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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • @96bookworms: Yeah, finished it and figured out why they couldn't all just, you know, blow it off and chill til people got sick of it. Although after /that/ was bothering me, the incredibly dense stupidity of the main character in anything but wilderness survival literally nearly drove me up the WALL. /No one/ is that naive or clueless. I may have mentioned this already, here, but I don't remember.

    Anyway, I still have the second book on hold from the library, and Heaven only knows how long it'll take to get to me. Silliness. D'you know, I can check out audiobooks to my computer, but if I want to return them before the 10 day checkout period expires, I can't, even if I'm done with them! So whoever is waiting for them after me is, well, screwed, because they have to wait the full ten days from when I got the book for it to expire. And of course I have to wait loads longer to get books I've got on hold. And half the books don't work on Macs, because the library doesn't like Macs.

    I'm hoping that the Amazon UK folks don't deliver my book while I'm in Germany... cause I don't know how long the post office will hold it before they send it back undelivered and create a huge mess for me to handle upon my return!
    "Sometimes, people build walls- not to keep people out but to see who cares enough to knock them down." -Anonymous


    • Originally posted by 96bookworms View Post
      I'm in another play right now, Annie. It's really fun, and we (the cast) have had A LOT of funny moments! at one point, we were finishing the last scene, and we needed the orphans. 'Daddy Warbucks' just asked "Where are the orphans?" and the lady who plays Miss Hannigan replied "oh, they're in the lobby eating pizza'" (which happened to be true) then we all just started laughing...good times....
      Neat. :-) The group I did The Sound of Music with two summers ago is putting on Fiddler on the Roof this year, last I heard. I'm hoping I get Tevye or Lazar Wolf, but we'll see what happens.

      The Brewer Middle School Jazz Band took second place in Division II at the state competition last weekend, so Ael's currently on the front page of the Brewer School Department website. :-) (Try here if the story has scrolled off the mainpage by the time you look -- it's the picture at the lower right, and she's the blonde on the left.)
      Last edited by Garrett Fitzgerald; March 25, 2010, 10:26:35 AM.
      "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

      "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."


      • I've never been in theater, but my mom was, and we went to visit her old high school some years back. They were doing Jesus Christ Superstar, and had us in stitches with the silliness they were getting up to.

        In one scene, where there are goats and sheep, the "goats" (played by most of the guys, as were the sheep) kept headbutting everything, including whoever was saying lines, and peeking at the sheep from around said speaker's legs. And baaaaing all the time.

        At the end, when they carried Jesus offstage, they carried him to the back of the theater, and you hear them stop singing for a second, then a *clunk* and "OW!" and the director says, "You're not supposed to just race back there, chuck him behind the curtain, and run back up here! He's Jesus! You don't just DROP Jesus and run!" and the kids looked back around the curtain in the back as they were righting the chairs they'd apparently dropped the poor guy on, and he limped dramatically back to the stage, where he was enthusiastically half-tackled by the rest of the cast that was still standing on or around the stage, while the kids who'd dropped him cackled gleefully and proceeded to do it AGAIN the next run through!
        "Sometimes, people build walls- not to keep people out but to see who cares enough to knock them down." -Anonymous


        • OH MY GOSH!!! I just finished AWoM in approximately 17 hours, including much time taken out for school and three hours of sleep. (I'm sorry, but I just had to sleep.) You guys- it's super, super, super good. Aaahhh! I'm so excited now!!
          "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away."

          ...and eyes, sweet as honey, soft as moss, that hold in their black vessels the bitterness of old wounds and the tired peace of growing wisdom.


          • InkSlinger: you just had to torture me with that bit of news, right? I, obviously, haven't gotten the book yet, and still haven't ordered it...gah!!!

            Garrett: That's funny. Our High School just did Fiddler on the Roof, but I wasn't in it. I knew a lot of the characters, though, and I really liked it. My english teacher was Tevvy. He danced for us during class!!! Mozeltof, Mozeltof... AND, this fall we are doing the Sound of Music. I'm hoping for an imortant speaking role, but I doubt I'll get it...

            Our play has, miraculously, pulled itself together for the shows. we've done great, and the Theater was almost full today, and it seats almost 500 people!!

