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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • I Feel Loved

    I feel so loved!
    Gracias, muchos gracias!

    Random is what this place is for!
    And we all wish the "Beam Me Up Scotty" spell worked. I know I do.

    Random thought: Why is the sky blue?
    "I'm so smart!" *KABOOM!!!*- me and my eggbert game
    "Poop a box!" me and my sis while playing MarioKart DS
    "Gah!" "I love this song!" "What?!?"- BFFE and me
    "PILLOWS!" me, Sam, and Kat.


    • Originally posted by Glede View Post
      I feel so loved!
      Gracias, muchos gracias!

      Random is what this place is for!
      And we all wish the "Beam Me Up Scotty" spell worked. I know I do.

      Random thought: Why is the sky blue?
      Transmitted light (from the sun, light bulbs, fire, etc) is made up of a spectrum of colors. The longest wavelengths of light are on the red end of the spectrum and the shortest wavelengths are on the blue/violet end of the spectrum.
      When transmitted light such as sunlight enters our atmosphere it collides with the oxygen and nitrogen atoms. The color with the shorter wavelength is scattered more by this collision. Because violet and blue are the shortest wavelengths the sky appears to be violet / blue. But because our eyes are more sensitive to blue light than they are violet light, we perceive the sky as blue.
      Our eyes contain thousand of rods and cones, which are the receptors for light. Whenever one of the 3 Stooges pokes you in the eye you see a giant blue spot. This is because the blue receptors have been activated. Blue is one of the primary colors and thus more easily activated and seen by our eyes.
      To summarize the sky is blue because blue light from the sun strikes the air molecules and scatters and our eyes perceive it as blue.

      "Doctors help you to live, the Arts give you a reason to live."


      • HI!!!!!!! I am new!! I am also on the site, so if any of you go on that too, then look for me, my name is the same!

        So these are kind of confusing Forums, will you guys help me understand it?
        I love to read and write stories!


        • Originally posted by Emmy943 View Post
          HI!!!!!!! I am new!! I am also on the site, so if any of you go on that too, then look for me, my name is the same!

          So these are kind of confusing Forums, will you guys help me understand it?
          There is a FAQ you can look at that will answer most of your questions. Two things to remember, stay on topic (except for in this thread of course) and don't post one-liners. The moderaters and old-timers tend to get crabby about that. But other than that welcome to the forum, have fun!
          "Doctors help you to live, the Arts give you a reason to live."


          • Thank you! Ok, now that I know the rules, I will try to keep them all, I hope that you guys all like me and that I am not annoying to you! (I tend to get hyper alot, so that might get kind of annoying!)
            I love to read and write stories!


            • Welcome Emmy943. Don't worry about getting Hyper, there are people here that do that quite well. We all have our times when we get passionate about something or other. I'm sure you'll have a good time here, everyone seems to. All nice folks.
              There is Always DEEP Shadow where there is MUCH Light!
              "I will meet the terminally clueless today...idiots and those with hairballs for brains.... I do not have to be like them, even though I would dearly love to hit them hard enough to make the empty places between their ears echo..." Rhiow - TVTQ


              • Wow you're coming to NC I live in Charlotte. Hope everything goes well with art school. I'd love to hear more about it.

                Originally posted by Emi View Post
                Hm... I don't want to really write a humongous post right now but...

                Happy late Valentines day!!! This year was my first year that I ever had a boyfriend to celebrate Valentines day with. It was... interesting. He isn't the most romantic guy per se but... He didn't really think of anything for us to do *sighs* what's new? So I had to decide on what/where we should do/go. So I said we should go to Chunky's. It's a dinner and a movie date in one setting! Haha. We watched Push. Which was good by the way. It was a nice evening... but I still thought it was missing something. I don't know. I didn't get the whole romantic feel from it. Is celebrating Valentine's day with your beau that anticlimatic?

