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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Hola Gryph! Man, I haven't seen you on in forever.

    And sheesh, people, I didn't mean to insult/offend your sensibilities with the food comment It's just me and my dad weren't all that impressed. But it was acceptable. I could eat Pennsylvanian food for 4 years. At least it was better than Boston *runs for cover*

    So we got back last night from New Orleans. Jambalaya! Pralines! Broad accents that I had to quasi-translate for my friend! Swamp and voodoo tours! I didn't get any beignets, though, because the line was way too long. There was a festival of some sort, which I really should know the name of but I can't remember. It was a choir trip, so of course we performed at a few schools, as well as at Loyola. The underclassmen had to go on a campus tour, but since us seniors are pretty much decided our director set us free (thank God), and we went to the park across the street, whereupon we mobbed the ice cream truck, sat under a tree and talked about college, and played hackysack. That was the best part of the trip, I think, just relaxing for an hour or so with our friends.

    We also went to see Wicked while we were there. It was so amazing! My friends have been going on about how good it was for years, but this was the first time I'd seen it. Now I can understand their obsession. Except for the part where they waited by the stage door for the actors to come out, 'cause they kept the rest of us there until 11:30 at night. Go see it again some day, wait on your own time, I'm tired and want to sleep.

    In other news, March Madness is over, and we won the pot! It's something like $565, and it was our mascot bracket, of all things. Mascot bracket meaning that, with some exceptions, we pitted the mascots of each team against each other and decided which one we liked better. We only won because we had Michigan State beating Kansas and getting to the Final Four, and we had Duke winning the championship. Spartans and Blue Devils are beast. We = me and my sister, so we have to split it, but it's still about $100 better than I did last year, when I got third with a legitimate bracket. It's a pool of 200 at my mom's work, and she says we've ticked off a lot of people (we're pretty much the youngest ones in the pot, and it's a MASCOT bracket), but we don't care
    I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies. I have not got one who is a fool.--Oscar Wilde


    • Ohmygosh! New Orleans sounds like so much fun!! (I especially like the way you worded "we mobbed the ice cream truck" - heehee!!) And.. I LOVE Wicked. I can understand the not-wanting-to-wait-until-nearly-midnight thing, though. I respect the actors, and I love their performances, but I'm not about to wait -or make them wait- among throngs of people. O_o

      We didn't much take offense as it was surprise that you had the nerve to say it to us! Hahaa. =D

      As for March Madness... yay? Sorry, all that stuff goes over my head. =P
      AIM: CeliaWells8 / Twitter: Scifi_Nerd
      Won 2nd Place for Topic Of The Week 04, January, 2010!!!


      • *chuckling quietly* You're going to hate me for this, but it's one thing I am happy to gloat about: I love Wicked, and I got to see Idina as Elphaba. West End rather than Broadway, but she was still fantastic. She spotted me in the front row in my Elphaba costume with my friend in her Glinda costume, the second time around, and she and Helen Dallimore lost an entire line from One Short Day to being overcome with giggles.
        Las Vegas Boulevard is jammed, and I'm in love...


        • Marina: I wanted Butler to win the finals so badly but that probably has something to do with the fact that they are the home team and the only college with a team as far as I know.

          I went to Ball State today to see my cousin and her husband perform (she sings and he plays guitar) to raise money for their trip to Germany in a month.

          As for the discussion on food I'm split I'm fine with the food here but it does get boring every once and a while. Then again that's what restaurants from other parts of the country are for.

          I've never seen wicked or heard the soundtrack I keep meaning to but I forget stuff very quickly so it hasn't happened yet.

