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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Last edited by Daylily; February 13, 2009, 08:26:27 PM.
    “I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.”
    -Groucho Marx


    • Hey, Daylily, would you please consider editing your posts and making them one? See, double posting is against rules here, and it takes up bandwidth with the avitars and siggies. Thanks.

      Life has been regular, which means boring. My teachers have been rather annoying lately. My math teacher has been giving out homework like crazy, and being very picky about handwriting and grammar. It's math for heavens sake! My regular teacher hasn't been so great either. She forgot set aside time for a Valentines Day Party, so now we get to wait for next Tuesday and then we get forty five minutes. The other 6th grade gets two hours of party tomorrow. Oh well...

      I had a swim meet on Saturday, and it was good. I got a few new times, but I disqualified in one of my events. Ay least I did well in my breath stroke event. I don't usually do very well with that stroke.

      I got several new books on Tuesday! Heroes of the Valley by Jonathan Stroud, Wizard's Heir, and Pendragon, Before the War, Book One of the Travelers. The Wizard's Heir was great, the Pendragon not so much, and I have to finish Heroes of the Valley ASAP.

      Well, Dai all, off to do homework.
      "at least i thought it was a wall. It sure felt like one. It was hard, it was flat. It stretched out on either side of me. You know... wall." -Bobby Pendragon


      • [ame=""]YouTube - Portal - Credits Song 'Still Alive'[/ame]
        I'm now a master
        My name's on a plaque now, huge success
        It's hard to go through all the stuff that's happened
        Through evolution
        Fighting with power through the land
        Even saved the planet from destruction and death

        I have been through mountains in the snow and the rain
        I have faced pure evil and have conquered much pain
        And I've fought with dignity as the whole world challenged me

        I started with Squirtleespecially you

        Man, I sure love Nuclear Bubblewrap (the parody band). And Portal. And nuclear portalwrap.

        And I want to go to bed but Andrew (the bf) is still playing Half Life and I'm lame and want snuggles.

        My posts are full of tasty bandwidth. Om nom nom.

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        (It's a lie.)
        Last edited by Jacq; February 13, 2009, 03:29:19 AM.
        I would EAT THE HELL outta that steak, then try to guilt the cow into dying just for being a cow. I'd be all "NOM NOM HEY COW YOU'RE NOT MEAT YET WHAT GIVES JERK" and then I'd glare and give it the silent treatment. Same goes for pigs and chickens... I would guilt a FLOCK of chickens into poultrycide in a heartbeat. "HEY YOU'RE A CHICKEN HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THAT"- Madhatte


        • I'm just coming up for air. Last weekend I was at aXXIdental, the main UK filk convention, which I was helping to run. It was a blast, but it's taken a while to wind down afterwards. I was only performing in one set, as part of an a capella choir. One of the songs we sang was a filk of Captain Jack and the Mermaid twisted into the Dr. Who universe as Captain Jack and the Doctor. Most of our songs had a more literary inspiration. Three of them were in latin (for some value of "latin", anyway). Adsum Domine is a piece out of the Deryani books by Katherine Kurtz, and Cur Ursus Clamat and Dies Ille, Dies Lunae are out of Winne Ille Pu. It was fun. Aside from the guests of honour, the highlight of the convention for me was a two-hour dramatised performance of selected songs from Before the Dawn. It has been part of the UK filk scene's folklore for a long time, but this is the first time I've had any idea how the story arc went...
          -- Rick.


          • Not a long post right now... I'm about to leave for New Jersey...

            I'm just dropping in to say, I won't be on the forums for about two weeks! So, I'm just going to disappear for a while... (New Jersey, or the place I go there, has dial-up, and these long forum pages do not like to load while using it...)

            *Puts on invisibility cloak* *Disappears*
            Dif-tor heh smusma.


            • I am fully enjoying my four day weekend, except that my ten year old nephew and twelve year old sister at at each others throats and shooting nurf guns like no tomorrow. And I'm left sitting here trying to ignore them and keep the peace as my dad hides in the basement and Mom is away at work.

