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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • I'm doing okay : ) I'm not the happiest I could be, but I'm doing fairly well.

    I got a space pen! Probably not as good as Nita's, but I couldn't resist getting it.

    kk - my library doesn't have uch in it, but there is a system we have that connects all of the libraries in the valley, so you can get a lot more books than you otherwise could. I've been looking for those books, but haven't been able to find them... maybe used on amazon?

    As for news or random interesting stories... I don't really have any. I did get my cousins to agree to a horseback riding lesson each though! I;m rather surprised I managed it...

    My family is going on vacation soon, and I;m going to swim with dolphins! I've always wanted to do that.

    I'll come back later - some of my summer homework is due August first, by email. With everything that's been going on around here (hectic) I haven't finished it yet.

    dai! : )
    "And on he went, out of sight in unhurried grace; the true dark angel, the unfallen Destroyer, the Pale slayer who never really dies -- seeking for pain to end." Deep Wizardry, page 355 Listen, and I'll tell you a story... of the wind in the trees, and the sun, the moon and the stars... of all of Earth dancing


    • Originally posted by kk View Post
      Today, I made blue pasta. I felt very YW obsessed, because I read two of the four chapters of AWoM in the premium content section, and have been rereading TWD... My mom thought that I had lost it, because the blue pasta looked really unappetizing to her.
      It was really good; I put blue dye in the sauce, too; so it looked and tasted amazing!

      I wish more people knew about this series... My library is even getting rid of some of its copies of the books! They no longer have TBONWM, or any other cat-wizard books! It's sad, and depressing.

      They say that they can't re-add them to the collection, because they've been out of print for a while. The people at my local bookstore have never heard of it, either.
      Blue pasta? I've read 3 chapters and I don't remember anything about blue pasta. Well, that sounds... interesting....

      We have a few (tiny) libraries around here, and a book store. After WaW had been released, I went to the book store looking for it. I don't remember whether they had the rest of the series... either they didn't have it at all or they had most of it, but not WaW. So they ordered a few copies of it (and the other books, if they didn't have it) and set one aside just for me. At this point, I'm not sure if they could order the older ones again.

      It's raining here in CT, as usual. At least it's a gentle rain and not loud, evil thunder like it usually is.
      "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


      • Eric: No, there's no blue pasta in AWoM (so far, at least). But there was in some of the earlier books. I made the blue pasta just because I was feeling Young-Wizard-y. It's fun to make, too. Gets you a lot of strange looks from people who see you eating it.

        I've been writing my name in all of my books, today. I've done about fifty, with at least three times that left. It's fun.

        Going to the library later today! I love it there.

        Smile: Yep, maybe... It's sad, though, that my library doesn't ever accept used books as donations, or order used books for their catalogs.
        Dif-tor heh smusma.


        • DAI STIHO!!! I feel really bad. I mean really really bad. I haven't been on since March 17th, it says up at the top. I've been neglecting to go on this website for no apparent reason. Well, that's not true, I've been really busy, but still. I missed you guys. Although now that I think about it, most of you are probably saying to yourselves "I have no idea who you are." I'm just not that memorable... But I probably shouldn't dump all my problems on you guys, so lets move on from my self-esteem issues.

          kk: That's really sad that they wont let you donate books to the library. I was thinking of doing that too...

          I got in to the National Junior Honor Society and am therefore expected to do 10 hours of Community Service before 8th grade. All I can think of is to volunteer to help out at the library. Well, other than soup kitchens and old folks homes... but old people creep me out, and so do poor people, so those are out.

          I have a new AIM screenname: BlueYoshiLvr42 because I am tired of twilight.

          Now I have to go, so dai!


          • Eric - The blue pasta is from A Wizard's Holiday and Wizards at War - it's not actually pasta. Do you remember Ponch's obsession with blue food at the Crossings?
            I like storms, and I like rain. But it's usually sunny here, not overcast. I think perpetual rain would bother me.
            Do you ever order books from Amazon? If there is a book I can't find, I usually get it from there.

