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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Thanks everyone for the support!

    Today was great! I swam my event, the 200 backstroke, and dropped six seconds from the 2:50 to the 2:44. I came in... (drum roll) TENTH! That placed me as second alternate. Alternates swim if one or two of the top eight swimmers can't swim.

    I'm freaked out and psyched! Well, I gotta goo back to the pool now.... I'll edit this later and tell you all how I do.


    I went back, but I didn't swim, because everyone showed up. Oh well... Still, on Monday, at practice, my coach had a game day, which was awesome.
    Last edited by Zirsta; April 9, 2009, 10:53:04 PM.
    "at least i thought it was a wall. It sure felt like one. It was hard, it was flat. It stretched out on either side of me. You know... wall." -Bobby Pendragon


    • Whoa. I came into the forums, and this topic actually wasn't posted to recently! Why not!?

      Anyways, I just got back from the beach... fun stuff... SC is really pretty. I need to go sleep now, because Easter is tomorrow, and I'm in charge of the computer presentations at my church.

      Goodnight everyone!
      Dif-tor heh smusma.


      • KK: It probably wasn't posted in because of easter weekend, I know I wasn't on here at all this past weekend, between easter and then coming end of semester for me I was way too swamped.

        Phew, alright, so I'm kinda managing my homework small bit by small bit, I'm trying to fit it all in, and working kind of crapily, but at least it's getting done.

        Easter was cool, we went to the bf's parents place saturday night, had some yummy food and played euchre. We skipped my parents 'cause of homework. We were both swamped, the main reason we went to his folks is because we commited to it a month ago.

        So sometime in the summer we have to go to my folk's place and have a barbecue with them.

        That's about all I think.


        • So... I got accepted to RIT, right? Well, I have to go into their 'Pre-bacceleurette' (SP?!?) program instead of a regular bachelor's program because of my SAT scores and the fact I didn't take an upper level math. I also received a full ride there for the year.

          Got accepted to UNC. Got into the program I wanted to get into and all that. Only received 17,500 from them... their tuition cost 31,000 (these are all estimates). Which one are my parents pushing me to go to?

          RIT. Of course... but to me they don't seem like the Art School I wanted to go to. I know, they're giving me MONEY!! But will I be happy there? Will I learn what I was going to learn from UNC at RIT? Will this school actually turn out to be halfway decent? I don't know! Because I've never been there. This whole time I have been going to NC and not NY because that's where I was determined to go. Now, I really can't go because it cost to much money. I can't find 16,000 within three months!! That's crazy! So now I'm stuck.

          Keene State (full ride there with loans) or RIT (full ride no loans)?

          School decision is the most gruesome part of being a senior... you have to decide where you want to go! Ah!!!!

          Okay, I'm done with that rant.

          I guess I'm off to go find my script and get ready for rehearsal... if I can find my script! XD
          Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
          Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
          It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
          Check out my video: LET GO


          • So, I realized that despite the fact that I've been coming to the forum regularily and reading a lot...I haven't posted in probably a month. Oops. Oh well. Umm...what's happened...

            Today we did picked our rooms for next year; my roomies and I (yes, I have more than one) got the second to last female triple on campus, and are SO relieved. I'm probably even more relieved than they are though, since they were planning to room together before we decided to get a triple, and if we didn't get it, I'd have been the one left without a roommate...which would have been bad. Next year will be pretty insane; we're all enormous geeks, and have bookshelves and things like model horses which we want to put in the room. We're planning on going over to the dorm next weekend and being all "Hey, we're living here next year, can we see what room we'll be in?" and being creepy like that. It'll be pretty sweet; I'm excited! I was jumping up and down when we got the room. My guy friends who were trying to get a triple weren't so lucky; it probably didn't help that there are less boy triples than girls, since we have an all-girls dorm on campus with 4 triples in it.

