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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • First day of snow! I don't know whether to be elated or mournful.
    Difficult things take a long time. Impossible things take a little longer. But then, we've got a lifetime.


    • Congrats Tuttle! And good luck with figuring out all the grad school stuff. Right now, I'm doing the whole applying to colleges thing, but I've already got about two years almost of college under my belt when I go in, so I should be able to bypass a lot of the general ed as I go in. So instead of taking four years, I'll probably get out by the time I'm 20 or 21.

      I just have to figure out how to pay for it all. Yikes.

      I wish it snowed where I live! It like... never snows here. I think it did once, when my mom was little, and that was a long time ago. It's only just started getting cold, too! It feels nothing like November, more like October. *sighs*

      I want to move somewhere where it will snow. I love the snow. It's cold, yeah, but it's so pretty.
      "You're so funny. Sometimes, I wish I was a little elf, so I could ride around on your shoulder all day and laugh at you." - my mom. (Yes, she honestly told me that. *rolls eyes*)


      • College has torn me away from everything I used to know, so I came back here to remember part of my past life, and find a whole new forums system in use..

        But the new forums are all shiny and slick so it's all cool!

        But because my old account was still linked to an old, abandoned email address, I never got the notice that I needed to do something to move my account data to the new system. I assume it is now lost to the internet void forever...?

        Ah well... Who here actually remembers me? It must have been at least 2 or 3 years now. Whenever Cedric was closed...


        • Well, Grease was over today.....we did GREAT, although the girl who played Frenchy lost her voice at the end.....ah well. I'm going to miss all of the seniors who're graduating this year(9) it won't be the same without them.....they're a big part of our cast.....on a completely different note, it's my birthday tomorrow! I'm turning 13(I know, I'm really young) I'm really excited!!!!! Oh, and i just friend broke his foot RIGHT after the play was over, while we were cleaning up.....i guess he took the term 'break a leg' a little too more cold weather out here..... it was in the 50's today!!!!!
          All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they really happened. And after you are finished reading one you feel that all that happened to you and afterwards it all belongs to you: the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse, and the sorrow, the people and the places, and how the weather was.


          • Wow I remember once when Robin Hood actually got stabbed with one of the fake swords... He got hit in places a guy doesn't want to get hit in the middle of the play. It was funny and kinda sad.
            I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.

            Call me nasa, it's a tradition.... don't ask...


            • Hi Everybody!

              It's been ages. (or it feels like it)

              Happy Birthday Bookworm!
              Sorry about your friends foot... I guess it's good that he waited until after the play...

              Congratulations Tuttle! and good luck! You are growing up more than I am (I'll be going to college soon) but I feel te same way. I'm not sure I like it. But I also am fairly optimistic, and I think I'll be fine, and I think you'll be fine.

              Lazy Leopard - that sounds like that was really nice. I hope you had fun! (even though it was busy)

              CyberMirage - I don't think I was here when you were, but it's nice to have you back! And even though we moved to the new forums, eveything is mostly the same. So you shouldn't feel too out of it.

              I'm glad you got a job, Not So Silent One! I hope it's a job you like : )

              Jwiz - I can't imagine what it is like to live with no snow. Lately we haven't been having as much snow as we should in the winter, but we still have it. It hasn't snowed yet here, which is mostly normal - sometimes it snows really early, but that's more of a fluke. If there is a place where you have guaranteed snow, you could go there for a week. Maybeone of those ski resort places. Skiing is very fun, but I haven't gone in ages.

              We're putting on our play this weekend, and I'm really excited. I painted a lot of the set, and for the nights of the show, I'll be in house crew. I like doing tings backstage better, but because I have to miss one of the nights, I can't. So at least I'm doing something during the show. After this, it's a busy year for us - we have a holiday show, titanic, and a play. I'm not sure what our director was thinking.

              My sister is at college this year, which is a bit sad because I miss her, but she likes it. And I'll get to see her in a couple weeks. She wanted to come home to see the play with her best friend, because it's her best friend's favorite. But they would have to miss classes and we couldn't figure out a good way o get them home. Next year she might have a car, so it'll be easier.

