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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Originally posted by Wolf View Post
    Trialia (and whoever else was talking about this)- aahh! I love making up stories, and continuing them every night. It's so wonderful. My ipod really helps a lot; when a "danger" song comes on, something terrible happens, and often times I have to hit the "back" button so I can hear the song again... because I'm just replaying one scene over and over in my mind. Heehee. My ipod battery runs low mainly because at night I search for the "right" song to fit the mood of the current story. Days later, when I remember the whole thing in my head in an instant, I think, "Man! I should've written that down!" and of course it would be waaay too extensive.
    YOU DO THIS TOO? Thank you for making me think I'm not so insane! I actually make a playlist each night to fit the plot. Except then I'm too tired half the time to actually make up the story.

    And I would go back and go over my favorite scenes- like one I remember where the two main characters were fighting a two-headed giant snake- and then I'd fall asleep in the middle and dream about it.

    Actually, I drew that two-headed snake: if my scanner worked on pencil, I'd post it cause it's funny-looking. I called it a "ruin snake" because it lived in, uh...ruins.

    My characters fight or run away from a lot of weird monsters. So far, in addition to the snake, they've had to defeat a hydra, a patch of quick-obsidian (like quicksand, except that it's obsidian that you sink into...), and multitudes of winged spiders.

    So imagination is sorta weird.


    • Ah! SilveredBlue, somehow I knew it was you... didn't want to go back and get it wrong, though. (Plus I was already writing in the form and the posts didn't go back that far... =P )

      A lot of the time I don't really make characters... if I do, they're already part of a story I'm working on, I think. Mostly it's me in these ridiculous situations... teehee. Kind of like daydreaming, but to the extreme. Anyone ever see The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl? Uhh yeahhh it was on Disney channel one day and I totally watched it... and then got upset when it was time for dinner and I couldn't see the end. So one day I saw it was on and sat down to watch the entire thing. (Another movie with the same age group but totally unrelated to this is Sky High. Which is AMAZING. It's like they're trying to do X-Men, but modern-day teenager style. And I LOVE X-Men.)

      Again, I had something to write but I totally forget.... for some reason the Beatles "Paperback Writer" is stuck in my head. So I guess I'll do other things and post back later.
      AIM: CeliaWells8 / Twitter: Scifi_Nerd
      Won 2nd Place for Topic Of The Week 04, January, 2010!!!


      • Something really weird happened this morning when I woke up. My alarm went off like normal at 6:30 (way too early) and I looked at the clock and saw that but for some reason I thought I was running 30 minutes late. I literally jumped out of bed and practically ran to the bathroom only to realize that I woke up on time.

        On a much different note, Orson Scott Card finally came out with another book called Hidden Empire that I got today.

        I also just started playing a new game, Supremacy 1914 about WWI. It's a real time strategy that can take weeks to finish because things can take days to build and there are about 32 players all getting on at different times.

        I think Nicky, my cat, might have some sort of eye infection and I'm really worried but my parents don't think it is serious and won't take him to the vet or anything even though he has this huge spot in the corner of his eye that keeps getting filled with discharge from his eye.
        "These are my principles. If you don't like them, I have others."-Groucho Marx

        "What is scientific fact? An oxymoron. Science does not deal in facts. It deals in hypotheses, which are never fully and finally correct."-Orson Scott Card


        • Hey Nick... my cat had something similar... I forgot what the vet gave him, but basically it's eyedrops. Does it happen all the time? Try just cleaning his eyes for a few days or so, but if it's really bad, it sounds like he needs whatever eyedrops my kitty got...

          Totally remembered what I was gonna post, by the way. So I was wandering one of the buildings on campus (looking almost in vain for the classroom I was supposed to be in), and ya know... being a Communication major, I don't really go into the Science buildings that often. It's kinda like sticking a kitty in the jungle and going, "Here! Try to find your way home!" and the cat looks at you like, "You just forgot to cut the grass.... right?"

          But I may go back there. (Besides classroom time) Because while looking hopelessly down hallways, I saw this on a doorway. Which totally made my day.

          AIM: CeliaWells8 / Twitter: Scifi_Nerd
          Won 2nd Place for Topic Of The Week 04, January, 2010!!!