            What else...spring break came and went. We've had enough rain in the past few days to start thinking about building an arc...just kidding. Although it would be fun...XD There's less than 4 weeks left in the school year, which means 4 weeks until I start work, which I'm kind of nervous about. I guess...I'm just nervous about living away from home, which makes no sense because I'm used to it from college! Argh. I guess it's because it's summer, and summer still seems like a time when I should be relaxing...oh well. I'll be working a lot this summer, and most likely won't have a computer with me, since they're prone to being stolen. That'll be ok; I need to break my facebook addiction anyway.

            Emi: *hugs* being a senior is tough, but it usually works out in the end. Just go with what your gut says is right; all of my friends and I ended up picking our schools based on gut.

            Zirsta: congrats on the swimming! (I know, I'm a bit behind.)

            I have a ridiculous amount of Easter candy to eat, so I think I'll go work on that while doing homework. *Hugs* I'll try and actually post in other topics from time to time...I'm just busy, and can't think of things to say though. Plus, although everyone here is great, I miss talking to people like Gryph and WF. Oh well...


            • I love this forum

              Diane Duane has done such a good job from the to the Errantry wiki to our own forum! If you went through the whole Errantry Wiki there are more than 37,090 words wonderfully distributed!
              (True,) the white hole said. (my name is Khairelikoblepharehglukumeilichephreidosd'enagooun i--) and at the same time he went flickering through a pattern of colors that was evidently the visual translation."Ky--elik" Nita began. "Fred," Kit said quickly.


              • You went through the entire Errantry Wiki?

                I'm happy today! I'm finally getting somewhere on a video that I'm (supposed) to be doing! Hurray!

                And my library has added back on their online video database of episodes of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, which is very good! I'm going to go watch one of those... Jeremy Brett does a very good Sherlock, and David Burke is good as Watson.


                Oh, and Seabiscuit? Don't overload on the Easter Candy. Not good. No stomachaches. Chocolate is best savored... haha.
                Dif-tor heh smusma.


                • Well...

                  Most of it! Only the things like the little stubs and stuff I did not count but it took a LONG time! Easy way out, just paste the topic onto Microsoft Word and it will take a long time but well worth it! There are more things there than u know it! Now I know a few speech words! U never know how much a person has done til u go through it urself! It must hAve taken Diane Duane a while to think of all those words and definitions!

                  Anyways, today Wizard's Holiday finally is shipped to the bookstore! YaY!!=0. But I have to wait till next week for Wizards, Inc. To ship in! I am excited but sad that I have to wait a week till I get the book^^^^^^^^! I've noticed that DDs YW series is found in most bookstores, but when it comes to Wizards, Inc., I have never seen the book in stores(at least I don't remember ever seeing it in a store)! I know the book is not by DD but it still should have come into at least 1 bookstore I've went to in my life!

                  Oh! Did u notice that the cat series has the book Naming of the Lights/Book of Night with Moon, and the same thing with So You Want to Be a Wizard? They both appear in her series! Maybe u need both 4 something 2 happen...Or maybe there is a manual out there and we are just not the right peeps 2 do the job(no offense! I'm directing this 2 myself as well so no complaints plz!!!).
                  Last edited by chocolate101; April 16, 2009, 09:58:06 AM.
                  (True,) the white hole said. (my name is Khairelikoblepharehglukumeilichephreidosd'enagooun i--) and at the same time he went flickering through a pattern of colors that was evidently the visual translation."Ky--elik" Nita began. "Fred," Kit said quickly.


                  • Chocolate: This isn't normally a site where people argue about what others say, or get offended (I mean, that can happen sometimes, but it normally doesn't.)

                    Hi again! I'm just... posting because I feel like it. I don't even have a rant that I want to go on and on about... at least, I don't think I do...

                    Has anyone here played the game "Wizard101" from KingsIsle Entertainment? It's kind of an online role-playing game, but for kids. As in, there are language filters, and such. It's more like Harry Potter than Young Wizards, but it is a good game, in my opinion, and the graphics are pretty. Outside the building called "The Life School," there is a beautiful tree, that always makes me think of Liused. The game is geared towards kids mainly, I think, but I got hooked when they were doing a beta test over the summer, and I joined in it.

