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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • I pre-ordered AWOM on Chapters, and I haven't received it yet. Chapters said it should ship at about the same time as another book I pre-ordered, whose publication date is April 1, but that was when AWOM was still showing March 27. It might be moved to April 7 when it's shipped now. Hmmm... That's odd. Another pre-order I did said it shipped a week and a half before it was out, and I received it... the day of release, I think. Hopefully AWOM ships soon, then. There's only 8 more days til it's out here in Canada.

    In other news, I'm almost done school and am sooo glad. Seven more days of classes and five finals and I am FREE for the summer. Just have a stupid physics assignment and an essay to finish writing and a couple other things and I am DONE! Then the studying/panicking starts. This year went by so fast, it's crazy. Is anyone else feeling the signs of spring and the procrastination that comes with it?
    I stand tall, proud, brave, straight, and strong.
    Fairest and Fallen, greetings and defiance.
    ~Book junkie~


    • Just finished aWoM.

      That is all.
      Omnia mutantur; nihil interit.
      Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero.


      • I just got my AWOM from Amazon! Can't wait to read it!

        I took the Red Cross Babysitting class this weekend. It was really mostly first aid and CPR stuff, and not all that much related to babysitting or childcare.
        Ars longa, vita brevis
        (Art is long, life is brief) -- Seneca


        • That's Cool! I did the Baby sitting course a few years ageo. it was really easy!!

          I am just about freaking out here!! I'm supposed to get the book TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just have to wait until 5:00, and then I have to do my homework..... but still!!!!!!! I cannot WAIT to get home!!!!!!

          okay. did I use enough !'s ?
          All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they really happened. And after you are finished reading one you feel that all that happened to you and afterwards it all belongs to you: the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse, and the sorrow, the people and the places, and how the weather was.



            I'm incredibly sorry I've been away for far too long... life.. stuff... popped up, and I didn't think I could stay my cheery self for you guys. But I'M BACK! Faaaaaarrr behind on my book-reading, but I will hopefully catch up lickity-split. SO how've you all been? I MISSED YOOOUUU!!! I hope somebody missed me too. =D
            AIM: CeliaWells8 / Twitter: Scifi_Nerd
            Won 2nd Place for Topic Of The Week 04, January, 2010!!!


            • I missed you too, Wolf! Hmmm... What to say to keep this from being a one-liner. I got sick last night and went to school today. I had two labs I absolutely had to go to today so I went. My concentration was shot and I was sooo tired, but I made it through the day, yay!
              I stand tall, proud, brave, straight, and strong.
              Fairest and Fallen, greetings and defiance.
              ~Book junkie~


              • I just went and read all the posts on my flist with AWOM reviews and spoiled myself utterly. *bangs head against the wall* I'm coming down from the spoiler high rapidly. I feel like when you've eaten just way, way too much chocolate: a little sick and a lot dazed. But there was just so much temptation all around me!
                Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


                • Hahahaaa I remember this place. And I love it, oh yes I do.

                  Interesting stuff in my life since I was last here: I got a LiveJournal, I'm now in high school, I'm in my second year of teendom, and I've found a new love in Stargate.

                  ... WOW I've been gone a while, since that's been a good more-than-a-year of stuff.

                  Also, I am incredibly jealous of you people who already have AWOM I wanna read it now!!!
                  "Accomplishing the impossible means only the boss will add it to your regular duties." - Anonymous
                  Nita, Kit, pay attention to that one!


                  • eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

                    Dear Customer,

                    Greetings from

                    We are pleased to report that the following item will dispatch sooner than expected:

                    Diane Duane "A Wizard of Mars: The Ninth Book in the Young Wizards Series"
                    Previous estimated arrival date: April 16 2010 - April 20 2010
                    New estimated arrival date: April 09 2010
                    also, what happened to the quick reply function? *eyes gremlins*
                    Las Vegas Boulevard is jammed, and I'm in love...


                    • I don't waaaaaaannaaaa go to my 8:30 claaaaaaassss!!! Whaa. =(

                      Have to pack cuz I'm going home this weekend... have to take a shower cuz I'm smelly =P ...but I really do think I'm just gonna sleep. Anyone wanna gimmie ideas on what I should do? Hopefully someone will reply by the time I come back to class. Heehee.

                      And... hey, I even pressed buttons and looked! (Equivalent to moving stuff in the fridge) I couldn't find the quick reply button either. Very odd. Hmm.
                      AIM: CeliaWells8 / Twitter: Scifi_Nerd
                      Won 2nd Place for Topic Of The Week 04, January, 2010!!!


                      • GUH.

                        Let's fix my last post: Amazon emailed me *again* to say that they dispatched my copy today. 9 April is the estimated arrival date (Easter holidays being what they are). Excuse me while I lapse into incoherent fangirl squee and excitement.
                        Las Vegas Boulevard is jammed, and I'm in love...


