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If SYWTBAW was turned into a movie...

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  • #31
    Anna Paquin as Nita? That... just doesn't seem right somehow, though it might be because I first saw her as Rogue and it's really hard to stop picturing actors as their characters in different movies. I went through half of Constantine thinking John Constantine = Neo.

    I've never seen Andrew Fogleman's stuff, but that's still not how I pictured Kit.

    Lindsay Lohan as Dairine? I admit that she would've been perfect when she was younger, but there's no way you could cast her now without warping the plot into eighth-dimensional origami.

    Unless someone found a real white hole that wanted to be Fred (somehow I doubt it), he'd have to be computer-generated.

    Josh Groban definitely looks like Ronan.

    That's not how I originally pictured Aunt Annie, but she suits the part.

    But that does not look like Mrs. Callahan.
    I'm cursed with an alien psychotic posing as my little sister. Plus, it makes very strange noises and doesn't always speak English.


    • #32
      I think that a movie of SYWTBAW should have open casting. There is just something about getting a whole bunch of no-names in there for the main roles taht would add a sense of loyalty to the books. I mean, really. Can you picture the cast with all of these huge Hollywood actors? Completely new actors to the big screen just seems best to me.


      • #33
        I don't much like the pictures on that site. I think Lindsay Lohan, even then, was too normal looking--not geeky enough. If she was a lot skinnier, that'd probably do it. Ronan, to me, was way more rugged looking. Not to mention younger. Josh Groban just looks too good-natured. (Not to mention he's a singer, not an actor, strictly speaking...) Margaret Hoard as Mrs. Callahan might work, if she put on just a little weight and changed her hairstyle. Something with bangs. Nothing to complain about with Mona Lee as Aunt Annie. Not my picture, but it would definitely work. I think the pictures of Anna Paquin they have there don't work at all. *She* may work, provided there's a good director, but she'd have to get into the quick-witted, New York attitude that permeates the books. My favorite pick there is Andrew Fogleman as Kit, with the exception that Kit is *Hispanic*. Too bad.

        Fred would definitely be computer generated... even if they found a white hole willing to cavort before a camera for them, everyone would get squished up against him anyway...

        Now that's been said, I have to say that many of the people, when speaking of the plot being twisted in the movie, show amazing lack of faith in DD. She's assertive enough to take care of herself, and experienced enough in the medium. If she does it, she'll make sure it's done *right*. If it means squabbling over getting the right director who'll take her suggestions, so be it. And that's that.

        I really like the trailer idea Fay put forward. But a macaw is kind of a boring subject to keep flashing back to--but we need the flashes, I think, for emphasis. So perhaps, rather than flashing back to Peach, flash to the faces of the people in the room--Kit and Nita look at each other uneasily, Carl arrested mid-movement, watching, Tom looking at Peach and frowning slightly.
        You could stick an ending there. Or, if you wanted a witty bent to it, you could go back to Peach and Tom frowning. Pause, music stopped. Then Tom, "Can't you be a little more specific?" And then you could do whatever you wanted, put a spiffy ending or whatnot. I'm not sure what would be done for the ending. I'll get back to you on that.

        Kli6--I can think of plenty ways a clever director could get the point across when it came to the internal stuff. Say, with the Speech and how it works--either narration or Nita reading aloud, from the manual. Or, when she's studying hard, maybe have her bending over the book and reading intently, taking notes, marking important pages with a finger and referring back to them...

        Most of the content in the books is completely family-friendly, although I can see DW needing revision for a movie. What I would worry about is the kid-friendliness of the content, or the wittiness of the dialogue, overpowering the seriousness of the entire situation. But DD would make it work.

        I'm not sure whether I'd prefer movie or TV series. The main problem I'm seeing, however it's adapted, is in the structure. In a TV series, each book would make up a story arc--and I'm not sure there's enough content in the books to make an entire arc. And I'm not wild about the idea of adding filler. But hey, if that's what DD decides, then I trust her judgement. On the other hand, a movie would need to be one per book. The only problem is, how is anybody going to get the funding for 9+ high-quality movies?

        ...That was a very long post.


        • #34
          To see the Young Wizards series come to life on the big screen would be the greatest dreamcometrue. From the moment I began reading, I started seeing it in my head... Diane has such a visual way of writing that I couldn't help but try to see everything. It seems as if she's practically writing a screenplay. These books are so important, both in terms of their quality AND in that they are metaphors for deeper issues that concern everyone in the world today that the more people they reach, the better. They're so real, but at the same time one of the most epic stories I've ever come across, I feel sorry for anyone who never takes the time to sit down and read it. So, basically, a movie of any one of these books would make me INSANELY HAPPY.