                    I was playing the game until really late last night (like, 3) and it was to the point where the people in the game that I was talking to, and battling creatures with, said, "Shame on you! Go to bed! Goodnight!" and then eventually left. XD I thought it was so funny.

                    Another thing: I'm reading the book Midnight Bayou by Nora Roberts. I love it so far, it's really good!
                    Dif-tor heh smusma.


                    • Nora Roberts is great fun. Not deathless literature, but almost always a good read. Those movies based on her books on Lifetime kind of crack me up, though, since they're not much like her books. BTW, she also writes the Eve Dallas sf/detective series under the pen name "J.D. Robb."
                      New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


                      • KK: don't worry, I'm pretty good with the Easter candy; after almost 19 years, I think I've finally learned my limits.

                        Nora Roberts...I read two of her books over spring break; two of my friends gave me this rather large box of their books, and told me to read them, so I did. They weren't bad, a bit easy to read, but after all the reading I have to do for classes, it's nice to have easy reads. That's the thing about college; we're all supposed to be smart, and have read all these impressive books, but once you're done with all your reading for classes, you don't want to read any more impressive books that make you look smart, you want to read books that are easy and don't require much thinking. Hence the popularity of Twilight among girls at my school (I have nothing against Twilight; I do like the books. But I also happen to think they're not the best written things out there, and if some guy ever ends up in my room at night if I haven't invited him, I'm calling the police, not inviting him to cuddle with me on my bed while I go to sleep.)

                        Everyone here at school is getting burned out; we've got less than a month until school ends, and everyone is just sick of work, which keeps being piled on...and this summer isn't really going to be a break for me, since I'm starting work 3 days after school ends, and working until about 5 days before I go back to school early for cross country season. I guess this is sort of what it's like to be an adult. Maybe I should become a teacher after all, so I can keep having summer breaks. But then again, I bet that at times it does get annoying to be an adult and to have all your friends be at work while you're at home all summer doing stuff around the house (or, if you're a type of teacher like my dad, working at a camp put on by your school.) It's not like being a kid, when everyone is home all summer doing lazy things.

                        It seems like last summer is the last lazy summer I'll ever have, which is kind of a shame, since it really wasn't that great of a summer. My best friend worked a camp pretty far away, so I didn't see her very often. But hey, everyone has to grow up sometime, and even if I did have this summer to laze around, I wouldn't be able to hang out with my college friends, since none of them live near me (except P, and he's a special case since he literally only lives 2 streets away. I'll miss him this summer while I'm at work.) This summer looks like it'll be insane as far as the work I'll be doing. Like, no free time. Ever. Work 6 days a week. But I'll be making somewhere in the neighborhood of $7000 to $8000, which will be amazing since it's all being saved for when I go abroad junior year.

                        I have a meeting with my adviser tomorrow...time to start picking classes for next semester. I need to figure out my major as's just, I want to be an English major, but I'm really bad at the whole part where in English classes, you have to analyze literature in class! In a paper, where I have time to think about what I'm saying, I'm fine. And I sort of want to be a history major, but then again, I have no clue what I would do with a history major! I give up; maybe I should just declare a double major already and get it over with.

                        Doesn't college sound like fun? Lol, it actually is fun; I'm just preoccupied by work and the future right now. You make a lot of really great friends, and do so many cool things...and lose so much sleep it's ridiculous. And learn how to procrastinate like crazy. So, I suppose I'll go back to my geology homework now...