            The puppy that plays Sandy is a 3 month old golden Retriever, and she is possibly the cutest puppy I have EVER seen! she's also remarkably well behaved/trained.

            I really can't think of anything else to say, seeing as it is 10:45, and I have been staying up to 12 every day for the last week and a half. Stupid play practice!! All I can say is I WANT A WIZARD OF MARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they really happened. And after you are finished reading one you feel that all that happened to you and afterwards it all belongs to you: the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse, and the sorrow, the people and the places, and how the weather was.


            • O_O

              Well the new vBulletin is Not exactly, but it is. At least it seems that everything is still in the same general place that it was (in other words, I'm not feeling entirely lost right now), but it will take some getting used to.

              Dai Stiho, new vBulletin... You come in peace, right?

              I'm gonna try a few smileys...

              All right, that's good.

              So how is everyone? How's the weather where you are?

              Over here, the snow is gone at last, and the warm weather is very slowly sneaking up on the cold weather.

              Oh, oh! I've been meaning to post this! I have an Atari 7800, and today I finally got the part to hook it up to my TV, and it works beautifully! Oh the look on my parents' faces when they saw me playing Space Invaders. >D It's so much fun. It really is. So is Pong. and Breakout. And Mario Bros. And... *happy sigh*

              Aaaaaahhhh I'm kind freaking out because I'm going to NY to see DD! And Wolf's coming with me! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....

              Okay, so drinking a ton of coffee probably hasn't been a good idea over the past couple of days. Coffee. And sugary drinks. And candy, and other assorted things. I think I need to go burn off some hyperness.

              Dif-tor heh smusma.


              • Well...the new Vbulletin is, ummmmm...different!! I'm not sure I exactly love the new look, but it's not tooooooo bad...i guess.

                Our play was AMAZING!!! we had a full house on Sat., and we did pretty well today too. A lot of really funny moments! The guy who plays Drake (the butler) bought some fake mustaches, and on Sat. he wore a different mustache in every scene (he cleared it with the director, of course...) in the one scene Mr Warbucks says "why Drake, isn't that a new mustache?" (he had gone from a twisted black one to a bushy gray one in about 1/2 a minute. and of course, he replied ' why yes it is, sir." and then Mr. warbucks starts giggling, while on stage.............................and then, today, the entire pit 'borrowed' the mustaches, even the women, and all the servants were trying not to laugh when the lady who plays the piano started twirling her mustache........ahhhhhh good times.

                Now I just can't wait to get my book!!! I ordered it on Friday, so I won't get it till about Wednesday for those of you in the you have Barnes and Noble there? if so, you can also buy the book there. Unfortunately, I am most likely not going to NYC, but I'm still working on it...maybe it can be my early half birthday present?.....

                well, it's getting kinda, sorta late...not really, but I stayed up till one for an Annie party, so I am REALLY tired!!!!!!!!!!!! later...
                All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they really happened. And after you are finished reading one you feel that all that happened to you and afterwards it all belongs to you: the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse, and the sorrow, the people and the places, and how the weather was.


                • Hmm, so maybe I am missing something, but any type of reply that I tried to start began as a Quick Reply, and I had to choose to "Go Advanced."
                  Is there something that I am supposed to be doing instead of Reply to Thread so that it goes to the more normal looking reply from the start?
                  Other than that, I think I may like the new look. As you said, everything is more or less in the same general spot so I am not feeling utterly confused. And it definitely looks "new. " And shiny.

                  Fun story: My teacher did not cover a section that she wanted to have on our exam. She would not move this section to the next exam. And she apparently did not want to move the exam back by a day. So she emailed us about six pages of notes. I mean, its not as if it is hard to learn about a whole war on our own. I mean, it's just the War of 1812. Not hard to learn everything about at all.
                  Psh. Or not.
                  Eh, oh well. I aced that last exam and as long as I continue studying (and maybe take my super duper lucky space pen along) this one will be cake. I hope.
                  I'm really gonna bank on that space pen theory though.