            Gwendi - I dropped out for a long time as well, but I remember you. So welcome back! And don't worry about people remembering you.

            I just reread some of my books (I do this all the time, but I hadn't reread the ones I just did in awhile). Now I really want the sequels, which aren't out yet...

            *sighs* I really should go, because I have homework to do by August first, and I almost finished... kinda. I have to write an essay, but I don't know what to write, which is the biggest problem. Once I figure that out, I should be golden.

            dai! (hopefully I'll be back later)
            "And on he went, out of sight in unhurried grace; the true dark angel, the unfallen Destroyer, the Pale slayer who never really dies -- seeking for pain to end." Deep Wizardry, page 355 Listen, and I'll tell you a story... of the wind in the trees, and the sun, the moon and the stars... of all of Earth dancing


            • I just got home from my cousin Mary's wedding. It was really fun and awkward at the same time. I don't have any idea how to slow dance. xD Anyway, now my cousin is married and she's gonna have a baby in December. My Aunt Sarah brought her granddaughter, Amanda, from Wisconsin for the wedding, and guess what. She's a year older than me. She didn't know anyone, so I tried to talk to her and she would say 1 or 2 words really softly so I couldn't hear and then I'd give up and stop trying to talk to her. Then of course, some relative would tell me to try to talk to her and it would happen again. Awkward...

              Smile: YAY you remember me!

              I'm guessing by the fact that there was only one post between my last post and this one, that TOGR's popularity is going down. That's sad...

              Anyway, I can't think of anything else, so dai!


              • Originally Posted by Smile kk - my library doesn't have uch in it, but there is a system we have that connects all of the libraries in the valley, so you can get a lot more books than you otherwise could. I've been looking for those books, but haven't been able to find them... maybe used on amazon?

                I found TBONWM and TVTQ on a site called I bought them immediately and have loved reading them many times over on my Palm Pilot... I know it isn't the same as holding a real book in your hands, but at least you'd have them... I posted it in the section on E-Books in here.

                Welcome back Gwendi, long time no see. I'm sorry for my absence of the last few weeks myself, I just got really busy, but decided to stop by tonight....
                There is Always DEEP Shadow where there is MUCH Light!
                "I will meet the terminally clueless today...idiots and those with hairballs for brains.... I do not have to be like them, even though I would dearly love to hit them hard enough to make the empty places between their ears echo..." Rhiow - TVTQ


                • Stormwind: Oh, well, I have the ebooks of the TBONWM and TVTQ... but I also have the real books of the entire YW series (and I'm getting the actual book copies of Wizards, Inc and Don't Forget Your Spacesuit, Dear), and I would want an actual book copy of those as well... I like having books in all formats I can get them, so I always have a copy nearby. And, I like books, they don't crash. Ebook readers do, occasionally.
                  Dif-tor heh smusma.


                  • Hi!

                    First... Ah! Hardly any posts since I was last on... I can't believe it...

                    Sorry I was out for a week... I had homework to do (finished it, yay!) and was helping my riding teacher with her day camp for two weeks, which got busy. I'm going to not be around much again, because I'll be on vacation at the beach. I'm excited, but I'm leaving Sunday morning, early, and it doesn't feel real yet. I'll miss Koko and Annie though...

                    I do not have much to say, and I want to stay here and look at all the updated topics, but I should go downstairs.

                    So Dai, and I hope I'll get a chance to post soon : )

                    "And on he went, out of sight in unhurried grace; the true dark angel, the unfallen Destroyer, the Pale slayer who never really dies -- seeking for pain to end." Deep Wizardry, page 355 Listen, and I'll tell you a story... of the wind in the trees, and the sun, the moon and the stars... of all of Earth dancing


                    • Originally posted by kk View Post
                      Stormwind: Oh, well, I have the ebooks of the TBONWM and TVTQ... but I also have the real books of the entire YW series (and I'm getting the actual book copies of Wizards, Inc and Don't Forget Your Spacesuit, Dear), and I would want an actual book copy of those as well... I like having books in all formats I can get them, so I always have a copy nearby. And, I like books, they don't crash. Ebook readers do, occasionally.
                      You've got a good point... and I have a copy of TVTQ in paperback, and found some offers online for some of the paperbacks of TBONWM and TVTQ but I don't trust buying used things online, I like to see what I'm buying before I buy it... I like physical copies as well, it seems more real to me...