          I hate standardized testing with a burning passion now. I took the ACT yesterday for practice, it won't count towards anything but I will get all sorts of letters from colleges I bet like what happened after I took the SAT last year. I have no clue why I wanted to take the ACT during my freshman year but I regret it now. I wasted four hours I could have been spending on homework or better yet sleeping in. Because it was so freaking early I have been tired all weekend and I wasn't able to help much on my group project I worked on yesterday afternoon. The standardized tests I've taken in the past weren't too bad because they were just to see how the school was doing compared to other schools in the state so they were easy for someone who has been taking advanced classes as long as I can remember and seemed a lot like half days of school where we just watched movies. Oh well that's my rant for today.
          "These are my principles. If you don't like them, I have others."-Groucho Marx

          "What is scientific fact? An oxymoron. Science does not deal in facts. It deals in hypotheses, which are never fully and finally correct."-Orson Scott Card


          • So its been wow id say about a year since i posted here. I guess the new book has me feeling nostalgic. I'm 200 pages in, spoil and your life is forfeit . The dedication to peter was beautiful by the way. I dont know if all these newer members knew him but i have the honor to say i did for a short while. he was a great guy and he is missed.

            Now onto whats new. I suppose I'm a senior now, I'm off to U of T (university of toronto for those who dont know) So ill be studying abroad now since I'm currently an American Citizen. I'm pretty excited. Next up we have the horror know as prom. Blech *tough in mouth* being forced to go. with an ex girlfriend ive been off and on with. Best way to get all that akward out of your system for college. Oh randomly jumpings, the new dresedn files book is omg lots of swear words awsome read it now or perish in the flames of my criticism about why you have no taste. Anyone i just drove ten hours today for an info session in 2 states away for college. I think i will retire but I'm gonna try to be on and post every once and a while. We shall see if that happens.

            Dai everyone
            (\__/) "Be amazing"


            • SilveredBlue: Glad to know the advice helped!

              Wolf: Thank you for the link to Eureka! I will watch it probably later tonight or when I have time.

              magicalmike: The Great White North will be pleased to have you if you do come up! Although how "white" the north is when it's 90 degrees out, I don't know...

              Guess who's done class? *does happy dance* I just have finals, then I'll be FREE til September. Feels so good. Now for the major studying...

              Also, I GOT AWOM TODAY!!! The mail lady delivered it to the house after I checked the mailbox three times 'cuz I knew it was coming today. I did a dance on my gibbled ankle (more on that later) and weirded out my brother and his friend, heh. I have already squealed over it, and cuddled it, and it will be my treat for after I'm done exams.

              I spent 4 1/2 hours in emergency yesterday after spending an hour at the medicentre. I got a blister on Wednesday from wearing a new pair of shoes without socks, and it was fine until Friday when it started to get stiff. Saturday morning I couldn't put any weight on it at all after I had first woken up, and then I went to work and stood on it for 6 1/2 hours. At first it felt like tongues of fire were shooting up my leg when I stood on it, but it eventually got better, as in, I could bear to stand on it through the pain. I looked at it before I went to bed on Saturday and saw it had gotten swollen. Yesterday it had gotten really bad, so I went to the medicentre to see if they could give me some meds or something for the swelling. The doctor looked at it, said I had a blood infection which would eventually travel up my leg to my knee, and said I needed an IV to treat it and forwarded me to emergency. I spent 4 1/2 hours in emergency, thinking I would have to get an IV and how that would screw up my school day today to be told they thought the infection was caught early enough that they would just give me some antibiotics and a prescription and sent me home telling me to come back if I got violently ill or the swelling started to travel. I can actually stand on my leg today, and if I poke my ankle, it only hurts where the swelling initially was, which is good. Moral of this story? Always wear socks with new shoes when breaking them in.

              On another note, I was pouring oatmeal into a pot for my brother for breakfast, and it started to boil over. My brother told my mum to look at me and what I was doing, and she told him I was just me and I was doing science. Thinking about it later reminded me of a cheer we do for orientation at my university for the science faculty: one person yells, "This is madness!!" and everyone else responds with, "Madness? This. Is. Science!" and then grunt. It makes me laugh.

              I'm waiting for 10 Things I Hate About You to be posted on YouTube and am really excited for Glee tomorrow. They're doing "Gives You Hell", "Hello, Goodbye" and other songs with "hell" in the title, thus the reason for the episode to be called "Hell-o". Rachel and Finn are apparently dating now, and Sue is apparently back from suspension, so this will be interesting, I can't wait!
              I stand tall, proud, brave, straight, and strong.
              Fairest and Fallen, greetings and defiance.
              ~Book junkie~


              • Oh, crazy_bookworm, no one can make me gasp and giggle like you can!

