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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • 96bookworms, i swear, if you freakin post spoilers, i am letting everyone KNOW you are not allowed to have blue food. I am dead serious on this threat. Don't try me! ^_^

    Omg. Pranks in computer class on a teacher who.. oh gosh. That must've been GREAT! Like... duuuuuhhhh!! Hahahaaaa!!!

    I don't know what the PSSAS's are, but I did have to take fun tests like the HSPAs i don't remember, but I do remember it was nearly every year. Uck.

    This weekend I'm going home (yay!) cuz my Nana + Pop-pop are here! My mom wants to do a [delayed] sedar dinner on friday, and I'm definitely looking forward to it. =D

    I just got back from hanging out with my friend at her apartment, and in the lobby we saw a PUPPY!!! A German Shepherd puppy!!! He was all big and fuzzy and big and awwwwwww!!! I wanted to take him away with me.
    AIM: CeliaWells8 / Twitter: Scifi_Nerd
    Won 2nd Place for Topic Of The Week 04, January, 2010!!!


    • In response to several pages ago... yes, of course you were missed, Wolf! Glad to have you back.

      And I agree, that any spoiler-posters will be barred from enjoying blue food. They might even be shunned.
      I know I shouldn't be concerned with spoilers for AWOM, but there was an issue with my book, so I never got it, and I am in the same boat with everyone else waiting patiently for the release date in their local bookstores.
      The shiny new threads popping up in the AWOM Spoiler area keep tricking me too though. I think I accidentally clicked on one, but luckily I saw the area name before I read anything and I quickly closed the entire Mozilla window.

      Now, I feel like I need something random.... Oh, this morning, there was a rainbow in my room! The last time I cleaned my fish's tank (it is a Betta whose name is Gibbs) I put it down in a slightly different place and position. Well when the sun was hitting it through my window in the wee hours of the morning, it acted like a prism and sent a rainbow across my wall. It was totally fun to put my hand in the light and play with the colors.


      • I got a knock on the door from the postie this morning. Despite having an estimated arrival date of the 9th, my copy of AWoM has arrived! SQUEE!

        So, you know, you won't see me for the rest of the day. Possibly the weekend if I decide to re-read immediately after finishing.

        Good luck to all of you who're still waiting for yours.
        Las Vegas Boulevard is jammed, and I'm in love...


        • I got A Wizard of Mars!!! Since I'm home for the Easter weekend, and consequently have access to a car, I checked the Borders and Barnes & Noble websites, and both of them said they likely had copies in stock! I figured, since they're approximately a 30 second walk from each other, if one didn't have it, the other would, so I went out and found it at Borders. YAY!!


          • Garrett - I'm so sorry for your loss - I haven't been in this topic for a while and totally missed the posting when you put it up...
            I'm hoping to get my copy of AWOM at the end of this week when I get paid (after all the stupid bills have been paid of course... I just hope there is enough money left over for a copy as I doubt the library has the book processed yet...
            I have apparently not posted in the ToGR since November which is strange since I could swear I've read it and posted since then... can posts just disappear?

            Happy Easter everyone!
            There is Always DEEP Shadow where there is MUCH Light!
            "I will meet the terminally clueless today...idiots and those with hairballs for brains.... I do not have to be like them, even though I would dearly love to hit them hard enough to make the empty places between their ears echo..." Rhiow - TVTQ


            • Huh. We just had an earthquake (and an aftershock). Must've been BAD at the epicenter. This one was not the usual five-second jelly-wiggle deal.

              Gah. 7+ in Mexico. Ouchies.
              New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


              • Originally posted by Kathy Li View Post
                Huh. We just had an earthquake (and an aftershock). Must've been BAD at the epicenter. This one was not the usual five-second jelly-wiggle deal.

                Gah. 7+ in Mexico. Ouchies.
                6.9 in Baja California. At least, that's what half a dozen people on my Twitter are saying, including Felicia Day.

                That's a big damn earthquake...
                Las Vegas Boulevard is jammed, and I'm in love...