              School is boring, except our English class is working on what to do a play on. It has to connect to some of the literature we've read in school the past three years, and after classes and classes before us having to do the same thing, it makes it difficult to get creative, exactly. Though... we were thinking of taking characters from something we've read every year and putting them in a Breakfast Club like situation. Now we just have to think of a script....

              I need to go back and read all the YW books. I remember a lot of it, but it's sort of fuzzy, and I have nothing better to do....
              "You're so funny. Sometimes, I wish I was a little elf, so I could ride around on your shoulder all day and laugh at you." - my mom. (Yes, she honestly told me that. *rolls eyes*)


              • Rick: That sounds like a lot of fun. People who can do really good filk amaze me. Its just so... skillful. Music and fandom, all blended into one.

                My holiday plans are proceeding rapidly... I now have a pack, and a new pair of shoes! And we've worked out more stuff that we're doing. My friends and I will be doing a tour in Ireland, still ironing out stuff to do in Scotland and England, wandering through Paris, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic and touring through Turkey, Syria, Jordan and Egypt. There may be Greece and Italy tacked on at the end of it too - I'm not sure if I can get the money together for that long, but it will be awesome anyway. < that's what I will be like after we book the airfares, cos then It Will Be Real! I'm going to look into starting up a blog for the three of us. Does anyone know where I can set up a blog (pref. not LJ) that is free/cheap that will allow posting by three recognizable identities (i.e. three different logins). I've never really delved too far into the blogging world....


                • Originally posted by alla View Post
                  Rick: That sounds like a lot of fun. People who can do really good filk amaze me. Its just so... skillful. Music and fandom, all blended into one.
                  I was at a party yesterday. Some folk were watching a video recording of the Before the Dawn concert. They're hoping to turn it into a DVD. The performance was certainly a highlight of the Con. There are folk involved in filk who are professional musicians. Some of them even perform filks at their pro gigs. There are also folk who're not pro musicians more because they choose to make their money other ways, and keep music as something to do for fun. Upshot is there's often music of very high standards in filk rooms.
                  -- Rick.


                  • Originally posted by alla View Post
                    Does anyone know where I can set up a blog (pref. not LJ) that is free/cheap that will allow posting by three recognizable identities (i.e. three different logins). I've never really delved too far into the blogging world....
                    Blogger allows that. I think that's what most of the people I can think of use especially when they want multiple people to be able to post. There may be something better, but that's the one I know of.

                    Ahh, Tuttle go insane with drama. One of my friends had a bad breakup and am helping with him it and it is really stressy. I hope that it calms down soon. She hurt him a lot though and she doesn't seem to understand at all. It's bothering me a lot. I want to snap at her when she's walking around with her new boyfriend...the guy she was cheating on him with. At least there are people helping him. Also, setting hands on fire was helping him (disclaimer: don't do this unless you are sure about what you're doing, it can be safe, but if you're not careful it can be easy to burn yourself)


                    My homework is being rediculous. I'm not making progress on one of my projects and I really need to, its interesting though.


                    I don't have much to say, mostly was replying to Alla, but anyways...

                    We will remember you PM. And your little GingerBear.


                    • Hm... I don't want to really write a humongous post right now but...

                      Happy late Valentines day!!! This year was my first year that I ever had a boyfriend to celebrate Valentines day with. It was... interesting. He isn't the most romantic guy per se but... He didn't really think of anything for us to do *sighs* what's new? So I had to decide on what/where we should do/go. So I said we should go to Chunky's. It's a dinner and a movie date in one setting! Haha. We watched Push. Which was good by the way. It was a nice evening... but I still thought it was missing something. I don't know. I didn't get the whole romantic feel from it. Is celebrating Valentine's day with your beau that anticlimatic?

                      This weekend... I'm going to North Carolina for my college interview. I'm so excited. I wish you could see my portfolio that I'm bringing along with me. It's so huge. Haha. Like completely filled with pages. My sister said that I would probably be the only one with the "vehemouth" (sp?) binder and everyone else would have this slim thing. I doubt it... it's an art school. People are bound to bring a lot of things... right? Please say yes. Haha.