                First off - UUUUUBER JEALOUS that you only have finals left! I'm seriously about to count down the HOURS until I'm done with this place. Aaaaaaghh! But.. woah.. the emergency room.. and.. your leg.. that.. oh my goddd! I'm glad you're ok!! And... I wanna know... can WE do that chant? ^_^

                Tonight woulda been better if I could've actually GOTTEN cbs... cuz Wil Wheaton was on Big Bang Theory!
                AIM: CeliaWells8 / Twitter: Scifi_Nerd
                Won 2nd Place for Topic Of The Week 04, January, 2010!!!


                • Yikes! That bad of an infection from a blister from not wearing socks with new shoes?
                  Your moral is a very good one to remember.
                  BTW, jealous of you for being done. I don't finish classes until the middle of may, and that isn't including the week and a half of finals.
                  And BTW again, AWOM sounds like a spectacular treat for after studying/ after being completely done. I recommend waiting until done studying and done finals altogether since I imagine it will be hard to put the book down once you get started. ON the other hand, that book, on your desk, just sitting, staring at you... it might drive you mad (or to do a science experiment )

                  And Wolf, Wil Wheaton on BBT? Am I remembering wrong, or was he on there before? I sadly didn't get to watch it because I was studying the difference between Comte's theories on society and Durkheims, and how they both relate to Saint-Simon... Ahh. NO! Stop, its break time. No sociology! Sorry. I keep having to tell myself to stop thinking about the darn tests tomorrow.
                  But yeah, wasn't he on there with a card tournament? Or was this a new one?
                  Now I am sad that I missed BBT and HIMYM. Oh well, they can be part of my reward for when I am done with tests tomorrow.

                  NickRyan: I wanted Butler to win too, but that is more because being a former Terrapin, I firmly believe with all my soul that Duke is evil. Duke is everything bad about the universe personified.


                  • Now...I am VERY dissapointed in all of you that didn't go onto the chat yesterday We had all kinds of fun...all resulting from DD staying up till 2 am to talk to us (right before leaving for Rome, I might add...)

                    Ummmmm.....I'm hopefully going to NYC, 'cuz i might go to Philly for my Great-Aunt's 80th B-day party, and just travel up from there. Not much is going on right now...sort of a lull in school right now...
                    All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they really happened. And after you are finished reading one you feel that all that happened to you and afterwards it all belongs to you: the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse, and the sorrow, the people and the places, and how the weather was.


                    • I was there! Haha, yes funfunfun. I practically screamed the fact on facebook and my friends were like, ".... who?" Very sad...

                      27 days of school to go! Which is when everyone I know starts to really not care about school and we're all mentally shrieking "Snow! Melt!" continuously. Although I have to say my language arts teacher is doing pretty well keeping our attention. She passed out a sheet of medieval insults. Now "villainous onion-eyed hedgepig" and other such names echo the halls.

                      Junior Olympics is here again. I got a new racing suit just for the occasion and nearly flipped out when I saw we were playing $68 for the thing. Yeesh.

                      I don't know, is this strange? Once I finished AWoM I lust flipped it over and started in again.
                      "at least i thought it was a wall. It sure felt like one. It was hard, it was flat. It stretched out on either side of me. You know... wall." -Bobby Pendragon


                      • *just died*

                        So I've been catching up on my reading and I'm almost done Wizard's Holiday - that book seem mad easy to breeze through for anybody else? I got to 100 pages before I even realized it. Hm. Oh and by the way no more reading kinda-graphic stuff from ToGR before bedtime. Cuz guess who had a bizzare not-quite-nightmare the other day about her foot being... well, *thinks* something about my leg being completely incapacitated. O_O

                        illiriam - yes, this was a new episode! ^_^ I love Wil Wheaton. To death. Omg. <3 I made my friend SWEAR she was going to keep the episode on the DVR for me. And if the repeat of the first one comes on, I'm going to get it on SOMEONE's DVR! Teehee. I hate that CBS doesn't play full episodes of some shows... ::grumble::

                        96bookworms - COME TO NYC! COME TO NYC! You can watch me and kk melt into fangirl puddles of gooooooo. Which, according to DD via twitter, would be alright by her. *SUDDENLY FREAKS OUT* OMG PLUS SHE SAID PICTURES WERE OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Erm. *breathes* (can you tell my science homework took the rest of my brain from me?)