                  Second fun story.
                  My best friend and I are avid Harry Potter fans. She turned twenty this month. Well, when I was bored, I antiqued legal sized printer paper. And I sent her Hogwarts letters dated about a week after her 11th, 12th, and 13th birthdays. All saying she has been accepted, and containing a book list. For the second one I suggested that there was an opening in the second year, and if she passed a proficiency exam she would be admitted. By the third letter, the Hogwarts staff were getting miffed that she was not accepting her admission. You know, "Oh, what, is our school not good enough for you?" That sort of thing. The third one I put a Firebolt ad in. That was fun to make.
                  The next one will say that they recently found out that their letters over the years have been lost in the US Postal Service, and since the wizarding population is so depleted and shaken up over the whole thing with You-Know-Who they would be willing to take her on as an adult student.
                  I hope she finds it as amusing as I found it. It is just teasing her because she is now old. Haha.


                  • So I can whine about Wizard of Mars here, right? I mean. Not the book, obviously. About the fact that like EVERYONE I KNOW on LJ and DW has read it already. AND Conspiracy of Kings by Megan Whalen Turner (if you haven't read her books, you should. She's really terrific.) And they're all, like, POSTING about it. And I ordered over the weekend and got my 'your order has shipped' thing today and the ETA was... 3 May. 3 May?! *waves hands around in general distress* I can't wait over a month! I'll go whacky! I'll spoil myself! Somebody stop me!
                    Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


                    • Heh. Does it help any that I haven't read it yet? :-)
                      "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

                      "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."


                      • Tui, that's not true! I haven't, yet. Though doesn't it feel weird to be the mods of the biggest YW fanworks community out there and not have read the new book yet when it feels like everyone else has? *laughs*
                        Las Vegas Boulevard is jammed, and I'm in love...


                        • Don't feel bad Tui, I haven't read it either! I also have no current way to get the book, as bookstores around my college don't carry the books (and I have no way to get to them anyway, no car or bike currently), and I can't order it online due to lack of credit card. And Mom won't order it because "the shipping is too much!" Mom, I will pay for the shipping myself, if it concerns you, I just want my book!

                          Have had no luck finding another summer job, so it looks like I'll be working at the amusement park again this summer. Ugh. At least I got rehired to the same department, Admissions, so I won't have to do as much training. Plus, I really do like my supervisors there; it's just such a long commute, since I refuse to live in the onsite dorms this year, due to very bad experiences with roommates there.

                          I miss sleeping so much. Seriously, why do I not sleep anymore? it's just sad. And there are a lot of prospective students running around campus today, so it's not like I'll get any sleep today or tonight. Oh well...


                          • I do feel a bit better being in such good company! But it is just so tantalising. I really cannot wait to read it. (Anyway, Garrett, what's your excuse? You live in the Land of Cheap and Quick Books, don't you? At least Trialia and I are, you know, really far away. More than a month of shipping time away, in my case.)

                            Seabiscuit, I didn't sleep much at uni either! You might be going through a wee sleepless time. OTOH I always find baths & shutting off screened devices (TV, laptop) at least an hour before I want to go to bed useful if I really need to do some REM catch-up.
                            Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


                            • It's so hard not to capitulate and buy AWoM online. I've always been a supporter of going to bookstores as opposed to buying it online, but I've been visiting Amazon more in the past month than I have in my whole life (which isn't really saying much, but still), and it's so tempting. April 14 cannot get here fast enough. Sometimes I don't know why I do this to myself, hold on to such old-fashioned ideas.

                              In other news, I just got back from a college visit in Pennsylvania. Four hour plane flights are not very much fun, and my ears kept popping up there, though on the flight back they hardly did that at all. Weird. Anyway, I really liked the college, and I hope I get to go there. My other choice is local, and while it excells in my major it's just not attractive to me. I'd be okay with going there, but not excited. The place in Pennsylvania is offering me $16,000 a year in pure scholarship money, and with loans and a grant about $25,000 of the $35,000 yearly tuition would be covered. We'll decide tomorrow night, I think. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

                              The only downside of this school is that northern food is so blah...
                              I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies. I have not got one who is a fool.--Oscar Wilde


                              • Hell, I've preordered it online, and I still am getting it later than most Amazon UK's projected shipping date is April 16.

                                Oops, I keep doing this one-liner thing.
                                Las Vegas Boulevard is jammed, and I'm in love...