                This weekend... I'm going to North Carolina for my college interview. I'm so excited. I wish you could see my portfolio that I'm bringing along with me. It's so huge. Haha. Like completely filled with pages. My sister said that I would probably be the only one with the "vehemouth" (sp?) binder and everyone else would have this slim thing. I doubt it... it's an art school. People are bound to bring a lot of things... right? Please say yes. Haha.

                Well. That's all I guess.

                Magic exists everywhere you look because you choose to see it. Magic exists inside of me because I welcome it. Magic and energy are one and the same. Energy and magic will always exist.


                • I didn't really have any other place to post this because all my other online haunts are full of friends/people that will recognize the situation and create more drama. Sorry in advance.

                  Wow... once again I am astonished and amazed by the cruelty of people. It's one thing to dislike someone, but it's entirely another to be so two-faced about it that you will laugh at them while they bend over backwards.

                  What do you do if you don't want someone at your party?
                  What you don't do is lie about your personal health and change dates in a last-minute attempt to make it impossible for them to go.
                  Because what happened?
                  - Some innocent people who wanted to attend were no longer able.
                  - The person in question bent over backwards and put their job at stake to make it anyways (and not let down the others that they were giving a ride to), footing a significant bill in travel and sleeping arrangements.
                  So, good job guys! Nobody was happy and the person in question still suffers under the delusion that you are his friends.

                  The crazy thing is, it wasn't one persons' decision. I mean, I can almost understand one person messing up like that and getting caught in the lie and not really knowing what to do. But this was a calculated decision on the part of a group of individuals (I'm talking 5+ people) which just reminds me of all the nasty stories of primary school or something. Blah.

                  This is reprehensible behaviour and it is forcing me to rethink my ideas about everyone involved.

                  Now the real question is whether I tell the person that has beed lied to about the actions of his "friends"

                  I would EAT THE HELL outta that steak, then try to guilt the cow into dying just for being a cow. I'd be all "NOM NOM HEY COW YOU'RE NOT MEAT YET WHAT GIVES JERK" and then I'd glare and give it the silent treatment. Same goes for pigs and chickens... I would guilt a FLOCK of chickens into poultrycide in a heartbeat. "HEY YOU'RE A CHICKEN HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THAT"- Madhatte


                  • EM!!! Your here!
                    "I'm so smart!" *KABOOM!!!*- me and my eggbert game
                    "Poop a box!" me and my sis while playing MarioKart DS
                    "Gah!" "I love this song!" "What?!?"- BFFE and me
                    "PILLOWS!" me, Sam, and Kat.


                    • Originally posted by Jacq View Post
                      Now the real question is whether I tell the person that has beed lied to about the actions of his "friends"


                      Jacq by all means tell him. Because I was in the exact same situation (although it was me instead of another person). If he doesn't believe you, then let him go off and find out on his own. He'll find out eventually how "great" his friends really are. I mean, I had to open my eyes to see that I was being used, basically. It sucks, I mean seriously it happened to me my freshman year at high school. So going into to high school with no friends is not the best situation to be in. So please, for me, just tell him.

                      If he doesn't want to hear about it, wait it out. But if he does, then make sure you give him the exact details. Don't go around it.

                      I'm in North Carolina right now. It was such a quick drive too! Haha. I basically slept the whole way through. Hm.

                      I am waiting for an e-mail or a phone call from a director for a musical... to see if I got in. I auditioned for The Boyfriend last weekend, and they were supposed to e-mail all of us their decision yesterday. It's like the Young Americans all over again. Speaking of which... they're supposed to be definitely sending out my letter and I should get it a couple days into my February vacation. SHOULD. Haha. Let's see... they've disappointed me before.

                      Well I'm off.
                      Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                      Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                      It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                      Check out my video: LET GO


                      • Originally posted by Emi View Post
                        I mean, I had to open my eyes to see that I was being used, basically. It sucks, I mean seriously it happened to me my freshman year at high school. So going into to high school with no friends is not the best situation to be in. So please, for me, just tell him.