                      Well. That's all I guess.

                      Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                      Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                      It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                      Check out my video: LET GO


                      • Emi, my beau and I had a fairly quiet valentines as well. Though we did make a chocolate cake together, it wasn't much different from a regular day.
                        (I have a four-hour psych class on saturdays too, 3-7pm, which doesn't help dinner plans much.)
                        Do you have an online portfolio? I love to see other people's art. :3
                        I would EAT THE HELL outta that steak, then try to guilt the cow into dying just for being a cow. I'd be all "NOM NOM HEY COW YOU'RE NOT MEAT YET WHAT GIVES JERK" and then I'd glare and give it the silent treatment. Same goes for pigs and chickens... I would guilt a FLOCK of chickens into poultrycide in a heartbeat. "HEY YOU'RE A CHICKEN HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THAT"- Madhatte


                        • Happy Birthday Daylily! I hope it was a good one.

                          Happy Presidents day to everyone in the US, and a happy Monday to everyone as well.

                          I hope this week holds some good for everyone. I know it does for me in the simple fact I'm still alive and with my family and know people care about me.
                          There is Always DEEP Shadow where there is MUCH Light!
                          "I will meet the terminally clueless today...idiots and those with hairballs for brains.... I do not have to be like them, even though I would dearly love to hit them hard enough to make the empty places between their ears echo..." Rhiow - TVTQ


                          • IM BACK PEOPLE!
                            I know, surprising., I've been gone so long. *tear*
                            But I'm back and happy!
                            How's everyone's day? Or... night?
                            "I'm so smart!" *KABOOM!!!*- me and my eggbert game
                            "Poop a box!" me and my sis while playing MarioKart DS
                            "Gah!" "I love this song!" "What?!?"- BFFE and me
                            "PILLOWS!" me, Sam, and Kat.


                            • Originally posted by Jacq View Post
                              Emi, my beau and I had a fairly quiet valentines as well. Though we did make a chocolate cake together, it wasn't much different from a regular day.
                              (I have a four-hour psych class on saturdays too, 3-7pm, which doesn't help dinner plans much.)
                              Do you have an online portfolio? I love to see other people's art. :3

                              Ah, but the thing is... my portfolio is a lot of writing. Haha. I'm going in for screenwriting. But you can see one of my stories... that I placed in my portfolio on Fiction Press. If you want to read it, I'll PM you the link.

                              Sorry if I disappointed you. XD

                              Hey, and at least you baked together. Haha. Still doing something...

                              Happy Birthday Daylily!

                              Dai Glede.

                              I need to get my own room. I can't take sharing a room with my sister any longer! I'm the type of person that will grab my guitar and start singing randomly around the house... and my sister is currently restricting me from doing so because she's watching House. Don't get me wrong. I love that show... but GAH. I want my space back. haha.

                              Dai stiho cousins.
                              Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                              Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                              It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                              Check out my video: LET GO


                              • Dai, Glede, good to have you back.

                                I'm really feeling random tonight, I've been seriously contemplating putting myself into debt to go buy all of the audio of the Young Wizards... and I'm going to be buying the digital copies of TBONWM, and TVTQ! I can't wait! As soon as I get a little more money, I'll add some to DD's on going project of The Big Meow...

                                I've come to discover how much I dislike teachers who aren't specific with how to do assignments... My best friend's English teacher didn't give them a lot of info on how to do a paper, and it has to be 3 pages long... not fair.. and I'm not there to read things over, so I'm doing the best I can from 2000 miles away... I wish the "Beam me up" spell really did work!
                                There is Always DEEP Shadow where there is MUCH Light!
                                "I will meet the terminally clueless today...idiots and those with hairballs for brains.... I do not have to be like them, even though I would dearly love to hit them hard enough to make the empty places between their ears echo..." Rhiow - TVTQ

