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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Originally posted by 96bookworms View Post
    I just auditioned for a role in Sound of Music, and I (sorta) got the part!!!!! Actually, I'm only the understudy, but I still get to perform one night!! I'm playing Louisa, the third oldest child, second oldest girl. I am super-excited about it!
    Congrats! I played Max in a community production summer before last, Erin played Marta, and Ael played various walk-on parts, with a couple of lines, as well as being on stage for "Climb Ev'ry Mountain" at the end.

    It turned out that where the kids were supposed to leap-frog in and run into the Captain, they couldn't -- my two were the only ones who actually knew how to play it! :-) They ended up rewriting it to a second game of blind-man's-bluff.
    "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

    "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."


    • Ooh, I love the Sound of Music. Congrats on the part!
      You guys are helping me to turn in to a sci-fi nerd, because YW was probably some of the first real sci-fi I read. Before these forums, I had never seen Star Trek or much of Star Wars and I had never read Hitchhiker's Guide and other important books sci-fi lovers should read. But now I've seen some Star Trek, and guess what? -- Now I'm starting Hitchhiker's Guide! I just got the omnibus edition with the first three books from the library today. I'm already pretty far in.
      "This will look great next to my restraining order from Leonard Nimoy!" ~ Sheldon, Big Bang Theory


      • Sorry to (possibly) confuse you estar, but YW is not really sci-fi. Fantasy, yes. Sci-fi... not so much.

        You really want to get into sci-fi, you need to try DD's StarDrive trilogy.
        Las Vegas Boulevard is jammed, and I'm in love...


        • your
          Shoot for the moon. If you miss, at least you'll be among the stars. ~ Les Brown


          • crazy_bookworm well it's good to know that it wasn't serious.

            illiriam congrats on the book! What is it about?? Oh and I'm obsessed with Bones too. Just ask my roommates they used to call me Bones. haha

            96bookworm congrats on getting the part!! You're going to have so much fun with the show.

            Mona0622 ohhh facebook... I am sooo jealous you're in Chile right now for Study Abroad!! I have to wait for my third year to study abroad at my school. Hope you are having fun!!!

            So I am not sure if I had posted before I hurt my toe or just neglected to mention it, but yes, I hurt my little ring toe. I think I might have broken it because it's been a week and it still hurts, and is a little swollen and bruised. I love my clumsiness sometimes. I really don't know if I should see the health center on Monday or just let it be? I mean, you can't really do anything with a broken toe, right? It doesn't hurt sometimes when I walk, but then I move a certain way and it kills.

            Any suggestions?

            It's my last week at college. I survived my first year of craziness. I can't believe it's over!

            Oh and if anyone's interested in seeing what an ASL music video looks like... check this out Me and my classmates filmed and edited this. Enjoy!
            Last edited by Emi; May 15, 2010, 02:59:35 PM.
            Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
            Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
            It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
            Check out my video: LET GO


            • It's been three years, but I still miss you as much as ever, PM. I hope it's going well for you, and that you'd be happy with where all of us newbies and oldbies are today.
              Omnia mutantur; nihil interit.
              Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero.


              • *sigh* Two anniversaries on the same day... Peter, three years ago, and Jim Henson, twenty years ago. An odd, sad coincidence, that, for various reasons.

                *listens to Tom Smith's A Boy and His Frog*
                -- Rick.


                • Ok. Don't kill me. I still exist. I SWEAR! I came home last friday night, and from there have had... well frankly, a pretty rough time with life. I promise I have NOT forgotten about you guys AT ALL. The thing with me and summer is... I tend to not go on the internet as much, and if I do, it's not all over the place like I usually do. >_< But I kept thinking and thinking and thinking about you guys, and I'm going to try to do my best to STAY IN THE LOOP!!! hahaaa.

                  96bookworms - congrats on the part!! whoo!! as for the snow.. well... ouch. My dog swam in the pool today, so I'm not sure there's much consoling I can do.. O_o

                  Uhmmm as for random things? My friend had a 1920's themed birthday party! It was loads of fun. My friends and I decided we wanted to have more themed parties. I'm all for the Western because I want to be a gun-slinging cowgirl. =) My mom was so happy about the 1920's party because for once she had a GIRL in the house! Mua hahaaaa...

                  Also, while the verizon people were fixing my phone, my mom bought me a new toy! I love gizmos. =D This one is a memory card for the phone that has a USB connection... so now I can transfer songs from my computer to my phone and have AWESOME ringtones! I'm being such a dork with it.

                  I'd write more, but my mom just came in and asked me if the huge mess in my room is cleaned up yet. Which of course it isn't. And then she told me nonchalantly that she's helping dad clean up the garage. And she didn't think... did *I* want to help? So I think I'll go clean my room now.