                        • Nyaaaargh, I'm gonna die before April the 24th. Which is when I'm going to get my copy of AWoM. If the date stays the same.

                          Is the date the same? I haven't been able to find any more info about DD being in NY - Though I am totally going. Anyone else hear any information about that? (And to those who are also coming - after the signing and everything, if there's time - Anyone want to come to the Natural History museum and tacklehug the meteorite from HW with me? Anybody know of a possible way to get onto the Metlife building's helipad? :P)

                          Will AWoM be available readily at the bookstore in New York, or will preorder be the absolute best option?

                          Does anybody even know the answers to these questions? :P

                          Dai, all.

                          And all of you who've read AWoM already - Just...just...keep it in the spoiler area, please. Or I might die. Dieeeee....
                          Dif-tor heh smusma.


                          • Hello again!!!!

                            Okay. So. I have officially kicked my computer into submitting to actually letting me POST on the new forum- gah! I have been EXTREMELY frustrated over the past few times I've visited, because my comp. keeps kicking me off when I hit "Submit Reply." Typing here was an excersise in futility, and I nearly defenestrated by laptop. But hopefully that problem is fixed now: if you're reading this, it is.

                            WOLF!!! You're BACK!!! I kept wanting to say hi but I couldn't! Ooh, is this a new smily I see before me? hah, yes it is!

                            Birdhead (I think) said something about reading spoilers. I did. Accidentally. I saw that Alida had posted, and since I really really love her YW fanart and wanted to say hi, I clicked without thinking and ran across a slightly massive spoiler. NOO!

                            And now I am seriously tempted to click on all the lovely, shiny new threads- I think even the long-absent CinnamonWind has made an appearance- just to see what people say, but I KNOW I'll regret it. The only solution: throttle our local Barnes and Noble until they divulge a copy of AWoM! I haven't ordered it on Amazon because I wanted to, you know, help it along the bestseller list in any way I could. Our local bookstore is a bit slooooow, though..

                            Squeee! I can. not. wait!!


                            • Okay, I pretty much ditto kk's ENTIRE post. I'm going too. We're going together. I am hoooooolding in my excitement. Maybeish. Oh. And if for some reason someone hasn't mentioned this lately, the forum members need to make it mandatory meet up. Because. Dude. Awesomeness. Come on.

                              Oh, and please image me jumping up and down because that's preeeeetty much what I'm doing right now. =D

                              SB!!!!!!!!!! I MISSEDDDD YOUUUU!!!!!! *huge grin*

                              I highly, highly suggest against hitting your laptop. I speak from experience now. I... er... kiiiinda needed to hit something that I knew was semi-solid and had give... so... er... now my old computer isn't able to connect to its harddrive. Er. Um. Heh heh?

                              This is all I have to say about spoilers, and people who POST spoilers where they don't belong. Any poster who posts spoilers in the wrong area will NEVER be allowed to eat ANY blue food EVER again.

                              *ahem* That is all.

                              Ooooooooohh and for the fact I almost clicked on a spoiler-thingy, and than thankfully a second before I clicked I went "Nooooo!" and hit back as quick as humanely possible. I am *also* getting my new book on the 24th when kk and I go into NYC to meet the amazing DD, but... I can't decide which book I want her to sign.

                              Ohmygod. Every time I *THINK* those words, my heart still flutters. Ask kk. I've freaked out on them enough. =D
                              AIM: CeliaWells8 / Twitter: Scifi_Nerd
                              Won 2nd Place for Topic Of The Week 04, January, 2010!!!


                              • OH MY GOSH!!!!!

                                Just read the book today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

                                The book was full of AMAZINGLY funny quotes and stuff....I was gonna wait till the 24th, but, well.....i couldn't help myself...
                                Fun Fact From AWOM: Did you know that strange dinosaur-like aliens have a thing for tomatoes? Well, *(in creepy Bill Nye voice) Now You Know!!!*

                                Today, of course, was April fools day. Heres an amazingly funny story (which I didn't witness myself (unfortunately))

                                The kids in Computer class decided to play a prank on our poor, clueless, gullible teacher (really) so one of the kids decided to unplug the projector. And, for 10 minutes, TEN WHOLE MINUTES, out poor teacher is trying to find out whats going on. TEN MINUTES!!!!! and of course, the whole class is trying not to crack up, watching him try to find out what happened. He was entirely CLUELESS!!!

                                Sorry, that just made me laugh!! I do feel bad for him, though...

                                Can't think of much else, except for the fact that i'm excited about easter, and that we have horrible, evil standardized tests next week. Hey Wolf! Did you have to do the PSSAS? Yuck.Just Yuck.
                                All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they really happened. And after you are finished reading one you feel that all that happened to you and afterwards it all belongs to you: the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse, and the sorrow, the people and the places, and how the weather was.