          • That is an infinitely enjoyable picture, Wolf. It fills me with warm fuzzy joy!

            And it's something that I could use more of, what with the rain. It's been raining on and off for a week! And it hailed!! It's not supposed to do that in LA!! There were a multitude of new rivers at my school, since it's not really equipped to deal with flooding. Soggy feet, much?
            "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away."

            ...and eyes, sweet as honey, soft as moss, that hold in their black vessels the bitterness of old wounds and the tired peace of growing wisdom.


            • Wolf: ya he always has something in his eye. I'll see if i can find the kitty eye drops for him thanks for the advice.

              I had to wake up at 7 this morning even though it is a Saturday to go to a referee recertification clinic for this year . I sat in a room listened to a couple of boring guys talk about all the new or changed rules and then take a 50 question multiple choice test. The only good thing is that I get to ref again this year and make a bit of money. Speaking of which, does anyone know how to raise a good amount of money in a year. I have to raise $1500 by next winter to go out of the country with the People to People Organization.
              "These are my principles. If you don't like them, I have others."-Groucho Marx

              "What is scientific fact? An oxymoron. Science does not deal in facts. It deals in hypotheses, which are never fully and finally correct."-Orson Scott Card


              • Well, if I remember correctly, if you are raising money for People to People you can get a letter that you can take to businesses in the community to ask for any assistance... I never got to actually go, but I went to a couple of meetings when I was younger about the Australia program.
                Otherwise, it sounds like you are making good progress if you have a job.

                So I am watching the Screen Actors Guild Awards and I'm not gonna lie, the In Memoriam was pretty darn sad. Some of the older actors I recognized too, but especially with Patrick Swayze, Britany Murphy, Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson.
                But Betty White is a laugh riot. I'm going to have to look up some of her early work.

                Today is dance day. Both of my brothers are in high school, and it is the Winter Ball. It was also the day that my parents checked their grades online. Lets just say that for about two hours, my brothers were upset because they were not going to the dance, due to bad grades. My youngest brother insisted that the US government is a dictatorship because they make you go to school and destroy your childhood. I bit my lip so hard to keep from laughing.

                My spring semester starts Monday, so I have been cleaning my room. I have found so many interesting things that I never threw away. Like old toys and clothes, and even the data from my 9th grade science fair project. Its funny how I keep getting distracted. "ooh, shiny! Ooh! A book!"
                The only reassuring thing is that it gets worse before it gets better. So the better should be coming soon, since it looks like a disaster zone in here.


                • heh. My room is like that too. I'm cleaning it up right now, and it looks totally horrible- worse than when I started. which is why I'm procrastinating by typing to you guys right now.

                  Nick: I hope your cat gets better soon! What (s?)he has sounds kinda gross and sad at the same time...:P

                  Wolf: That picture is made of awesomeness. *snort* I feel like I should hang that on the door of my room because it gets chaotic so quick. Wait, was that what the sign-posters meant?

                  ....or's the office of the LP. Is the professer good-looking, possibly red-haired, and the possesser of a British accent?
                  If so...stay far. far. away. And do not, under any circumstances, hand him a copy of SYWTBAW- if you don't want to be blasted into dust, that is.

                  Inkslinger: And another avvie! Love the new one- Dogbert is funny. (I also like the guy with the spoon who darns you to Heck.)
                  heh....better wear boots.


                  • illiriam: The only problem with my job is that it is seasonal and i can only make a max of about $75 a week but most often only about $25.

                    SilveredBlue: Both my cats are males even if their names may not sound like it. With Nicky that was him name they gave him at petsmart, and I wouldn't let my parents change it because I thought it would confuse him (this was about 5 or 6 years ago). Frickle was the creation of two five year olds (me and a friend) after cat, kitty, and claw were rejected by my parents.

                    I hate waking up earlier than about nine but I did both days this weekend, even though today I didn't need to. I did stay in my pajamas all day though so that was good.