                      You might try local used book stores... you never know what jewels you'll find... I think I'll go looking again myself...
                      There is Always DEEP Shadow where there is MUCH Light!
                      "I will meet the terminally clueless today...idiots and those with hairballs for brains.... I do not have to be like them, even though I would dearly love to hit them hard enough to make the empty places between their ears echo..." Rhiow - TVTQ


                      • I've been goooone... for way too loooooong....
                        2 Saxy 4 u 2 Handel...


                        • Hey guys! I'm back. I haven't been on since Dec. Wow, it seems like forever. I'd been so busy with my senior year, getting ready for college, and other various things.

                          My one friend has been letting me borrow tons of her books. She has gotten me hocked on 1800's romance novels. I love them all. I can't seem to find enough time to read all of the books that I want to though.

                          My summer's great, thanks. Shopping for college has been so much fun. It's finally my turn. Yippee!

                          At the end of June, I went to Europe for 3 weeks with American Music Abroad. I had a great time. Two of my friends went also, so we hung out the whole time.

                          When I got back to the US, I got a job. That's been taking up all of my time. I barely have time to do the things that I have to do, much less the things I want to do. As it is now, I'm using my lunch break to do this.

                          I visited my college last week. I made my schedule, got my ID, and stayed overnight in a dorm room that is very similar to what mine will be like in the fall. Over the weekend, I met my roommate and we started planning our room. I can't wait!

                          So, that's my summer so far in a nutshell.
                          Shoot for the moon. If you miss, at least you'll be among the stars. ~ Les Brown


                          • Mona, I love the quote in your sig!

                            Gah... School registration was yesterday. Teachers, homework, getting up early, ick. Yeah, I don't want to go back to school. Plus, hearing about people going to college makes 7th grade seem all the more mundane and unimpressive, and me so young...
                            "at least i thought it was a wall. It sure felt like one. It was hard, it was flat. It stretched out on either side of me. You know... wall." -Bobby Pendragon


                            • Stealing the Elf-King's Roses, among other things

                              I've been reading a lot's fun! It's pretty much all I've been doing. :P Well, school stuff too. Catching up on math (ugh. at least it's easy).

                              I was going to go to the library today, but it closes in an hour, so I'll go tomorrow. They're having a party for the end of the summer reading program tomorrow (only 15 people finished summer reading this year... 15! I was one of them, but I was really REALLY disappointed that more didn't actually read.)

                              I've been reading DD's book "Stealing the Elf-King's Roses," and I LOVE it. It's amazing! But of course, why would it not be? I have the ebook of it on my ebook reader, and I'm about halfway through it. (I did laugh a little at the name of the main character. ) The book is kind of a mystery novel, I guess...but with elves, talking dogs (kind of), and Justice that must be served, it's different from the ordinary in nearly all ways possible. I think that's why it's so amazing!
                              Dif-tor heh smusma.


                              • wow, I'm so sorry that I haven't been on in like... forever. I'm probably going to be like responding to posts a few pages back, but I feel obligated.

                                Smile: sorry for your uncle... i know that it's delayed.

                                kk: BLUE PASTA! I want some now. Haha.

                                Mona: Your trip sounded fun, I wish I could've gone to Europe this summer. Good luck in college!!!

                                So, that being said.

                                I am 11 days away from going to college. Very excited, and very nervous at the same time. This will be the first time I am away from my family for soooo long!!! But I can't wait to start on my newfound freedom! I already talked to two out of three roommates (I'm in a quad) and I think we'll be getting along.

                                I have to go I'll post later.
                                Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                                Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                                It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                                Check out my video: LET GO