                        I am waiting for an e-mail or a phone call from a director for a musical... to see if I got in. I auditioned for The Boyfriend last weekend, and they were supposed to e-mail all of us their decision yesterday. It's like the Young Americans all over again. Speaking of which... they're supposed to be definitely sending out my letter and I should get it a couple days into my February vacation. SHOULD. Haha. Let's see... they've disappointed me before.
                        Good luck Emi.

                        I'm sorry to hear that this type of behavior is still going on in the world, I've been there, done that, and had it happen too... I agree with Emi, all you can do is tell him what really happened, and let him come to his own conclusions. The sad part is that people who act like this when they are young, rarely out grow the behavior when they get into the responsible ages, so they end up scheming all the rest of their lives... or so I've seen.

                        As DD has always said about the Speech, words are our most powerful tool, and wizards don't want to risk lying, as it corrupts our tool to actually do something good. Your friend might not thank you now, but he will in the long run, and if I knew someone who did that to someone else, I would tell them off and stop hanging around with them, because I'd never know what they were saying behind MY back about me... Trust wouldn't be there.

                        Good Luck with this Jacq.
                        There is Always DEEP Shadow where there is MUCH Light!
                        "I will meet the terminally clueless today...idiots and those with hairballs for brains.... I do not have to be like them, even though I would dearly love to hit them hard enough to make the empty places between their ears echo..." Rhiow - TVTQ


                        • Well, I'm a bit behind on TOGR...on the forum entirely, actually. I've been...not really lurking, just not paying attention to what's going on, since real life has kind of become insane at the moment...nothing too bad, just very busy. I've been doing homework since 11 AM on Saturday morning with only a short break for dinner, I worked through's now 2 AM Sunday. So I'm not exactly lucid, and in 8 hours, my mom will be here to take me home for the day to celebrate my brother's birthday. His birthday is just at such an inconvenient time, I have so much homework this weekend...and there was so much going on on campus that I wanted to do! I'm kind of annoyed...but oh well.

                          I hope everyone's doing well...I'm sorry, I just don't have the energy to go back and reread everything right now. *huggles everyone* This whole college thing is insanity...I can barely believe I did homework all of Saturday night. I know I'm a geek, but I never figured I'd be that big of a geek...

                          Boys stink. Literally and figuratively. I am being...constantly stymied in any attempt at understanding them. My sort of more than friend, less than boyfriend freaked out because of Valentine's Day, and decided that he doesn't want a girlfriend at all; nothing personal, he's just got some things to work out and doesn't need one right now. I kind of expected it...but still, he picked a heck of a week to decide that, since I was already annoyed since I hate Valentine's Day...but oh well. We're working towards being friends again, since we are each other's best friends on campus, and were before we liked each other as more than friends...but it's hard. I unfortunately still like him, and he really is a great guy; he'll make some girl very happy some day, whether it's me or somebody else. But I miss what we used to be.

                          I really am a bum of a college student; I don't like parties, I'm not a fan of dancing, and I'd rather stay in and sit around with a group of people going "I'm bored...what should we do?" than leave the dorm on a night like tonight (it's snowing and wet and cold, yet girls from my dorm are leaving in high heeled sandals and tank tops to go to parties/the campus bar. I do not understand it.) I am an introvert by nature, but it's not like I like being alone; just being around people is enough for me, we don't even have to be doing anything!

                          My roommate broke her leg a few weeks ago, so she's been living in her boyfriend's dorm room; it's closer to the academic buildings and the cafeteria, so it makes sense...but still, it's going to be weird whenever she gets back to living up here. We were really close last semester, but this semester, what with her pledging her sorority and now not really living in my room, we've kind of grown apart, which stinks because she really is a nice girl. I guess our schedules just don't overlap anymore....probably not rooming with her next year either. My two best (female) friends on campus and I are trying to get a triple, since there are a few of those on campus, and we can't find a fourth person to get 2 doubles with us. I'd really love to room with them; I think it'd be fun, and we're all very responsible and "Mom-like" with the typical stupid college kids in our dorms. I hope we can get a triple...I don't feel like finding a roommate, and I'd be the one without a roommate if we can't get a triple.