                  If you wanna keep more in touch with me, or just periodically yell at me for not being on the forums (which I'd hope you'd do!) here's a link to my FaceBook page. And if you want to hear my random rants, here's the Twitter page as well. Not that I'm entirely sure you guys will jump on that... but I can be funny... on occasion. =P

                  I PROMISE I'LL BE BACK AS SOON AS I CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!
                  Last edited by Wolf; May 16, 2010, 05:18:57 PM.
                  AIM: CeliaWells8 / Twitter: Scifi_Nerd
                  Won 2nd Place for Topic Of The Week 04, January, 2010!!!


                  • Also, Modesty Blaise author Peter O'Donnell passed away two weeks tomorrow. (I only just heard.)
                    Las Vegas Boulevard is jammed, and I'm in love...


                    • A Boy and His Frog

                      I've probably posted it before, but this is pretty much the definitive "A Boy and His Frog" music video.

                      Ignore the adult flag, there's nothing in any way inappropriate about it.

                      Oh, btw, here's a more-lighthearted, and around-twenty-years-newer, video from Tom. :-)

                      Last edited by Garrett Fitzgerald; May 17, 2010, 10:43:13 AM.
                      "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

                      "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."


                      • Thanks for that Garrett. I have never seen that before.
                        And for those of you who are wondering, at the end of the video, where there is a statue of Jim Henson and Kermit on a bench... I'll wait while you find it... That statue is at the University of Maryland College Park. Somewhere around my house is a picture of me on the bench, as well as me with Kermit as Testudo the Terp (the College Park mascot). He created a major of "Puppetry" when he did studio work with home ec as is described in the opening paragraph on the College Park Majors list.
                        And I believe that at one point in time, they temporarily renamed one of the streets in the college to Sesame Street.

                        And my book (squee!) is about angels, who rebelled, and are trapped on Earth. Yes, it is kind of a cliche and worn out topic, but I put my own twist on it. I even studied up on Paradise Lost and read a little bit into Inferno. I think that the previews for Legion started around the time I was writing, which made me concerned that angels are going to be the new vampires for a while.


                        • For the shortest Tuttle-post ever.

                          Last Tuesday I turned 21.

                          Saturday was commencement. I now have a fancy piece of paper saying I have a Bachelor of Science in Math and Computer Science.

                          I can't even pretend to be a student anymore :'( (until I get into grad school). But I gradumacated. Well, I did that back in February but I got the piece of paper last week.

                          Also, I do have to add on, three years seems both way longer and not as long as it has been.
                          We will remember you PM. And your little GingerBear.


                          • Yes. I DO exist. And many may have doubted it, thinking me a fly-by-night, but no, here I am to prove it! I have returned! *coughsortofcough* =)

                            And it wasn't as though I abandoned the forum out of sheer laziness/lack of interest- or on the other hand, some all-consuming event. Just the yearly end-of-school daily grind ground a bit hard for some weeks, and things sort of squibbled out the edges. But now I'm mostly done and have finally got back here! Yay!

                            So, in order:
                            I'd write more, but my mom just came in and asked me if the huge mess in my room is cleaned up yet. Which of course it isn't. And then she told me nonchalantly that she's helping dad clean up the garage. And she didn't think... did *I* want to help? So I think I'll go clean my room now.
                            LOL. Parents can be freakishly good at blackmailing....

                            Garrett: Oh my gosh, I LOVE the Shoggoth song! =D =D Thanks for the video. It's filking, neh? (I love that word. And I don't get to use it that often. *evil grin*)

                            Ooh, good luck on your book, estar- it sounds good! And congratulations on your acceptance and Tuttle's commencement!


                            • I do like that blackmail. I read it aloud to my mom, and she got some ideas... which sucks for my brothers. haha.

                              Hope that your play is going well estar. I can't remember, did it follow the book, or did you guys tweak it?

                              And congrats Tuttle! You're a college grad! That has got to be exciting.

                              And I have finished school for the summer. I believe that I aced all of my finals, and, aced all of my classes. So the 4.0 has continued. Woot woot! I read Garth Nix's Abhorsen trilogy the past two days -- I don't know how I missed it all these years. I am just so excited to read!

                              P.S. Glad to see that you still exist SB. It would probably not be fun if you suddenly stopped


                              • Originally posted by SilveredBlue View Post
                                Garrett: Oh my gosh, I LOVE the Shoggoth song! =D =D Thanks for the video. It's filking, neh? (I love that word. And I don't get to use it that often. *evil grin*)
                                Yup, that's filk. :-) Whatever filk is, at least -- the best definition I've heard is "Filk is music performed by filkers." :-)
                                "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

                                "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."