          EDIT: by the way, White Holes don't have intense gravitational fields, they emit. :3 So you wouldn't have to worry about everyone getting squished up against him. I'd be more worried about the lethal radiation and whatnot.
          We sit together,
          The mountain and I,
          Until only the mountain remains.
          - Li Po


          • #35
            if thy made the YW series into a movie i would do anything to see it on opening day.
            "Fairest and Fallen, greetings and defiance!" I would rather be hated for who i am than be loved for who i pretend to be!
            "People...stop being mean to each other.
            Especially for the sake of laughs. IT SPEEDS UP ENTROPY." -Diane Duane in chat.


            • #36
              I'd go see a YW movie on opening night, I've only ever done that for Chronicals of Narnia (just this Thursday), most good movies I'd just wait and see sometime opening week.

              For any of the books I've seen turned into a movie, the movie is almost always different in some way, sometimes minor, sometimes major changes. Some of the best discussions I've had about books started as discussions about the differences between the books and the movies, whether the omitted details were vital to the plot of the story, or meerly incidental. I've also read books I never would have after seeing the movie based on them, many excellent stories I probably never would have picked up otherwise.

              Sure, it could end up being different from the book, but those differences could add even more details into the storyline, and might reveal even more of the workings of the story than we are aware of just from the book.
              -Positronic Cat
              (I have sat between the great lion statues, hoping for a glimpse of the future.)


              • #37
                I can just invision it, the commercial for sywtbaw. It would be SO COOL! I wish they'd make it into a movie. My only worry is that they'd butcher it.

                not all that is gold glitters, not all who wander are lost


                • #38
                  I'd love to see SYWTBAW as a movie....... but then you always have that risk of turning it into a massive commercial franchise like HP, you know the whole........ dolls, action figures, board games.

                  So, I'd like to see it but..... well the whole, dolls and action figures that might come out of that. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                  • #39
                    For some of the internal stuff that has to do with the manual, you could have Nita narrating her thoughts with some echo.


                    • #40
                      try this for a trailer.

                      Narrator: Never, ever judge a book by it's cover.
                      [ Nita reading last part of Oath.]
                      Narrator: it just may change your life for good.
                      [ Nita and Kit peering into the Lone One's office/area]
                      Peach: don't look down.
                      [show random scences of the other Manhattan.]
                      Carl: never mind, i can start this in the meantime
                      Narrator: So You Want to be a Wizard
                      Peach: Don't be silly. you know there are no coincitences.
                      Narrator: coming on (release date here)

                      (check my spelling)
                      the most amazing band in the world... The Science of Sleep...


                      • #41
                        hmm. how about the guy who played Lupin in HP plays Tom?
                        Jim Carrey as Picchu and as the Lone Power. perfect.

                        Merged two posts - Peter
                        the most amazing band in the world... The Science of Sleep...


                        • #42
                          Personally, I'd love it if they would make a movie. It's so tiring knowing that I'll probably only meet one or two people outside the chatroom who ever heard of the book. At least this way I would be able to talk to people about it! Still...I suppose it would be even worse if they made it, messed it up, and all I ever heard of it was how bad the movie was.
                          I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                          For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                          • #43
                            OMG! That would be great to have it turned into a movie! If they do i want to be Nita or Carmela...Preferly Nita! I have her color of hair But im 5'8 umm a LITTLE TO TALL RIGHT? Well movies can always make you look shorter! And im tan so if they do the 2 on too! I live on the Beach! Any way who woundlnt want to be Nita or Kit right?? I have a "perfect nose" if that helps...It is small and cute..Every one i meet says "You have a good nose" and ill be like "umm thanks?" Lol Im rambling! Let me try out for cast if you do have a movie DD! I may be in the Carribean but i can fly to where ever! Dai All Talk to yall in the chat lata! If im not kicked off by the evil Lone One (Mom)Lol..Thats not funny is it..What Ever Bye!

                            Tori wizettechica91!
                            Love and be loved


                            • #44
                              eww, jim carrey as the LP?! NO WAY!!!


                              • #45
                                That would be so cool! I would deffinitly go.
                                Vampires are love.

