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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • I just learned that I might go live in China for a year. Trying to decide if I should be exited or not. My mother, who works as a collage counselor, might be able to get a exchange, and teach English at a university in Beijing.

    I've been trying to study my Latin vocabulary words, though it's not going so well as my little sister has been watching School House Rock multiplication tables for about an hour and a half.
    Ars longa, vita brevis
    (Art is long, life is brief) -- Seneca


    • I'm a freshman in high school and trying to get ready for my first finals week of my life. I hate studying though and find that very often I don't need to. Also I'm attempting to get a piano solo ready for state contest Division 1 and am totally freaked out about that. We are reading Antigone in English and it is so boring right now, even though we just started it. My French teacher retired like half way through the semester so we have had a horrible sub since then. I'm sure most of you, if not all of you, don't care about this at all but that's what's going on in my world now.
      "These are my principles. If you don't like them, I have others."-Groucho Marx

      "What is scientific fact? An oxymoron. Science does not deal in facts. It deals in hypotheses, which are never fully and finally correct."-Orson Scott Card


      • Ok, NR, little tip for you: even if you don't need to study, do so. Now. While you still can. Because trust me, I was exactly the same way and now I do need to study and I can't make myself because it's so BORING and my entire school life is seriously screwed up.
        New in my world- just got a math tutor who doesn't speak English (just French, I go to a French school) and it's kinda awkward because we can't just chill- I understand French well enough for our study sessions to be fine, but not well enough to have a casual conversation with someone I don't know (her). But whatever. Also, she missed our second session because she had a class- really hope that doesn't happen often.
        That's the boring new bit. The interesting new bit is I've started getting vanilla soft ice cream with colored sprinkles in a cone whenever my friends and I go out for pizza. Because I don't want to start thinking I'm big. People have asked me if I'm thinking about college yet. Um, NO? Anyhow, it's really hard to take yourself seriously when you're licking the sprinkles off your ice cream.
        I know the answer! The answer lies within the heart of all mankind! The answer is twelve? I think I'm in the wrong building.
        -- Charles Shulz


        • Cinnamon: It's even harder to take yourself seriously when you're a college student who still uses a scooter when he needs to move faster then walking.

          NR: I agree with Cinnamon. Learn how to study NOW so that when college, or even hard high school classes come around, you actually know how to study and don't just lay around even when you know you need to study. Trust me on this

          Garrett: You know what's fun to play? Alto Clarinets. They get no love, ever. Although mine's a piece of junk...

          *Sighs* I really wonder if I chose the right college sometimes... A lack of nearby Kendo dojos, combined with the lack of any music in my life means I have nothing constructive to do, other then study. Maybe I should take a stab at writing stories or something...


          • Scooter like mini-motorcycle that putt-putts along at about two miles an hour? Or the kind of scooter where you need to like, kick the sidewalk with one foot for a few steps and then glide?
            Because that would definitely be hard to take yourself seriously on. (Can you end a sentence with on? I am the grammarian about whom your mother warned you...) May I recommend getting a bicycle?
            I know the answer! The answer lies within the heart of all mankind! The answer is twelve? I think I'm in the wrong building.
            -- Charles Shulz


            • Thanks for the advice it's just hard to when I ace most of my tests except for my 2nd year algebra stuff, that I do study for some. But if all the college courses are like the AP class I'm taking then I'm not too worried, although somehow I doubt they will be.
              "These are my principles. If you don't like them, I have others."-Groucho Marx

              "What is scientific fact? An oxymoron. Science does not deal in facts. It deals in hypotheses, which are never fully and finally correct."-Orson Scott Card


              • Cinnamon/Cyber: try taking yourself seriously in college when you talk about what you want to do this weekend with your roommates and the one thing you all want to do more than anything else is watch old Disney movies while coloring in a Disney princess coloring book. College is just amazing like that, for me at least. We had a sing along today during lunch and sang songs from the Lion King.