                    Yay the Colts won and are going to the Superbowl.
                    Last edited by NickRyan; January 24, 2010, 10:06:53 PM.
                    "These are my principles. If you don't like them, I have others."-Groucho Marx

                    "What is scientific fact? An oxymoron. Science does not deal in facts. It deals in hypotheses, which are never fully and finally correct."-Orson Scott Card


                    • Wolf: Ahaha, awesome pic! I had one of those signs on my room, before I realized that it didn't quite fit. Entropy doesn't necessarily mean mess, in fact, having things messier can mean less entropy, according to a science book I read. It had a page with the headline: "Warning, picking up your socks could make the universe die faster!" or something like that. Apparently when things are on the floor, they are submitting to the natural organization device called Gravity, and therefore, not wasting energy by fighting it (according to said book).

                      I was only gone for two days, and I had 31 unread emails, 23 unread facebook alerts, and two or three pages of ToGR posts to go through! Wow! This is crazy!

                      Teeeheee, I wore a Star Trek: TOS science uniform to church today. With a phaser, a tricorder, and a communicator. I made all of them, the outfit, the props... Oh, man... Duct tape, paper mache, and superglue can do anything if you use them right. ANYTHING.

                      At church one of my friends high-fived me with the Vulcan salute, and a 60-ish year old woman started ranting to me about an upcoming convention, claiming that I would win the costume contest. One of the church's Elders looked at me in pleasant surprise and said that it was awesome, but why did I wear it to church? The youth minister and youth minister's assistant said, "Oooh, nice getup!" and the majority of the teenage boys in the room fought over my phaser, and acted like extreme fanboys. ^_^ And then afterwards, I went out to eat at Panera with my family, and got a fair number of people looking at me strange. I think it was a good day!
                      Dif-tor heh smusma.


                      • kk- aaaaaaaaaaahhhh i want your life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        As soon as I saw the picture I stopped cold. Yes, I had no idea where my classroom was (still don't, really), yes I probably looked weird trying to take a picture and not look like I was taking a picture... but man it was so worth it. =)

                        And to go back to my first comment.... which convention were they talking about? The one in Parsippany I was talking to you about? Cuz I am soooo going to that. Other than that one, I don't know about another one... although, there are probably "unofficial" ones I don't know about.

                        NickRyan, did they really? I was having lunch with my friend today (I love seeing people in the dining hall!) and it was really funny cuz she and all the guys were watching the game and freaking out, and she was laughing at herself cuz she was the only girl watching and caring and such... =P

                        How is your kitty, by the way? Sometimes my cat gets teary, but just wiping it with a warm cloth or paper towel usually helps... we don't give him eyedrops or anything cuz it doesn't happen every single day... but... how is the little fuzzy?

                        InkSlinger, SilveredBlue, kk..... thank you. ^_^ I will be on the lookout for more pictures made of awesomeness that give us all fuzzy joy.
                        AIM: CeliaWells8 / Twitter: Scifi_Nerd
                        Won 2nd Place for Topic Of The Week 04, January, 2010!!!


                        • With cats you have to keep an eye out on that sort of thing. Kitty conjunctivitis, or pink eye, is very contagious and can cause a lot of health problems. If it spreads to his other eye or your other kitty, take them both to the vet. I know that is usually pretty bad when they are kittens, but I can't be sure about it when they are older.
                          We have a cat named Lucky, who we found on the side of the road and rescued, and he is blind in one eye, which the doctor is fairly sure is from an infection from when he was little.
                          Okay, looking back, that sounds a little depressing. I didn't mean it to be and I really hope your kitty doesn't have it. I just wanted to let you know to keep an eye out for it.

                          kk- I love that you did that! If I tried that in my church, they would probably shun me. At least with this new guy. The old Father would have enjoyed it.

                          Today is my first day in a new semester. Whoopdiedoo. My first and only class on MW doesn't even start until 3.
                          And every day I keep looking for the UPS guy or the mail lady. I still have a bajillion textbooks that haven't come in. Which sucks since they cost, like, a bajillion dollars.

                          Oh, and I found this and thought that she was one lucky girl!


                          • Illiriam: Haha, that is a lucky girl. Interesting story!

