom listened to The Jonas Brothers...and Taylor Swift...And Miley Cyrus..."

                          Me: "That's nice...but this music is classic! Inspirational! Creative!

                          Kid: "...Whatever..." *walks away, looking at me weird as I rant about music that was before my time*

                          Haha...yep! Something like that, indeed...I feel sympathy in advance for any kid who tries to talk to me about music...
                          Dif-tor heh smusma.


                          • Last night on, I read a comment in which someone told his coworkers that he had seen The Police in concert. They looked at him and said, "You are _old_!"
                            "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

                            "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."


                            • Bookgirl: Yep! I like showtunes as well...especially Wicked and Phantom of the Opera!

                              I've been listening to the song Don't Stop Believin' almost constantly for the past few days...I got the song stuck in all of my best friends' heads...

                              But my dad says that he doesn't like that song! *gasp* So...I'm going to make him like it! *evil laugh*

                              I'm parodying (sp?) the song to make it *drumroll* Harry Potter related! (My dad is a HP addict...)

                              And speaking of HP...Harry Potter and the Prisoners of Waldemart comes out tomorrow! *cheering*

                              Click here to see the trailer!

                              I absolutely love the Harry Potter and the Dark Lord Waldemart videos...they're insanely hilarious!

                              Dai Stihó! (Hmm...For a second there, I almost said, "Dia Dhuit!" which is "Hello!" in that I look at those phrases, they are really similar...huh...)
                              Dif-tor heh smusma.


                              • *laughs*

                                kk? If you're a Wicked fan... look at this picture of me with one of my favourite actresses at last year's Polaris convention in Canada. And enjoy.
                                Las Vegas Boulevard is jammed, and I'm in love...