              This school year has tons of work... it's not soooo bad, but it leaves me pretty tired. Hopefully I can post at least once a week (it's been bothering me to be away so long).

              Swine flu went through our school... it actually isn't worse than normal flu unless you get the serious version. Which doesn't seem to be happening.

              My cat is now almost a year and a half old! She's getting a bit more cuddly, which is nice. The sheets on my bed ae no longer in danger of her pouncing on them (as much). I'm happy because now she sits on my lap a bit more, which I missed. She's still the same quirky cat, which is wonderful (her name is Koko)

              I love Lion King! I know it can be more for little kids, but I don't care : ) It's one of my favorite plays.

              "And on he went, out of sight in unhurried grace; the true dark angel, the unfallen Destroyer, the Pale slayer who never really dies -- seeking for pain to end." Deep Wizardry, page 355 Listen, and I'll tell you a story... of the wind in the trees, and the sun, the moon and the stars... of all of Earth dancing


              • Okay... I apparently haven't posted since the end of Sept... Life... Congrats Tuttle and good luck I know what it's like to work on graduation.

                Nice solo Garrett!

                Welcome back to all who are returning...

                I've been working and looking for another job... it's taking forever to find a job in forensics... but I'm not giving up hope... we're shorthanded at my work though.. so I can't even get real time off to rest and get feeling better

                The Renaissance was Fantastic!!! We saw a live performance of the Carrillon... I love those bells... they can be so haunting... the act is called Cast In Bronze (that is the name of the website too) The music is so beautiful... I loved the fireworks at sunset... I'd worked the night before we went so I didn't get to sleep until some 37 hours after I'd last slept, but I was really enjoying myself...
                There is Always DEEP Shadow where there is MUCH Light!
                "I will meet the terminally clueless today...idiots and those with hairballs for brains.... I do not have to be like them, even though I would dearly love to hit them hard enough to make the empty places between their ears echo..." Rhiow - TVTQ


                • I'm baa-ack! I've been not here in...a while! And a lot has happened since I've not been here... I got maybe 20 more good books... I watched a lot of Star Trek: The Original Series... And I've gone hyper and obsessive about more and more nerdy things!

                  Garrett: Oh, it's so pretty! My mom was trying to get me to learn clarinet a long time ago, but I thought it was difficult to learn songs on it. You play really really well! I favorited the video on youtube.

                  (Also, I love the username of the Youtube user who uploaded the video )
                  Dif-tor heh smusma.


                  • Thanks for all the compliments on the solo. :-) SarekOfVulcan is my more-typical online identity -- I've been using it since "SPOCK" was taken in a BITNET chatroom back in February 1986.

                    We just watched Star Trek on DVD with the captions on -- I was rather suprised to see that one of the Romulans was named "Ayel". Was that a deliberate nod at Diane?
                    "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

                    "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."


                    • CM: Aha! I remember you, I think. Did you used to be green, blue, or purple?

                      Garett: Another clarinetist walks among us! How many years have you been playing? And what hardware are you using? xD (This is my first year without a clarinet, and I don't know how I can cope.)

                      So I'm back, sort of, due to the shiny new Twitter feed. Dunno how long I can visit. Currently I'm avoiding proving a set of assignments for my numbers and proofs class which are a) due in ~12 hours and b) which I already asked an extension from last Friday. I don't care what my physics prof says; I am the queen of procrastination. I miss my friends the most; it's not that I can't see them every day, it's that most of them have heavier workloads than me and half are 2-15 hours ahead of me.
                      Latin and finally being in a physics program do make up for things though. I may be able to wrangle the other half of the Latin course into my schedule. Yay! But Latin is both sharpening my awareness of English grammar and mangling my English to pieces. Or perhaps that's the leftover sleep deprivation.

                      Perhaps one day I can finish NaNoWriMo. Or reach 10K words. *resists stalking the YW threads*
                      -Tell me and I may remember; show me and I'll understand; involve me and I'll never forget. Thank you, PM. Your light lives on.