                            Wolf: The convention she told me about was called Shore Leave (website here), and it's a sci-fi convention, not necessarily a Star Trek convention. And gah, I've just read the schedule for the one you're going to, and I really wish I could go to - it sounds like so much fun! It says "No Video or Audio Recording" on the website...but if you go, can you take pictures please? Lots and lots of pictures? And tell me if the TOS bloopers they're showing at one part of it are the same ones that I found on YouTube?

                            I've seen conventions where they tape all of the main events and speakers and then sell DVDs of it, and it'd be cool if they did that for this one.
                            Dif-tor heh smusma.


                            • I - I - I - THERE'S INFORMATION UP ABOUT IT ON THE WEBSITE??!?!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!

                              *runs off to check AOL mail*

                              Um. Ohmygod. Why is there Twilight information up, but not for Star Trek.... ohmygoddddd. And... and it happens after it, too... I... I... (anyone else hear the devastation in my voice, here?) kk, where did you find your information? Creation Entertainment is making "my" Star Trek convention like, the last one with information.... *tear*

                              Erm, so... clicking on the link you gave me...
                              Hmmm.... looks cool. =) If you're thinking about going to it, I'll think about going to it... It's two hours away from me, but still. It's scifi. And therefore awesome.

                              I don't know what you were looking at for the convention schedule, but this is what I see when I try to get any information out of the Parsippany convention (which is the one I'm going to):

                              Oh and trust me... there will be pictures. =D Let me see if I can scrap up some pictures from the other convention I went to (Shatner and Nimoy!!!!) and the Exhibition that they had in Philly. Which was AWESOME. I got a picture of the Engineering room, but unfortunately that was about it, save the doctored pictures on the bridge and transporter pad you could pay for.

                              In randomness........ my brain would NOT turn on today. I don't know why. I hope it returns soon. I have two classes and then work tomorrow. Oh and I started reading DW for our discussion! I've started pulling out quotes I like already... teehee.
                              AIM: CeliaWells8 / Twitter: Scifi_Nerd
                              Won 2nd Place for Topic Of The Week 04, January, 2010!!!


                              • DIANE DUANE KEEPS REPLYING TO ME ON TWITTER! DIANE DUANE KEEPS REPLYING TO ME ON TWITTER! DIANE DUANE KEEPS REPLYING TO ME ON TWITTERRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                (dear forums... pleaaaaaaase keep that in all caaaappsss?? pleaaaaaaaaase?)

                                She's replied to me before, but ohmygosh it was so hard to not explode in science class when my phone buzzed with that particular twitter alert!

                                Okay so here's the conversation... *SQUEE!!!*

                                DD: ... I can see that the #YoungWizards universe is going to be adding a new elective Manual modality... #ipad

                                (note: go google the ipad. dude. it looks cool.)

                                Me: @dduane- I can picture it now... time for Spot to have another upgraaade! "dataaaaa......"

                                DD: @Scifi_Nerd Hmm, no, I think he'll stay as he is a while.
                                DD: @Scifi_Nerd But I may have to restrain Darryl. : )

                                Me: @dduane- he's actually the first person i thought of! and then spot's spidery legs crept into my thoughts... cute little guy! =)

                                So... as you can imagine... I'm totally freaking out.

                                Aha! And as a follow-up on my mystery science door with the sign "Office of Great Entropy" on it... the door was open and I poked my head in! Inside was a very nice older man, in his 60's or so, and I began to ask him about the sign. As I believe SilveredBlue said a few pages back... they read somewhere that entropy has to do with gravity, so picking up your socks from the floor would actually be working with entropy.... although I don't think that excuse would fly with my mom. Ohgosh. The guy's office was -ohgod- a TOTAL wreck. Files and papers absolutely everywhere. I mentioned that I had to ask him about the sign because there's actually a book series I'm reading that has to do with entropy a lot.... he didn't say anything and YW unfortunately, but he was very nice about the whole thing.

                                Maybe he's working against the LP with us by leaving his mess the way it is. And... I get that his entropy is the more science-side of our entropy... but man oh man is that a great sign!
                                AIM: CeliaWells8 / Twitter: Scifi_Nerd
                                Won 2nd Place for Topic Of The Week 04, January, 2010!!!