                        Also... DD... chat... aaaaahhh!

                        Zirsta - only like 25(ish) days left for me too! whooo! counting weekends!!!!! i am sooooo ready for this to be overrrrrrrr.

                        Okay lovies, I'm sitting on my foot and it's fall asleep which makes me think it's going to erupt into sores or something. PLEASE tell us ASAP if you're going to NYC! That way we can have a forum-meeting and take pictures with DD and.. and.. omg. And.. well.. *someone* needs to be there to make me get on the train and go back to college..
                        AIM: CeliaWells8 / Twitter: Scifi_Nerd
                        Won 2nd Place for Topic Of The Week 04, January, 2010!!!


                        • No Zirsta, I typically do that after reading a book for the first time too. That way you catch everything you missed the first time.

                          Could I trouble you to maybe post a few more of those medieval insults? I could use some new ones, and I really like villainous onion-eyed hedgepig. And what sport do you compete in? I am assuming it is a race? I have only ever really heard about the J.O. for air rifle, so I always like hearing about the other sports and where they are held.


                          • Gah, I didn't even know there WAS a chat on yesterday, or I would've.

                            Kitty pic!

                            Las Vegas Boulevard is jammed, and I'm in love...


                            • Well, I've been just kind of lurking here for a while, so I've never technically been gone...but hi!

                              Oh gosh. Freaking out, because going to NYC to see DD. And Wolf, if nobody else comes, I'll force you back onto the train, don't worry. :P

                              MagicalMike: Hey, I remember you! Hi, welcome back!

                              Crazy_Bookworm : Blood infection!? Oh dear! I hope you recover perfectly and quickly! But science... Science should be a verb. Or maybe it is a verb already...

                              Trialia: AWWW! It'sakitty! 8D I've seen a cat that looks sorta like that wandering around my neighborhood. They have such pretty coloring! x3

                              I really need to go be studying math, science, and history, but I'm procrastinating. Aaaaahh, DD chat, I completely forgot about that! Drat.

                              I've noticed that BooksOfWonder finally put the AWoM launch on their website--It's under events. *giggles* This is gonna be so much fun! ^_^ -pokes everyone- Who else is coming?

                              I started reading TBONWM last night. It's really good so far. I'm surprised that I hadn't read it before now. Spock's World is next on my DD reading list.

                              Towel day is May 25th! Do you know where your towel is?

                              I has a lot of yarn. I be making a Starfleet Afghan, if I can figure out how to crochet the insignia the right way. Teehee... I feel quite evil in a geeky way...

                              All righty. I'm done my nerd rant for now. I'm off to go see if I can either remember all of Geometry and Algebra, or remember all of world history (which I studied none of this year. So...heh. Testing is going to be quite interesting).

                              Dif-tor heh smusma.


                              • illirium: Yes, I got that bad of an infection from not wearing socks with my new shoes. The doctor I first went to said it was just bad luck it happened, but it's still a pain in the butt. Yes, AWOM will be a good treat for when I'm done with finals. I'm the type of person who will stay up til 5 am reading a book I've been eagerly awaiting, but that wouldn't exactly work right now with everything, so I get to wait, and savor the thrill of eventually being able to read it.

                                Zirsta: Awesomeness about the Shakespearean insults. That time period was pretty creative, hey?

                                Wolf: I'm sorry about the graphicness!

                                Trialia: Cute kitty!

                                Just in general: My ankle is now at the really annoying, "It's itchy because it's healing" stage. And then you can't scratch it, 'cuz that would make it worse again... I studied two different flavors of chemistry today, so my head is full of "back side attacks" and other fun chemistry related stuff. Yes, we can use the science cheer, and if you guys want some more, I have a bunch of others. And I didn't know about the DD chat either, darn!
                                I stand tall, proud, brave, straight, and strong.
                                Fairest and Fallen, greetings and defiance.
                                ~Book junkie~