                • Wow... There's been a large amount of strong earthquakes lately. I wonder if these are still internal (to Earth) repercussions of the 8.8 in Chile a while ago. Maybe the Pacific plate is ramping up activity...

                  I haven't got my AWoM yet. I haven't had a chance to get to a bookstore that _may_ have it in stock, or from which I can order it at a reasonable price and time delivery. I'll have a look in Borders today when I head up to the shops, but I'm not holding my breath for it to be there (or to be a reasonable price). I've pretty much decided on boycotting Borders, since their markup is ridiculous. Books can be 10-20% more expensive than the other local bookstores. Its crazy. Although I've just checked their online site, and it may actually be cheaper than local SFF bookstore - if the online store reflects the instore prices.

                  Happy Chocolate day... I mean Happy Easter, everyone! Hope you've all had a great weekend celebrating in your own way.

                  And YAY for new Doctor Who! This season looks like its going to be goood


                  • *looks ashamed*

                    I couldn't wait for BBC America to show "The Eleventh Hour", so I downloaded it last night.

                    Matt Smith rocks!
                    "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

                    "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."


                    • Wow. We had quite a shaking over here. No damage, but the whole house jittered for at lest 20 seconds- count it down, that's a long time. Things moved. Things rattled. Cabinets bounced noisily against their frames. It was...interesting. A long, low sort of rumbling sound, too.

                      I hope the folks in Baja are okay. Not that Baja's much populated, I believe, but earthquakes are scary. I guess it's the price you pay for living in the Golden State: Sunshine, sure. Stability? You want stability, you go to Kansas, honey. Just watch out for tornadoes. And soupy, sepia-toned girls singing annoying songs about rainbows.

                      I have a new violin song, a new piano song, new chocolate, and a promise to go to the bookstore to get the new YW book! My day is complete. Also, people are coming back to the forum! Yay!

                      Happy Easter, everyone!
                      EDIT: Never mind, it's not BAJA we have to worry about, but the Mexicali area. But apparently there hasn't been too much major damage and, hopefully, no deaths, so here's praying.
                      Last edited by SilveredBlue; April 5, 2010, 01:23:31 AM.


                      • Wolf: Sorry, sorry.....but I's not REALLY a spoiler! it's just sort kinda almost slightly spoiler like...maybe. It really isn't though...Please can I have my blue food?

                        NO SCHOOL TODAY! YAY!!! I am super psyched (I can never spell that word-yay for spell check)about that a whole day spent lazing around, instead of math first period (and english right after lunch, meaning it's also the longest class ).

                        On a COMPLETELY different note, I went to the gym this morning, with my mom, my friend, and her mom. We did those weird step thingies, where you put your feet on these platforms, and they move up and down...I forget the actual name. It was hard, 'cuz I'd never done it before...yet also fun...

                        While I was at the gym this morning, I heard about the earthquake! For all those people living in the earthquake area...hope nothing happened! Pennsylvania really isn't very earthquake's strange how that (seemingly) small amount of shaking can cause so much damage!

                        random: ummmmm....I can't think of anything right brain is dead...going back to sleep now..
                        All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they really happened. And after you are finished reading one you feel that all that happened to you and afterwards it all belongs to you: the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse, and the sorrow, the people and the places, and how the weather was.


                        • *happy dances like crazy*

                          I was picked for the Daily Dose at today, and I got a $60 gift credit, because the last couple of people didn't claim their credits. :-)

                          I just ordered:
                          The Door Into Sunset (never saw it in bookstores, just at the library)
                          Wizards, Inc.
                          Witch High
                          Wizard's Holiday (one of the few I had never gotten around to for one reason or another)
                          The Book of Night with Moon (my original copy got lost when an unnamed Romulan took it to school)

                          A WIZARD OF MARS!!!!!

                          *more Snoopy dances*

                          Why, oh why did I tell them to ship them for free instead of overnight....
                          "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

                          "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."