                      • I started playing in 1976, just before Rhode Island's Independence Day (May 4, I think) -- that was my first public perfomance with the band that I remember. In college I got a non-matched set of Buffet R-13s (purchased about 4 years apart). I've also used Selmer basses and a paperclip contrabass (I think also from Selmer, but I'm not sure). I have no idea what the tenor sax was that I used for a summer production of Evita -- just borrowed it from school. :-) I've also played Eb a couple of times, but I wouldn't call myself proficient at it.
                        "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

                        "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."


                        • Comment

                          • There've been at least a couple of YW IRC channels in the last few years (I know of ##youngwizards on FreeNode and #youngwizards on AfterNet), but I don't think they get any much traffic now. I guess IRC isn't the chat venue of choice these days...
                            -- Rick.


                            • I can't even remember the last time I was on for more than about 2 minutes skimming through threads, so this is kind of weird. I just looked at the last time I posted in TOGR...August 31st. Wow. So much has happened since then, it's ridiculous. I figured out where I'm going abroad, finally! I don't know if I ever mentioned it, but I've been debating for awhile where to go; there are so many countries where it would be cool to study, and the history/literature of the specific country could tie into my senior Independent Study in a few years. But, I picked a university in Scotland, so fall semester of next year I'll be over there! If I get in, of course, but I probably will (knock on wood...) If not, there's another university in Ireland that I would also be fine going to...

                              Ehn. I got a boyfriend, and broke up with him. Rather, I dated my best friend, then broke up with him. It's not that I don't like him, or that he doesn't like me...I still like him, and he still likes me. But, for a 21-year-old, he is remarkably not ready to have a girlfriend. And I guess I'm just tired of getting hurt while he tries to make himself ready to have a girlfriend. So, we're just friends...but based on the cycle we've been on since I met him about a year ago, we'll be dating again in 3 months. You know, I swore back in high school I'd never be one of these nutjobs who has a crazy complicated relationship with a boyfriend. *sigh* life is never as uncomplicated as you hope it will be.

                              I declared my major; I'm officially an English major now! I had wanted to double major (with History) but I can't double major and go I picked going abroad. I don't know, I just hope I'm doing the right thing. I mean, I love History classes, and I'm REALLY good at them. Like, I can churn out a History paper in no time at all. I'm not as good at English, the papers are harder, it's harder for me to speak up in class...but I enjoy it more, because it is harder! I guess I just hope I'm making the right decision. Anyway, I'll have a History minor, and if in a year I decide that English isn't the major for me, I can easily switch to a History major before doing my Junior Independent Study project.

                              Already trying to look for a job for next summer, since I refuse to go back and work at the amusement park I worked at last summer. Plus, I now have to share the car with my sister when I'm home, since she got her license in September, so I can't really drive an hour each way to work every day. I need to find a job closer to home; something I could ride my bike to would be ideal, because then I wouldn't need the car for work...and therefore could have it more on the weekends. Plus, her boyfriend has a car, she shouldn't need one on the weekends (that is, if she's still dating him next summer. Yesterday I sat through an entire Thanksgiving celebration with my entire extended family making comments about how my sister was more successful than me because she got her first boyfriend at 16, and I can't even manage to have a successful relationship at 19. Oy vey, I love my family, but that was the most annoying conversation ever.)

                              Life is pretty boring though, other than all that. Go to class, eat, exercise, call Mom and Dad, watch Glee with my is actually pretty boring at the moment. After the first half of this semester, maybe boring is a good thing.

                              I'm rambling a bit, sorry about just feels strange since I haven't been here in awhile. Hope everyone's doing well!


                              • OH GOD! I haven't been online in forever, but I'm back guys and wondering how everyone's doing. Guess what, I have a new boyfriend! And we're having a tough time because he might be moving away from me, to Texas. I don't want him to go to Texas! I just things to calm down and for things to be stable, and a new start for myself. I actually got swine flu about a month ago, and missed an entire week of school and have slacked since then.

                                The topic of... slacking. I am such a lazy bum
                                Magic exists everywhere you look because you choose to see it. Magic exists inside of me because I welcome it. Magic and energy are one and the same. Energy and magic will always exist.