                          I'm waiting for an email from this girl I'm working on a project with, which is why I'm still awake...and all of this is definitely just random ramblings, which is ok considering the time of night.

                          The other day, the two girls I may be rooming with next year, a friend of mine from cross country, and I walked to a grocery store to buy food...because we decided that it'd be "fun" to "cook" a meal. I don't know if I count making noodles and heating up a jar of Ragu as a "meal," but it was more fun than eating cafeteria food. Plus, we made these awesome brownies; well, they were normal brownies but right after you take them out of the oven, you put chocolate chips on top of them...and then they melt and harden again, making a coating of chocolate on top of the brownies. They're kind of hard to cut once the chocolate gets very hard again (but then again, the ones I tried to cut had been put in the fridge, which made them even harder) but are SO worth the mess. I had some earlier since I've still got a few in my minifridge, next to the bottles of Gatorade and Starbucks Frappuchinos. I have excellent taste in drinks. Caffeine affects me a lot more than other people, and I tend to be extremely hyper after I've had a those are for extremely special when my parents come pick me up in the morning.

                          Ok, I got my I'll see you all around, and will try to keep up with what's going on here, but I'm not making any, this is a long post compared to the ones everyone's been making here lately...I remember when Tuttle used to make uber gigantic posts, and I had to actually sit down and pay attention to read them! lol, wow...*huggles*


                          • Holy frioles, guys, I haven't posted here in a while, as the top notice bar informs me. Probably not since we changed forums, in fact. (Well, maybe once, but that's beside the point.

                            I think LJ has eaten my life, which is, on the one hand good, because a lot of you lovely folks are on there, and a lot of DD-fans are about too. On the other hand, well, it's not the forums, and outside of the DD comms, it's a little sparse.

                            Hmm, I wonder how I can get myself to check the forums more often...
                            And we go on...


                            • I'M BACK! *squee*

                              Well, not technically... I'm just back on the forums, is all...

                              So... Welcome to new people, hello to oldbies, and hugs to everyone!

                              And... Wow... A lot of posts while I was gone... two whole pages on the ToGR! Wow...
                              Dif-tor heh smusma.


                              • Stormwind: Thanks!!!

                                I think my interview went very well. I was like nervous the whole time, but I don't think I sounded like I was. Which was good, in a sense.... I guess. Well, I had them laughing and smiling while I was talking so I think they liked me. They were very impressed by my portfolio, and my resume/transcripts. They said that judging from my transcripts they can tell that I am a hard worker and that's what they're looking for! Eek. So now I have to wait like 2-3 weeks before I find out if I made it.

                                More waiting! Yay!

                                Hungry: I love your extremely long post... and to tell you the truth I read the whole thing. Haha. I'm so insane! Anyway, I feel bad for your roommate situation. I hope all goes well and you get to room with your friends.

                                I'm waiting for the Oscars to start.

                                What else to say? Oh, I guess I'm having some issues with my boyfriend. It's complicated... like totally complicated. And I don't know how to deal with it? He's really upset about the fact that I want to go away for college, and he kept texting me while I was in North Carolina about the fact that he was "almost crying from loneliness and sickness" in the cafeteria at school. I feel bad, but when I asked him what he wanted me to do about the college stuff he said that he didn't want to take me away from the place I want to go to. And yet I still feel like he's telling me that he doesn't want me to go. Like I said, it was complicated. I don't know, I think he's just getting over-emotional about the whole subject. If it is meant to be it's meant to be... That's what I keep trying to tell him. But he just, ugh, I don't know.

                                That's the end of that rant.

                                I guess I should sign off of this post.... The Oscars are going to start in five minutes.

                                Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                                Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                                It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                                Check out my video: LET GO