                Nick: courses aren't that much like AP courses, at least not where I'm going to school. A lot more independent reading, and professors expect you to do it outside of class and understand it really well. I know AP classes are supposed to be like college level courses, but honestly they weren't, because my teachers in high school were a lot more concerned about whether we got the material or not, and if we didn't understand it, they would continue stuffing it down our throats until we learned it. In college...they don't tend to do that, at least not in my department (I'm an English major.) They kind of did in the Latin classes I took last year, but that's because if an entire class doesn't understand something so important to the language, it's kind of hard to move forward in a class. But I digress...

                Sitting in the basement of my library, staring at a box of Easy Mac I bought a few hours ago from the campus store. I wish we had a microwave in the library so I could eat some now instead of waiting until I go back to my room. Oh well, it's not like I have a bowl or spoon with me anyway.


                • Last edited by CyberMirage; December 1, 2009, 09:19:38 PM.


                  • Oh ok well that's probably good for me to know. I'm taking AP World History, WHAP is what we call it, and we do 20 text book page chapters and have to outline the whole chapter, one a week and he doesn't slow down at all. right now for WHAP we have to read the Prince by Machiavelli do a chapter of outlining do these civilization overview papers and study for the next test. On top of all my other school work which is all X, or honors, or what ever your school calls the smart people classes. All the homework is so stressful.
                    "These are my principles. If you don't like them, I have others."-Groucho Marx

                    "What is scientific fact? An oxymoron. Science does not deal in facts. It deals in hypotheses, which are never fully and finally correct."-Orson Scott Card


                    • You go two miles on a scooter?
                      I salute you.
                      Why didn't anyone tell me there were other people out there who still love Disney?
                      It means no worries for the rest of your days... hakuna matata
                      I know the answer! The answer lies within the heart of all mankind! The answer is twelve? I think I'm in the wrong building.
                      -- Charles Shulz


                      • Trust me, you aren't alone in still loving Disney. When I get together with some of my high school classmates during breaks from University one of our favorite things is to watch Disney movies. And it's more than likely that one of us at one point bursts into random song, even if it's a movie we haven't seen for years. And we are all in our early 20's.

                        I know what you mean about caring about classes. I'm still taking care of a couple of my gen ed requirements, and it is so hard to care about doing homework for a class that I have no interest in. Especially when it's just mindless work to show that you're paying attention.

                        I'm so excited for the Christmas season! I helped my Dad put the lights up on the house today, and I'll work on the tree tomorrow to take a break from homework. Anyone else getting into the Christmas spirit?
                        "Doctors help you to live, the Arts give you a reason to live."


                        • I'm getting in to the holiday season not Christmas though we have to do a whole holiday choir concert in a few days I'm nervous about that I haven't been practicing nearly enough
                          "These are my principles. If you don't like them, I have others."-Groucho Marx

                          "What is scientific fact? An oxymoron. Science does not deal in facts. It deals in hypotheses, which are never fully and finally correct."-Orson Scott Card


                          • Don't celebrate Christmas, but I love walking home from school because by then it's dark and with the lights and the hush you get at at night from snow, it is absolutely beautiful.
                            I don't know if anyone else has discovered this, but sushi cures all ills. Well, all mental ills. Most mental ills. My class was in a collective bad mood yesterday so like twenty of us went to my friend's house and we ordered sushi and played truth or dare with someone's itouch and then we all felt better.
                            I know the answer! The answer lies within the heart of all mankind! The answer is twelve? I think I'm in the wrong building.
                            -- Charles Shulz


                            • Yes. I can attest that fish-bliss can certainly cure a goodly lot of ills and/or grumpiness. The magic word for me when bellying up to a sushi bar is: omakase. (Well, that in combination with finding a really good sushi chef to say it to).
                              Last edited by Kathy Li; December 4, 2009, 10:29:29 PM.
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                              • So, I've been in my school's library since 12:30 this afternoon; it's now 7:38 at night. Someone ran out and bought Chipotle, so I didn't even have to leave for dinner, and the group of us have an insane amount of food between us right now. I just want to curl up and go to sleep, but I'll probably be here for another 3...4...5...6...hours, it's open until 2 AM. I love finals week.