                          • Hey everyone I'm back. I have been super busy with school piano and spring break. A month or two ago I got a silver in state contest for piano but it is just competing against yourself, it's kinda hard to explain because they just give you points based on technique and accuracy and stuff like that. Over spring break I went to Nashville,TN to visit the full scale replica of the Parthenon in all its glory. It even had the 44 (I think) feet tall statue of Athena in it. I also went to their art museum which had a Greek exhibit there. I saw How to Train Your Dragon (great movie by the way) and my dad and I were the only people in the theater when the movie started. There was one other guy there but he left right after the previews were over. I am currently in the process of trying to convince my parents to let me take fencing lessons but I doubt they will let me because the only place that offers them in my area is about 30 minutes away not considering traffic and the lessons are right at rush hour. I haven't had the time to read all of the posts I missed but I am jealous of those of you who have the most recent book already.
                            "These are my principles. If you don't like them, I have others."-Groucho Marx

                            "What is scientific fact? An oxymoron. Science does not deal in facts. It deals in hypotheses, which are never fully and finally correct."-Orson Scott Card


                            • So many things to reply to... I go away for ONE WEEKEND and this is what you guys do to me? Ah, at least it's only one page and not five... =P

                              illiriam- thank you for agreeing with me. =) I'm banning myself from any topic but here once I get the book... you ALL know me and my over-excitement... heh heh

                              Trilia- YAYYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAAAAAAYYY!!!!!

                              alla - has Borders really gotten that bad? Wow... they used to be the best when I used to shop regularly for books... (and now i've got my tower of 24... lol)

                              Garrett - Sometimes I forget that you're just like the rest of us, because you're so gosh darn mature. And then I see an absolutely ridiculous link that you've posted on facebook. Or post something like you just did. Teehee. <3

                              SB - Stability? Well, if you want physical stability, NJ + PA + .....ok, the EAST coast doesn't shake! Come over here!! We'll be glad to have you. =P

                              96bookworms - you have been waaaaaaaaaaarrrrnnnneeeeddddd mwa haahaahaahaahaa!
                              as for the steppy-stairs thing, I know what you're talking about!!! Unfortunately I dunno what it's called either. I think that kinda thing only matters when you're ordering one online.. haha

                              Yeah, the whole earthquake thing is pretty freaky. Kinda like everyone's going crazys over the 2012 end-of-the-earth thing. Well, sorry, I'm supposed to graduate in the spring of 2012, I don't want to die a poor just-out-of-college student! There's no way I'm going down with a bowl of mac n cheese in front of me! ^_^


                              NickRyan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (you beat me to it, buddy!) whoooo welcome back! i dont know where our brains are that we've run away... but now we're glad we're back, right?! Whoo!

                              Ohandbythe WAY!!!!!! SOMEONE please tell they watch EUREKA! I need a fan to freak out with about how awesome the show is and about how Wil Wheaton is going to be guest starring because ohmygod I am the biggest Wil Wheaton fan EVER and I've decided that Eureka is the best scifi show of the 21st century (which means I can still love Star Trek!) and aaaahhh oh my god!!!
                              Last edited by Wolf; April 5, 2010, 09:47:02 PM.
                              AIM: CeliaWells8 / Twitter: Scifi_Nerd
                              Won 2nd Place for Topic Of The Week 04, January, 2010!!!


                              • Congrats Garrett! I think that you used your gift credit very well. You seem to have gotten a fair amount of books off of it at least Enjoy your Snoopy dance! Oh, and the books.

                                I'm near the point of giving in and stopping by Barnes and Noble (the only bookstore near me) to see if they have AWOM. I kept saying that I would wait until the official release date, but I am starting to think that patience and self control are overrated. The feeling intensifies every time I log on and see that the only new posts are in AWOM Spoiler Threads It feels like everyone is in on something amazing except me. Haha. I just really want to read it!!!

                                The first I heard about the latest earthquake was on here. The local news didn't cover it, or if they did, I missed it. I sure hope the damage wasn't too bad. Do we have anyone there? Are you okay?

                                And I am working on trying to get one of my family members who has been to NY before to go with me to the release party, but so far I have had no luck. If anyone does get to go, and you are allowed to take pictures, take LOTS!