                        • Seabiscuit I totally understand where you are coming from with the whole major thing. Picking a major is the suckiest thing in the world.
                          I mean, we are 18-19 years old, in out first two years of college, and they say, pick a major to choose the field that you will spend the rest of your life working in (I know you can change careers, but who plans on that?)
                          And I started college at 17, so it just seemed so overwhelming to me. I declared a major last semester, but it was really more of a, "oh crap, I have to declare, I'll pick... this one." You have to find a balance of what you are interested in, with what is practical for finding a job post-college. Hence how I ended up as a Criminology and Criminal Justice Major.
                          However, thinking back, while I was interested, and might go into that field, I want to have a background in something else. I almost chose psychology, but my school has a realllly big psych department, and it is one of the most popular majors here. So, it would have been super competitive. I also thought about a History major, but though, "What would I do with this? Other than teach?" Same with English. I did seriously consider anthropology, but my parents kinda put their foot down and said to pick something practical, not just because I like Bones. lol
                          So, when I transfer in the fall to a school closer to home, I think I might declare psychology major with a minor in history (this could change before then though. I am incredibly indecisive.) I feel it could be practical and there is a lot you could do with a psychology degree.
                          Or, if I am still at a loss, I plan on either enlisting in the Navy or applying for OCS. Go NAVY!

                          Try not to get too overwhelmed with the process. It can be intimidating, but the most important thing is to take deep breaths, and making lists can help (pro-con lists, etc)


                          • I hated having to choose topics at a young age - the choice that I really hated was subjects in high school, as they can affect what degrees you can do at uni here (i.e. to do a BSc, you have to have chemistry, English and Calculus to a senior level), but at my school, the subjects that you choose at the end of year eight had an affect regarding what you could do in year 11 and 12. I was lucky when I got to choosing my senior subjects, as I knew what I wanted to do at that point. Although that choice has changed slightly (at the moment, I want to be a geologist, and I'm hesitant to want to specialise. When I started, I wanted to be a volcanologist, which is kinda useless in Australia) since I began. I was one of very few of my friends who actually knew what they wanted to do at uni before we got there.

                            My holiday plans have progessed in leaps and bounds . Four months travelling through Ireland, the UK, France, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Egypt and Italy . Its a bit of a whirlwind tour. We're spending a month in the UK, a week in France, about 2 weeks in Germany, 10 days going through Austria and Czech Republic, a month long tour between Istanbul and Cairo and (after a couple of days by ourselves in Cairo) a 19 day tour through Egypt. Its going to be awesome. I'm going to set up a blog for posting photos and news about what I'm up to (as well as reviews of the stuff I'm using, and places that we go and say).


                            • Alla: Have fun, and I'd be interested in Pictures... it makes things all the more interesting...

                              Sorry I haven't been on recently... work had me doing lots of hours, and then this last week I've been sick.... I went to the doctor yesterday, and he said the dreaded Pneumonia.... He told me to stay home this weekend, take the antibiotic, and the cough med he prescribed, and then just rest.... I'll be back later - so take care
                              There is Always DEEP Shadow where there is MUCH Light!
                              "I will meet the terminally clueless today...idiots and those with hairballs for brains.... I do not have to be like them, even though I would dearly love to hit them hard enough to make the empty places between their ears echo..." Rhiow - TVTQ


                              • alla: Have fun on your trip!! Take loads of pics for me... because I don't know when I'll be able to go there!

                                Hungry: *hugs back* I can't go with my gut though because it's too expensive. Haha.

                                So, my vocational rehab scholarship thingy is only based on the NY voc rehab stuff... not NH!!! And NH is only for workers. So- I don't know what I'm going to do. The NH voc rehab center is trying really hard to help me out though. I really hope I get to get out of NH.

                                The Boyfriend is going to be playing soon! We have one regular rehearsal left... then we have a week vacation (school break) and then we go into Tech Week! Wooo!! I'm so nervous.

                                There's really nothing to report... just a lot of complaining that I want to do. and I don't think anyone wants to read that. Haha. If you do... then - just kidding.

                                I'll probably be round more...

                                Dai Stiho.
                                Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                                Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                                It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                                Check out my video: LET GO

